/ / How are fixed assets accounted for in accounting

How are fixed assets accounted for in accounting

The main means of material calledvalues ​​that are used in the manufacture of products, for the performance of various works and services, in managing companies for a period exceeding 12 months, regardless of their value. And those items that at the time of purchase at a cost exceed a hundred times the minimum monthly wage, and which do not depend on their useful life.

Fixed assets in accounting these are buildings, buildings, machinery and equipment,which is used for primary activities, instrumentation, computing, perennial planting, productive livestock, roads, vehicles and other fixed assets. And also, bowels, forests, rivers, land, both own and leased. All capital investments and improvement works are also taken into account annually as part of fixed assets.

Machinery and equipment and those items thatare in transit, are stored in warehouses as finished products, purchased for sale as a product, put into installation are not considered fixed assets, and they are not depreciated.

All fixed assets in accounting conditionally divided according to their purpose into twolarge groups: production, which directly participate in the work of the enterprise (machinery, equipment, shops, transport) and non-production fixed assets (buildings, baths, dormitories, canteens, etc.) that do not participate in the production process, but affect the manufacturing process production or performance of work by the enterprise.

By degree of use fixed assets in accounting divided into own, rented, locatedin stock, at conservation, at reconstruction or at the stage of completion. The fixed assets that are acquired from the supplier, received free of charge as a gift, are contributed by the founder to the authorized capital and other income are put on record.

Upon enrolment fixed assets in accounting приходуются по первоначальной стоимости.This may be the cost specified by the supplier under the contract or invoice, but taking into account all the costs of delivery, installation and installation of equipment. If the asset is contributed by the founder to the share capital, the initial cost is negotiable and is reflected in the act of acceptance. In the case of a gift, the initial value is the market price of the item.

The accounting reflects the recovery,liquidation and residual value of the asset. Under the replacement cost, they understand the value that will need to be paid at the market price when replacing the fixed asset with a new one, similar if it is unsuitable for use.

The residual value is equal to the difference between the initial value and the amount of depreciation. Depreciation in accounting represents a uniform distributionthe value of the asset during the entire period of useful life. Thus, there is a write-off of physical and moral depreciation. In the production of the amount of depreciation transferred to the cost of production. When you submit a tax return, the amount of depreciation is taken fully deducted.

When calculating depreciation for accounting takethe difference between the initial and residual value of the funds. Under the liquidation value understand the value that the company expects to receive after its full depreciation in the implementation or liquidation of the asset. It is more convenient to consider the liquidation value equal to zero in order to avoid misunderstandings during tax audits. It is necessary to reflect in the accounting policies of the enterprise.

Monthly ongoing asset depreciation accounting на все основные средства, которые используются for the work of the enterprise. Begin depreciation from the 1st day of the month following the month of commissioning of the asset. Finish the depreciation from the 1st day of the next month after its retirement or the full write-off of its value from the balance. Depreciation charge for the entire period of useful life during which the company receives income. Do not charge depreciation on land, mineral wealth, monuments and works of art, library funds.

In tax accounting there are fixedinterest rates for each group of fixed assets. But each enterprise has the right to independently establish the useful period of validity of fixed assets and revise the dates with regard to their reconstruction and modernization, but with an indication of this in the accounting policies.

Disposal of fixed assets occurs when the write-offin case of unsuitability under the act on write-off (OS-4) and the defect list. The fixed asset can be sold, donated, issued under the contract and the corresponding invoices - invoices and invoices. You can make as a contribution to the share capital in another organization under the Acceptance Act (OC-1). Or issue a lease agreement, lease.

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