/ / Pork soup - tell the children a fairy tale

Pork soup - tell the children a fairy tale

It so happened that at home we dine rarely.On weekdays, children eat the first in kindergarten, my wife and I - at work, using the services of nearby cafes. On weekends we are most often invited to dinner at one of our mothers. Grandmothers take away the soul, preparing pickles for the children: both the first, and the second, and the third in the form of compote with pancakes, or something like that. In those rare cases when we have dinner at home, the wife is preparing. Thus, I still have not encountered the need to prepare first courses, that is, borscht or soups, specializing mainly in cooking meat, and sometimes desserts.

And so, on the eve of the next weekend the wife declaresthat their company arranges a raid on the nature, and all employees go to the country to have a rest. I have nothing against corporate parties, I tell her: go, relax. It was just at the same time that my mother called and said that she had a cold, and her mother-in-law was working that day - in general, the children are on me.

Well, with breakfast and dinner, I can handle it, but what aboutto be having lunch, do children have to eat hotter? Where ours did not disappear, I went to do an audit in the refrigerator. From the meat only frozen pork - pulled out, set to defrost. So it will be a very tasty pork soup. Then I checked the vegetables: so, there are potatoes (whole bag), there are onions, carrots, greens frozen in the freezer, there are all sorts of seasonings, I even found parsley root (there were a couple of roots left from the last cooking). It remains for her mother to call and find out how she cooks pork soup there.

Calling off, mom filed a valuable idea:the children are small, the first is not always eagerly, but if you make small meatballs from pork mince, then you can write a whole story about them. They live, they say, in a plate, like in the sea, small fish (sea hedgehogs, crabs, whoever you want), and we will be brave fishermen, now we will throw our fishing rods and spoons and catch all the fish to one. Doshkolyata will appreciate both a fairy tale and meatballs. With older children easier - here the main thing that was delicious.

He adopted the idea, a recipe dictated by his mother, put it in front of him and began to cook pork soup with noodles.

As soon as the meat was unfrozen (I’m a bithelped, cutting it into pieces and putting it in cold water), ground the meat in a meat grinder twice. Pork I took 300 grams. He added a yolk to the mince, crushed garlic clove, slightly peppered, slightly salted, rubbed grated on a grater and poured it with a small amount of boiling water so that the crackers swelled, and there too. Finished minced meat with a spoon a little, rolled a little bit in flour and formed small balls, and then threw them into boiling water in a saucepan.

Когда все фрикадельки были погружены в кипяток, я He added a few leaves, a parsley root and a peeled onion, which he pierced with a sharp knife in a couple of places. My children do not like floating onions in soup, and the onion, cooked entirely, will give all its juice to the broth, and then you can easily pull it out.

Vegetables next to pork soup, butcertain order. I took 4 potatoes and cut them into small cubes so that they fit into the baby’s mouth. Threw everything into the pot. Carrot chose one big one. I cut a third from it, cut it into thin plates and cut several stars out of them. It turned out another underwater inhabitants - starfish. The rest of the carrot was grated and stewed for 10 minutes in a griddle with vegetable oil. Then I transferred the contents of the pan to the pan, where my pork soup was boiled.

With vegetables figured out, it was the turn of pastaproducts. At home, I found a special, thin vermicelli, already finely chopped - ideal for my soup. One caveat - pasta must be from durum wheat, otherwise they will be boiled soft and will turn into porridge.

Через 7 минут, как только вермишель сварилась, I turned off the soup. I threw the chopped parsley into the pan and squeezed half a lemon. Poured pork soup with meatballs (fish) on plates, called the guys at the table - and the tale began! Of course, they ate, of course, everything, it was already cracking behind the ears.

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