/ / Description and rating of real estate agencies in Moscow

Description and rating of real estate agencies in Moscow

The modern real estate market can not do withoutrealtor agencies that play the role of an intermediary between the seller and the buyer of residential and non-residential premises. It is the realtor who will help to conclude a properly drawn up contract from the legal point of view, provide housing options that meet the individual criteria of the buyer, or give the seller the opportunity to sell their square meters in a short space of time without reducing their declared value.

As in most areas, real estate servicesare also susceptible to various frauds, because of which people lose their homes over their heads, multimillion-dollar sums, or they buy a house with existing tenants. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to choose real estate agencies whose ratings in Moscow are kept at a high level. For a basis we shall take the data presented by portal DomGo ru.

3 place - "TsIAN"

Most of the information now flows inInternet, so it's not surprising that some real estate agencies work exclusively with a virtual audience, exposing the publicly checked content. The Central Information Agency of Real Estate ("TsIAN") is one of the largest databases reflecting actual announcements about buying, selling and renting real estate. The site, included in the rating of real estate agencies in Moscow, provides an opportunity for Internet users to evaluate their own apartments in order to set an actual and acceptable market price.

Rating of real estate agencies in Moscow

Significant advantages of CIAN include: free customer service and coverage not only of Moscow, but of all of Russia.

2nd place - Miel

One of the best real estate agencies in Moscow,the rating of which reached the second line is "Miel". The beginning of work of the organization has begun at all in branch of transactions with the real estate. Literally the name of the company stands for "Moscow Information Electronic Laboratory". In 1990, the organization declared itself for the first time as a system developer of complex algorithms for production, then began work on the organization in Russia, including the White House, of international automatic telephone communications. Only in 1993, Miel became a full-fledged real estate agency.

best real estate agencies moscow rating

In Moscow, 54 offices are located, the main ones are located at the following addresses:

  • ul. Prospekt Mira, 103;
  • Leningradskoe highway, 13;
  • ul. Domodedovskaya, house 20.

The main groups of services of the agency are divided into the following categories:

  1. Secondary housing market.Includes the design of long-distance transactions, the registration of the transfer of ownership of real estate, the organization of urgent transactions, the support of purchases and sales, exchange, peer review and much more.
  2. Operations with new buildings, including mortgages, purchase of housing of different comfort.
  3. Transactions with suburban real estate. In this category, evaluation and examination of living quarters, the processing of transactions is possible.
  4. Rent of various real estate in terms of size, value and comfort.
  5. Assistance in mortgage registration.
  6. Work with foreign real estate, including in Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany and other countries.

1 place - INCOM-Real Estate

The leading position in the rating of real estate agencies in Moscow is occupied by INCOM-Real Estate, which has been operating in Russia since 1991. Public recognition is reflected in the agency's awards:

  • Status of Icon of Russia as one of the most recognizable symbols of Russia;
  • According to the compiled rating of the world analytical agency Synovate Comcon, INCOM-Real Estate is a company with a solid corporate reputation in Russia;
  • 271 place in the list of the largest companies of Russia "Finance-500" and many others.

The main work is aimed at organizing turnover with urban, suburban and commercial real estate.

real estate agencies moscow rating

In the catalog of services other than traditional (rent, purchase, sale of real estate) includes such specific forms of support as:

  1. Help developers in the management of sales of new properties.
  2. Development consulting.
  3. Coordination of re-planning and separate entrance.
  4. Leasing services and so on.

Main office addresses:

  • ul. Novy Arbat, 11, building. 1;
  • Kashirskoye sh., 94, bldg. 1;
  • ul. Prospect Mira, 36, building 1.

Firms included in TOP-10

Rating of real estate agencies in Moscow and shareoffers on the market are inextricably linked. The more the firm checks the ads and provides the services, the more reliable it is. For example, "ABC of Housing" - a company that offers more than 3220 ads, takes 7th place in the rating of real estate agencies in Moscow, while "Arsenal Holding" (687 offers) - 9th place.

real estate agencies moscow rating share

In addition to the listed organizations, the following are among the best:

  • "BEST Real Estate";
  • "New quality";
  • "Domostroy-Real Estate";
  • «НВД-Realty»;
  • «GLAVMOSSTROY-Real Estate».

Thus, the rating of real estate agenciesMoscow is represented both by information bases and by full-fledged organizations that provide a huge range of services. All these firms have been tested for years and earned their status thanks to satisfied customers and legally correct actions in the real estate market.

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