/ / Ice cream "Clean Line": reviews of experts and buyers

Ice cream "Clean Line": reviews of experts and buyers

Ice cream is one of your favorite dessertsonly children, but also adults. The older generation very often repeats that the real true quality plombir was made only in Soviet times. To their pleasant surprise, the ice cream of the brand "Clean Line" is exactly that made according to GOST standards, exclusively from natural ingredients. Today we not only get to know more about the plomby delicacy, but also learn about the ice cream "Clean Line" from experts, employees and ordinary consumers.

ice cream net line reviews

Opinion of experts on the "Clean Line"

When studying the composition of the product, it is difficult not to reverseIts attention to the fact that it consists of natural and simple components. Namely: whole cow milk, 40% cream fat, condensed whole milk with sugar, granulated sugar, whole milk powder, dry glucose syrup, skimmed milk powder, purified water, stabilizer-emulsifier and vanillin.

Reviews of experts on the ice cream "Clean Line" arepositive character. And this is due to the useful properties of the product. This may seem strange, as we have become accustomed to the fact that ice cream, which is now abundant in the consumer market, is already far from the true name of "ice cream". But the "Clean Line" is such a dessert: natural, tasty and useful. We will go into more detail in its useful properties.

Useful properties of dairy dessert

Ice cream "Clean Line" contains in its compositioncholine and a large number of vitamins: B group (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 12), D, E, H, K and PP. In addition, it contains micronutrients and macro elements: zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, molybdenum, boron, copper, vanadium, sodium, phosphorus, tin, titanium, silicon and cobalt.

clean line ice cream excursion reviews

Agree, it sounds impressive?Not just a dessert, but a well of health for any living organism. A combination of taste, good and excellent mood. Maybe, for this reason, reviews about ice cream "Clean Line" are always positive, whoever expresses their opinion.

Excursion to the dairy factory

Manufacturer "Clean Line" is ready to providesweet tooth the opportunity to open the veil of secrecy making your favorite treat. Regular excursions are carried out for this purpose. Here you can not only see the stages of becoming a product, but also become a witness of a master class on decorating your favorite ice cream, and also a participant in the creation of this dessert.

Schoolboys and parents like to be here.After all, indescribable impressions of the fabulous atmosphere in the factory can not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, reviews about the tour (ice cream "Clean Line") is always exciting and tremulous. Perhaps, you will not manage to meet any negative opinion after a pleasant and fascinating pastime at a dairy factory.

Format of the excursion

The production of any product, and especiallyfood products, is associated with compliance with the strictest requirements of sanitation. Before entering the shop you will be provided with disposable clothing consisting of a bathrobe, hats and shoe covers, and will be obliged to conduct disinfection of the hands. After a little coaching, you find yourself in almost sterile ice cream production facilities. During the excursion the children are accompanied by an animator and a nurse with a suitcase of the first ambulance. In the shop where the wafer cups are baked, they will be offered tasting - there is no limit to the enthusiasm of the children. Then follows the shop for the production of ice cream: a set of mixtures, dosage, hardening, movement on the conveyor and packaging of the product.

Tasting fresh unsweetened ice cream gives real pleasure. The next - the most exciting stage in the excursion of small sweet tooth - is tasting.

ice cream factory clean line

And here the reviews about the excursion to the ice cream factory "Pure Line" will be the most joyful, because involvement in the amazing is remembered forever.

What do employees think about working in the Clean Line?

The company "Clean Line" is Russianthe leader in the production of ice cream. This is due to the demand for quality products. And therefore the company employs a large number of staff. And today we learn the feedback of employees, the ice cream "Clean Line" producing, and the opinion of what it's like to work in such a serious production organization.

excursion to the ice cream factory clean line reviews

In terms of products, employees, as well asconsumers, agree that this delicious treat, which can not leave anyone indifferent. Individuals attending excursions to the plant of the company, note the well-coordinated work of professionals in their field, and also speak about employees as those who are devoted to their work.

As for working moments atemployment, then here is mainly negative experience of people, those who came across the "Clean Line". One very important fact should be taken into account: work in production is always a heavy and responsible activity that requires a lot of human resources. Perhaps this is what caused the negative opinion about the work in the company.

Customer Reviews "Clean Line"

We already know that the reviews from the ice cream factory "Clean Line" are a complete delight and admiration. And what about the customers who first encountered dairy products?

Buyers almost all in one voice claim 3 main points, which should pay attention to fans of ice cream:

  • Natural composition with a short shelf life,where there is a large number of types of milk (dry, whole, cream), prepared according to GOST standards. This fact is positively noted by consumers.
  • "Taste of childhood" - this is the most common phrase that sounds from enthusiastic sweet tooth.
  • High cost - one biscuit of ice cream weighing 450 grams will cost around 280-330 rubles.

clean line ice cream employee feedback

Based on the above, reviews of ice cream"Clean line" is not just positive, but admired. Since many buyers refer not only to their preference for dessert of the Russian manufacturer for other famous brands, but also recommend this ice cream to their friends. And also become fans of dessert "Clean Line".

Participation in the "Control Purchase"

Many people know the broadcast on the First Federalchannel, where independent experts and buyers assess the taste, consumer qualities of products, as well as their chemical composition. The purpose of the program is to identify the winner among the presented products of one segment. Ice cream "Clean Line" became a participant in one of the programs where, in addition to it, products from other well-known brands were presented.

In order to make an honest and unbiased decision-makingbuyers tasted ice cream, not knowing what number is hidden this or that brand of favorite delicacies. In the opinion of the majority, reviews were made of the ice cream "Clean Line" as the most delicious dessert that received the largest number of votes. 3 samples of ice cream were sent to the laboratory for the study of the chemical composition.

Based on the results of all stages of the audit and the opinions of customers, the ice cream called "Clean Line" won an unconditional victory.

ice cream net line reviews by experts


Today we learned about the reviews of ice cream "Netline "of consumers, experts and even employees who work in this company.It can be said without exaggeration that the Russian manufacturer makes natural and very tasty ice cream.If until now you have not had the chance to taste ice cream" as a child "and purchase your personal experience to form a review of the "Clean Line", maybe it should be fixed in the near future?

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