/ / Advantageous mortgage for building a house

Advantageous mortgage for building a house

Dream of own country house canto become a reality even in the event that there are not enough funds for construction. To do this, it is enough to apply to one of the banks and this type of loan, such as a mortgage for the construction of a house, you will be guaranteed to be issued. This type of lending can also be obtained through a broker. It all depends on what your credit history is, and how much time you are willing to spend on getting it.

Pros and Cons of these proposals

  1. We issue a loan in the bank.

Applying to the bank and applying for a loan, as well as having issued all the necessary documents, you have to wait a long time.

mortgages for construction
In order to obtain a loan, such asmortgages for construction, you will need to provide a large number of documents, and accordingly spend a lot of time. But there is one plus. It consists in the fact that in the bank the interest rate on mortgages for building a house is slightly lower than that of a broker, and only because the broker, if you apply to him, does all the work to obtain a profitable loan for you. Therefore, many today prefer to register and receive a loan through a broker. There are a lot of reasons for this, which we will try to voice below.


2. We issue a loan through a broker.

To begin with, what is meant by the word "broker" is understooda specialized company whose main purpose is to help the client in obtaining a bank loan. It makes life easier not only for those who do not manage to take a document directly from the bank for a reason in the bank, such as mortgages for building a house, but also for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on all this paperwork. Therefore, by obtaining a loan through a broker, you can count on the following services:

a) A reliable mortgage broker will pick up for youthe most suitable mortgage. For the bulk of borrowers, the most fundamental issue is always in choosing the most profitable lending. That is, the broker is guided by your possibilities in the monthly payment of the loan and the rights with respect to the purchased home.

б) Правильно и быстро оформит заявку.Realizing all the subtleties of the requirements for borrowers in a particular bank, the mortgage broker will be able to show your candidacy on the best hand and arrange the entire package of necessary documents. The difference between the way an amateur draws up, and how an expert conducts business is very huge and can be very significant.

c) Prepare a loan agreement after settlement andagreeing the loan amount with the client. According to statistics, the number of positive decisions on loan applications submitted through prof. brokers, by 30-40% more than on applications from borrowers of individuals.

d) Substantially will save money on a credit transaction.

Vacation home
Mortgage lending, which is formalizedmortgages for the construction of a country house - a rather complicated process, and the cost of a mortgage is not limited to monthly payments. Therefore, in any particular case, they will be individual. The broker will help to make the necessary calculations and discover the probable "pitfalls" in the proposed contract. After checking these data, a mortgage contract is concluded with maximum benefit to the client.

e) Carry out refinancing of the transaction (if it fallsinterest rates on loans). Now in Russia there is a system of refinancing loans, and this service is actively used and mastered by all mortgage brokers. It is they who undertake the full implementation of transactions related to refinancing. That is, if the credit rate drops, the company will recalculate under the mortgage agreement.

f) Find the most loyal creditor.One who will not refuse to issue a loan. Refusal to grant a loan to an individual or legal entity is a very common situation in a bank. And there are many reasons for this. That's it, and they can easily and quickly eliminate the mortgage broker, who takes full responsibility for himself.

All the advantages of applying to a mortgage broker for obtaining a "mortgage for the construction of a house" are obvious. Therefore. If you are interested in the offer, we will be happy to help in this matter, please contact us!

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