If the securities are already on the market,then make a report and determine their value will not be difficult and will take about two working days. The stock exchange quotation, the issuer and the type of security itself are factors that affect the estimated value.
In our time, the share securities are gaining popularity.This is also a stock, and they are the main commodity when working in the market. The valuation of securities, shares, evaluation of equity securities is quite the same. Depending on their type, the payment of income (dividends) is made:
- preference shares.It is possible to pay a smaller amount of dividends, which was stipulated in advance, and does not depend on the profitability of the enterprise. At liquidation of a firm the owner can receive the part of actives of the enterprise, and as to receive a part of profit (dividends) for the last years. At the owner's request, they can be exchanged for ordinary shares.
Evaluation of securities (bonds, bills of exchange,bills and other) is made under certain circumstances: obtaining a loan (if the security is a security), forming the authorized capital of the company, buying this asset, determining the company's market value at the moment, issuing securities (in this case, the presence of an independent appraiser) .
In case the security was not earlier on the exchange and there is no information on its
- its profitability is determined;
- the current situation of the wound is evaluated;
- the reliability of the issuer, its stability and financial condition are checked.
Evaluation of securities, shares of the enterprise, is to determine the share of business, which in this case will be expressed in monetary terms.
The action is an issuing Central Bank and grants the right to participate in the management of the firm and receive dividends.
When working with securities there is a concept"Quotation of securities." In this case, the price determination is already taking place in three markets simultaneously: exchange, primary and "street". It takes into account the evaluation conducted before the sale, the determination of the course, the publication and registration of these courses in the bulletins of the exchange and various business publications.
The valuation of securities reflects their liquidity.Liquidity is determined by the speed of sales of securities on the stock exchange or outside it at a market price that directly depends on the issuer of these assets. In Russia, the shares are highly liquid: Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel, Mosenergo.