/ / Property tax rebates for retirees. tax code

Property tax benefits for retirees. tax code

Today we have to find out whether there are benefits onproperty tax for retirees. And what are the obligatory payments should make the elderly in Russia. It is not a secret for anyone that old age is a good reason for offering any concessions or discounts. Russia is no exception. Here, pensioners are trying to offer as many opportunities as possible that could make their lives easier. But not everyone knows about these features. Are there property tax rebates for retirees? If so, what are they expressed in? What you need to get these? All this will be discussed further.

property tax benefits for pensioners

Not everywhere

It should be immediately noted:most of the fees to the state treasury are regional in nature. That is, they are not governed by the Tax Code. And the rules of their collection are established by each subject of the Russian Federation separately.

Therefore, it is not so easy to say whetherbenefits for retirees in relation to the payment of taxes. Much depends on your region of residence. Somewhere older people are completely exempt from these payments, in some places they are given a discount. And sometimes there are no indulgences at all. So the solution to this issue will have to deal with in each region separately. But there are some general rules that apply to the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Privileges on property tax for pensioners have a number of features. Knowing them, you can easily find the answer to the question before us.


So, the first thing you need to pay attention tothe most common case. Older people are most often recognized as disabled. And people with disabilities in Russia have concessions, regardless of age. But he, of course, is also taken into account.

The thing is that the benefits for disabled pensionersin a similar situation provided. If you have a disability of 1 or 2 groups, then, most likely, you will be completely exempted from paying the property to the state treasury. In most regions, this is the rule.

But the disabled group 3 can only hope forthe provision of certain discounts in relation to property tax charges. The maximum that is due to such citizens is a 50% benefit from the total amount of the payment. If you think about it, these are also very good conditions.

payment of property tax

Military and veterans

Payment of property tax, as it has already become known, is mandatory for all taxpayers. But pensioners here have their own characteristics and benefits. Not always, but very often.

The next category of beneficiaries is veterans andpersons who participated in hostilities are also categories equal to them. Such citizens receive benefits on property tax. For pensioners who fall into this category, quite often there is a full exemption from property contributions. So far it is difficult to find at least 1 region where this feature is ignored. However, in reality, such a privilege is not used very often. All this is due to the fact that there are few citizens belonging to this group of people. But the discount is still there, and it is a fact.


Property tax benefits for pensionersmay be different. In the same way as the corresponding contributions. The type of payments plays an important role in the consideration of the question put before us today. What can be said about tax "extortion" in relation to vehicles?

property tax return

In general, the payment of tax on property of this typeis made always and by all without exception. Is that some categories of beneficiaries (veterans, the military, the disabled, employees engaged in repairing roads) are completely exempted from it. Pensioners, oddly enough, get a discount. But no more than that. For full exemption from transport tax will have to have a small vehicle in the property. At the same time, the exact conditions in each subject of the Russian Federation are set separately. After all, the transport tax is regional in nature.

How much should pensioners pay for theircars? Most often, they are given a benefit, which allows not to pay up to 90% of the total fee. It turns out that older people for transport to the tax authorities deduct only 10 percent of the accrued amount. Not a bad discount, which is valid almost everywhere. Although its exact dimensions will have to clarify. But you can rely on the data.


Go ahead. Now it is worth considering the land tax. Often people own land plots as property. It is not a secret for anyone that you have to pay for them too.

benefits for pensioners

Льгота на землю пенсионерам не предоставляется.None at all. That is, this means that land tax in 2016 in Russia is the same for everyone. Moreover, it is planned to increase it annually by 20% until 2020. In this case, no discounts and concessions for the elderly is not provided. And this kind of rules do not plan to change at all.

Perhaps land tax is one of the fewmoments in which all citizens are equal before the state. So if suddenly one of the old men offers to rewrite the land on it, in order to exclude additional expenses, they should not be trusted. According to Russian laws, land tax is paid in full by all taxpayers without exceptions and discounts.


На этом дело не заканчивается.There is another tax on property of individuals. Benefits for pensioners, as we found out, will not be provided in all cases. What can be said about the so-called income tax? Do I need to pay it and in what amount?

Ответ здесь однозначен:Yes, it is necessary to pay the appropriate fee to the treasury of the state. And to the full. In this case, the declaration on property tax is submitted within the time limits established by law - until April 30. That is, by this time, the elderly citizen must declare the income received, fix them and pay.

How much will have to pay?Like all - 13% of the amount received. It does not matter whether the pensioner works or not. Is he engaged in his own business or just decided to rid himself of some property and sold it. In any case, income taxes are paid on the same conditions by all citizens of the Russian Federation. 13% - no more, no less. The pension is not considered taxable income.

land exemption for pensioners


The last thing left is the so-calledproperty tax. In the people he is better known as a property tax. Annual payment for what you own. For example, an apartment.

Property tax benefits for pensionersare available. Older people are fully exempted in Russia from such payments. Not everyone knows about it. And therefore, the tax authorities still send relevant bills to pensioners from year to year, and those in turn pay them. Doing so is not recommended. After all, this is a direct violation of your rights.

Remember:property benefits are provided in many cases. But as soon as it comes to collecting property for the elderly, you need to remember: such a payment is actually absent. True, just ignore payment orders is not worth it. This can bring you trouble and a lot of trouble. Granting property tax rebates occurs after contacting the tax authorities in your area. What is required for this? And is it possible to issue a refund if you paid this fee for some time?

About the return of funds

The thing is that to return the money paid forproperty tax retirees are capable. But only with the observance of certain rules. For example, note: you can not make an appropriate request for full compensation for "damage." Money will be returned to you only for a period not exceeding 3 years. If, for example, a pensioner paid 4 years for one reason or another, no funds will be returned for the first one. But over the past 36 months - completely.

personal property tax benefits for pensioners

If you have a tax returnproperty, attach it to the application. It is desirable to have such documents for each reporting period. Also, to return the money for real estate tax, the pensioner must present:

  • a statement (it contains the reason for the appeal);
  • all receipts for the last 3 years that you unknowingly paid for;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • passport;
  • certificates confirming ownership of the property;
  • Help for benefits (if any, not necessarily, but desirable).

It's all.You can then contact the appropriate organization for a refund. It does not hurt to also have a separate bank account or provide the details of an existing one. On it you will be transferred in the shortest possible time overpaid taxes. And from this point on, such receipts should no longer be sent to your address.

How to choose a benefit

It often happens that an elderly person hasthe right to claim several tax exemptions. By law, he must declare his status as a beneficiary and select only one type of discount. What is required for this? To the tax authorities, provide:

  • the passport of the Russian Federation;
  • application for a property tax rebate (indicate which option is selected);
  • health certificates (to confirm, for example, disability);
  • documents confirming the right to a discount;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • statements about pension payments;
  • property documents.

property tax rebate application

After that, your appeal will be considered.And if you really qualify for benefits, they will be provided to you in the form you chose. There is nothing difficult about it. You just need to know your rights even in old age. Then and only then can no one deceive you and force you to pay unrelated taxes.

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