/ / Gel battery: pros and cons, photos

Gel battery: the pros and cons, photos

Современная наука развивается в ускоренном темпе - Now nothing stands still. Habitual for many mechanisms are changing to their modernized and more innovative counterparts. One of the clearest examples is the modern car. Each node is now different from those "ancestors" who made just some ten years ago. It is unlikely that before someone could seriously think that a modern car owner will be able to charge his electric car right under his window from an ordinary household outlet. Today it is a reality, and besides the most mundane. Another bright example of technology development is the gel battery. We will consider its pros and cons in our article. All who used such, consider that it is rather quite good alternative to traditional acid batteries. However, have scientists in gel batteries been able to correct all the shortcomings of traditional acid-lead analogues?

Gel batteries: what is it?

Few years ago in the car market alongWith traditional batteries, gel car batteries began to appear. Nobody knew their pros and cons. And the principle of action initially almost did not differ from the lead-acid battery.

gel battery pros and cons
The difference of this battery in special chemicalelements in the electrolyte. Due to these elements, it is inside the battery in a gel state. The electrolyte really resembles jelly. At the same time, externally in such a battery there are all signs of a standard battery.

Over time, production technologies developed, and two types of gel batteries appeared:

  • AGM.
  • GEL.

Below we consider them in more detail.

AGM technology

These three letters decode as “absorbingglass mats. In fact, these "glass mats" are the most ordinary fiberglass. It is located inside the device, between the positive and negative lead plate. This glass fabric contains a gelatinous electrolyte in a bound state. Do not think that this is an innovation. In fact, the composition of the electrolyte is almost no different from the traditional mixture. There is acid here too. The electrolytic fluid is contained in a special glass fiber separator. Due to this jelly does not spread.

EVE car batteries pros and cons
Такая особенность дает возможность operate the battery in almost any position. You can even put it on its side - and it will work. The battery is completely safe. Harmful substances that tend to evaporate are now firmly held in the pores of the glass fiber and are used only for chemical reactions. This is the most budget gel battery for cars. The pros and cons of it correspond to the cost and technology. The standard life of such batteries is only 5 years. However, this figure is not the limit. Manufacturers have models that can last for decades. At the same time, the battery will not lose its characteristics.

Expiration date and features of application

A standard gel battery is capable of allservice life withstand up to 200 cycles of recharge, as well as full discharge. That's not all. The battery can withstand 50 cycles at half the discharge and up to 800 at a discharge level of 30%. Experts say that devices built on this technology are suitable for use in backup power systems. If you fully comply with the optimal temperature and operating rules, then there is every chance that the battery will be able to work out the period declared by the manufacturer.

GEL technology

So, we looked at fiberglass gelbatteries for cars. Their advantages and disadvantages are the ability to work in any position, safety for people, the need for strict adherence to temperature conditions, low service life and a small cyclical resource.

gel batteries for auto pros and cons
Аккумуляторы, изготовленные на базе технологии GEL, have higher technical characteristics. There is a greater cyclical resource, energy intensity and other advantages. These batteries can sometimes withstand up to 800 charge / discharge cycles without losing capacity. Motorists have an opinion that the name of this technology can be decoded as helium. However, you need to understand that this is a gel. Between the lead plates of the battery there is a special separator. In the case of these devices, silica gel is contained inside. They fill all the internal space at the production stage. Then the silica gel solidifies and hardens as a result. At the same time it will be a huge amount of time. Silica gel is retained here.

Advantages of GEL-batteries

Since all the internal space in the deviceis occupied by a silica gel separator, any possibility of shedding the plates can be completely excluded in these batteries. It best affects the resource and life. Even more - this design has improved the overall technical characteristics. This has a positive effect on the resource and the stability of the device to a deep discharge.

gel batteries for car pros and cons
Car owners have already rated gel batteriesfor auto. Positive feedback about them really is. There are a lot of them. Also, these reviews of the owners can be heard even just on the street. And let the nominal life of a GEL-battery is not much higher than the resource of AGM batteries, but as for the number of charge / discharge cycles, here this figure will be no more than 50% higher - motorists note.


Simply put, standard gelA battery made according to this technology can easily withstand about 350 discharge cycles at a full depth of discharge, up to 550 at half and up to 1200 cycles at a discharge of 30%.

gel batteries for car negative reviews
Thus, deciding to purchase such gelcar batteries, their characteristics must be considered. And you can save on them - they are more resistant to deep discharges, which means that they practically do not need maintenance and repair. Due to the design features, these devices are subject to a sulphation process to a significantly lesser extent. This means that they can easily stand in a state of full discharge for two or more days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Regardless of what a gel battery, the pros and cons, he definitely has. Consider them. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • The battery has high starting currents.
  • Electrolyte will not leak, even if the body is seriously damaged.
  • Such batteries do not even require minimum maintenance - they are even made in an unattended housing.
  • The battery can work in any position.
  • Finally, if the electronics are in good condition, the battery life can be significantly higher than that of its lead-acid relatives.

Among the shortcomings are weak resistance torecharge During the charging process, it is recommended to constantly monitor the process and observe the indicator. There is also poor resistance to low temperatures. Finally, a significant drawback is the high price.

Not for the Russian winter

Вот и все недостатки.What can be said in the end? This is a good option in various systems of emergency source of electricity. But in our climate, gel batteries for the car is better not to use. There may be some difficulties with them.

gel batteries for car positive reviews
И пусть у них куча привлекательных плюсов, эти Batteries will not be able to become a reliable assistant in the Russian climatic conditions - it is enough to use the battery for at least one winter, and it will fail much earlier. But if you really want, then no one will be able to prohibit the use of these devices. Most importantly, the onboard network is able to maintain the necessary charge modes. In the case of domestic cars, this can be quite problematic, even if the voltage regulator is working properly and will be replaced by 16 V. However, gel batteries for the car are perfect for owners of new cars. “For” and “against” their use in this case do not play a big role. And the gel battery will completely satisfy needs of the car for electricity.

How to charge?

Now, regardless of the number of significantAdvantages, such batteries are rare. Motorists still do not know how to maintain and care for such a battery. Not all service centers today serve gel batteries for a car. What is different chargers for them, too, very few people know. Even some experts in the workshop do not know how to properly maintain such batteries. When charging, the main thing is to strictly observe the level of the supplied voltage. If this limit is exceeded, the battery will fail. In the technical information to a particular battery indicate the allowable voltage. This requirement should not be neglected. Do not forget that the gel battery can be stored for a long time in a fully discharged state.

gel batteries for the car are different
Но когда в момент заряда будет подаваться высокое voltage, the electrolyte will begin to produce gas. Its volumes are so large that it cannot be held inside the separator. It may be dangerous. You must know exactly how to use gel batteries for the car. Negative reviews about them are written by those who have not read the instructions.

Charger: what should it be?

The characteristics of this device depend onfeatures specific battery. If we consider that gel batteries differ in their special design, then the charger for a standard battery will not work in this case. The magnitude of the final charge voltage for each type of battery will be different. Therefore, the high voltage that is applied to the gel AGM-batteries, provokes boiling of the electrolyte. The temperature compensation of the charger must exactly match the number that the manufacturer indicated for the particular battery. The correct voltage is also important. It must be remembered that gel batteries are very sensitive to this parameter. The charging process must be carried out under a clearly defined and defined voltage.


Вот что такое гелевый аккумулятор.The pros and cons of such batteries make you pay attention to them. Such batteries can be safely installed on expensive foreign cars. The price is fully consistent with the quality. And with proper care and compliance with simple rules, these batteries will last long enough.

So, we found out what the gel battery has pros and cons.

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