/ / The purpose of the establishment and opening of the Asian Development Bank

The purpose of the creation and opening of the Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is engaged in one ofmost important areas of development of our time - the fight against poverty. It operates in a region where about 700 million people live with an income of less than $ 1 per day and 1.9 billion (more than a quarter of the world's population) with an income of less than $ 2 per day.

Asian Development Bank

Historical reference

ADB was conceived in the 60s as a financial institutionpromoted economic growth, intergovernmental cooperation in one of the poorest regions of the world. The resolution adopted in 1963 at a special Ministerial Conference of neighboring countries brought dreams closer to reality.

The opening of the Asian Development Bank occurred 19.12.1966 year. Initially, the main goal was declared support for agricultural areas. In the 60s, the organization concentrated most of its food production assistance. Manila was chosen as the center for placement of ADB. The first president was Takeshi Watanabe.

opening of the Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Bank: the goal of creating

The financial institution has a noble mission. Organization:

  • promotes sustainable economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region, in which all member countries are interested;
  • plays a crucial role in development processes;
  • acts as a catalyst in economic and social processes;
  • promotes regional and subregional cooperation.

In the fight against poverty, ADB works in two main areas:

  • providing financial support for specific projects and programs to reduce poverty and ensure economic growth;
  • preparation of recommendations and analysis to the governments of member countries for use in the improvement of their policies, as well as institutions for the purpose of raising the standard of living of the population.

Asian Development Bank and Russia

Information Policy

The Bank has developed a strategic informationthe program. It defines the content of informational messages, target audiences and their transmission channels. To work effectively, ADB works with various organizations and the general public.

To create strong and productive partnerships.The relationship highlights its activities, the motivation of the Asian Development Bank and the goals of its activities are clear and understandable. To gain trust and stimulate development with the active participation of the public, ADB demonstrates openness and responsibility by actively sharing information and receiving feedback from all stakeholders.


The Asian Development Bank is a multilateralan organization whose shareholders are 67 member countries, 48 ​​from the region and 19 from other parts of the world. ADB’s main tools to assist its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical assistance.

ADB Asian Development Bank

Financial activities

The bank has significant savings forinvestment projects. If at the dawn of formation, he was operating with sums of slightly more than $ 1 billion, by the 80th the fund reached $ 10 billion. The organization met the XXI century with an impressive capital of $ 50 billion.

The structure of activity is simple:rich borrowing governments replenish the ADB investment fund, which helps implement development projects in poor regions. Lending conditions are very attractive when compared with the commercial financial market.


В 2015 году объём кредитования Азиатского банка development amounted to $ 15.45 billion (107 projects), the volume of technical assistance (TA) $ 141.30 million (199 projects) and the volume of programs financed by grants amounted to $ 365.15 million (17 projects).

In addition, $ 10.74 billion of direct co-financing in the form of official loans and grants, other concessional financing and commercial co-financing was generated. Among them:

  • class “B” loans;
  • risk transfer mechanisms;
  • co-financing guarantees;
  • parallel loans;
  • parallel capital;
  • co-financing operations under the ADB Trade Facilitation Program.

For the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2015ADB's average annual lending averaged $ 12.93 billion. In addition, the volume of investment grants and TAs financed by ADB and special funds resources averaged $ 580.66 million and $ 150.23 million in TA over the same period.

In 2016, ADB operations reached unprecedenteda maximum of $ 31.5 billion, an increase of 17% compared to 2015. Institutional loans and grants for sovereign and non-sovereign operations reached $ 17.5 billion (an increase of 9%), non-concessional loans amounted to $ 14.4 billion. Concessional borrowings exceeded $ 3.1 billion. Technical assistance increased by about 20% to $ 170 million.

Asian Development Bank will help Russia

Asian Development Bank: Will It Help Russia?

Most of the territory of Russia is concentrated inAsia, occupying a third of the continent. Although Russia does not belong to the poorest countries, cooperation with ADB seems logical. The issue of integration is being actively discussed as long as the country has observer status in the structure of the bank.

The barrier to entry is alert.the position of the main shareholders of ADB - Japan and the United States. However, a diplomatic breakthrough in the dialogue with Japan and a change in the political and economic course of the new US administration are bringing the idea of ​​Russia's entry into the bank as a donor country.

Membership will allow the Russian Federation to deepeninteraction with APEC member states. Investment programs in agriculture, support for private initiatives, assistance in the development of infrastructure projects are priorities for the Asian Development Bank, and Russia needs co-financing of these projects.

Asian Development Bank goal creation

Activities in the CIS countries

ADB is actively cooperating with Central Asiancountries: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan has been cooperating with ADB since 1994. The bank has allocated $ 4.4 billion for the country for projects in agriculture, irrigation, education, the financial sector, transport, water supply and sanitation. The total volume of mastered funds of the Asian Development Fund was $ 3.74 billion.

The organization is involved in the reconstruction of 375 kminternational transit corridor in the Zhambyl region, which is almost completed. Repair of the 470 km Aktau-Beyneu highway in the Mangystau region, which should reduce the average travel time from 12 to 4 hours, is in the process of implementation.

In 2015, ADB approved a loan of $ 1 billion forassistance to Kazakhstan in the implementation of economic programs aimed at combating a sharp decline in world oil prices and economic recession in neighboring countries. In the energy sector, it provides technical assistance in the development of a project for the modernization of heat supply networks.

Since the beginning of cooperation, ADB has approved sixprivate sector projects in Kazakhstan totaling $ 455.2 million in financing million in 2012.

Since the 1996th program of the Asian Bankdevelopment in such areas as transport, energy, water and sanitation, education and finance, have a significant impact on the lives of people in Uzbekistan. The close working relationship between ADB and the government allowed the bank in 2009 to double its resources invested in the republic. For example, the program of credit unions helped to ensure the flow of money for the most needy and low-income households, as well as for small and micro enterprises. The bank contributed to the creation of a network of 100 credit unions, bringing together 141,000 members, with $ 88 million in deposits and a $ 107 million loan portfolio.

Women in rural communities of Uzbekistan receivedcash and mastered the skills necessary to establish a successful home-based production. The initiative helped more than 1,000 women save money, and at least 80% of them later opened their own business.

Asian Development Bank is


Несмотря на превращение Азии в экономический the motor of the planet, the real situation is ambiguous. While the work of the Asian Development Bank contributed more than half to reducing extreme poverty, the region still has 1.2 billion people living on $ 3 a day, almost 3/4 of children in the world are underweight. 600 million inhabitants are deprived of electricity, 1.7 billion people do not use improved sanitation. ADB needs to do an incredible amount of work for the sustainable development of the world's poorest regions.

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