/ / Manchester: benefit and harm. Cooking recipes

Manka: good and bad. Cooking recipes

Manka - wheat crushed croup.It is produced only from hard wheat varieties. From the mango you can cook pie, porridge, dumplings and much more. In the article we will consider in more detail what a manga is. The use and harm of semolina porridge is an actual topic for today.

Useful properties of manga

This groats are prepared quickly.It is well absorbed by the body, as it contains very little fiber (only 0.2%). Liquid manna porridge is useful for people with a sick stomach. For example, if a person has pancreatitis, you can not consume milk. But doctors advise regularly to eat porridge from semolina.

mango good and bad

Due to this croup, the person regains his strength after the illness and cleanses the body. In the manga there is a lot of gluten, starch, protein, phosphorus, calcium, which the human body needs so much.

Since there is a lot of iron in the manke, it is recommendedto use for people with decreased hemoglobin. Regular use improves health. In the postoperative period, a diet is required, so doctors often appoint semolina. It is nutritious and does not irritate the stomach, which is very important for the patient.

Harmful properties of manga

There is an opinion that it is very useful for children.Therefore, for a long time, babies are fed with semolina porridge. However, many doctors believe that children do not need a manga. The benefits and harm of high-calorie cereals are sufficiently studied.

Children's stomach is hard to digest starch,which is in the croup. There is also such a substance in it as mucopolysaccharide gliadin. It can promote the necrosis of the villi that cover the walls of the intestine.

In the croup there is a fitin. Not so much, but because of it the microflora of the intestines changes. Therefore, vitamin D and iron, contained in the croup, are very poorly absorbed by the body.

If an adult will often eat semolinaporridge, he is not afraid of the above. In the diet of an elderly person, this groat is needed, since the dishes from it are easily digested and do not irritate the intestines. Therefore, the manga is not harmful to everyone.

Manka: recipe

Manna porridge is associated with childhood.She is loved by many children. It is prepared quickly, easily and turns out very tasty. As a rule, semolina can be cooked on milk and on water. If properly prepared, it will be delicious. However, the milk on milk is more nutritious, rich and tasty.

manga recipe

To the porridge is not burnt, the bottom of the pan you needpour about 20 ml of water. After boiling, add 320 g of milk and 1 tbsp. l. cereals. This is the standard ratio when the porridge turns out average. If you want more dense, then add more cereals. For liquid porridge, about 400 ml of water is needed.

When the milk is poured, put on the fire andbring to a boil. Advice of experienced housewives: in order not to have lumps in the porridge, mix in a separate bowl, a pinch of salt and sugar to taste, and only then, with a thin trickle, pour it into the boiling milk, slowly stirring the contents of the pan. Reduce heat to a minimum, without stopping to stir, and cook for another five minutes.

Turn off the fire, put in a porridge of 5 g of butter and cover. It turned out very tasty manga. The recipe is simple, so it can be mastered even by a teenager.

Making manga in a multivark

In this way, the porridge is brewed even faster.Manka in the multivariate is very delicious and, what is most pleasant, it does not need to be constantly interfered with, as in the previous recipe. The bowl is covered with a non-stick layer, so the porridge will not burn.

For preparation, pour into a multivark 2 cupsmilk and 1 tbsp. l. water. Add 2 tbsp. l. semolina and 5 g of butter. Once stop, close the lid and turn on the "Milk porridge" mode for 3 minutes.

semolina on milk

When the multivarker has disconnected, you can shiftporridge in a plate. Sometimes semolina porridge is taken with lumps. Then rub it through a sieve or fork. The lumps are gone. Munk with milk is one of the most common ways of cooking porridge. On the water it does not turn out so delicious and saturated. Since the dishes from the mango are quite caloric, try to eat them in the morning.

Pumpkin pie with a manga

Many interesting and tasty dishes are prepared from this cereal. One of them is a pumpkin mannik. For its preparation, eggs, flour, butter are not needed. Pumpkin pie is very similar to sweets from the East.

Preparation: grated pumpkin (2 tablespoons), combine with sugar (approximately 100 g). Add zest of one lemon, a glass of yogurt and 1.5 tbsp. semolina. Shake well and thoroughly.

The resulting mixture is evenly placed on theA pan that needs to be oiled beforehand. Turn the oven on 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, check for readiness with a match so that the cake does not burn.

In the meantime, while baking is being prepared, cook the syrup. Take 1 glass of sugar, 0.5 tbsp. water and add the juice of one lemon. Cook for 5 minutes. You can add berry or fruit jam.

When the pie is ready, pour it over the syrup andfor impregnation leave in the switched off oven for another 20 minutes. Now you can get and sprinkle with your favorite nuts, coconut shavings or dried fruits (chopped prunes or dried apricots). In this dish, unnoticed added manga. The benefits and harm to her are known to you, so use with caution and do not overdo it.

how to cook a mango

For decoration, you can use seasonal berries or fruits. This pie perfectly matches with oranges, raspberries, strawberries or blackberries. Black currant will also be appropriate.


Now you know what the manga is made of.The benefits and harm of cereals is a topic that requires special attention. After semolina porridge is often given to young children. To prepare cereals without lumps, you do not need to pour it all into the water or milk at once. Fall asleep a little by little. In the formation of unpleasant lumps, you can rub porridge through a fine sieve.

Do not forget that the semolina is highly digested,so do not put too much cereal. First, the porridge will burn, in the second - it will turn out very thick. How to make a manga properly, every housewife knows. It is believed that it is very easy to prepare a dish that does not require special skills.

manga in the multivark

If you add a lot of oil, the porridge will turn outtasty, but greasy. Munk on water is, rather, a dietary dish for people with lactose intolerance. Try to cook porridge only on milk of your home. Then it will not only be delicious, but also very useful.

Many children like this delicacy with raisins, but withoutfoam or lumps. If the child feels an unpleasant aftertaste, then you can not persuade him to eat the mango. So try the first time to cook a delicious porridge.

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