/ / JSC "National non-government pension fund". National Pension Fund: reviews

JSC "National non-state pension fund". National Pension Fund: reviews

Formation of a pension interests practicallyevery working citizen. Today it is necessary to find out how well the National NPF is. What kind of company is this? What advantages and disadvantages of cooperation do customers see in this non-public fund? Is it worthwhile to apply here to form a funded part of the pension?


National NPF is a pension fundnon-state type. It offers insurance and pension accumulation services. No other activity does, that pleases the customers.

national npf

NPF "National" is a typical representativeAPFs in Russia. In it, the open contribution is not only preserved, but also increases slightly. On this all activity of the company ceases. When the time comes, the organization pays cash to customers. At any time, you can transfer the savings to another APF.

Company Rating

What features of the company pay attention to potential investors most often? APF "First National Pension Fund" receives ambiguous reviews for its place in the rating of NPFs in Russia.

The studied company is located at about 17-18 places. This is far from leadership. Therefore, some potential investors are skeptical of the organization.

the first national npf

It is difficult to name the exact location of the fund in the rating of Russian NPFs. You can just say that the organization is not among the top 10 leaders in the country. But in 20-30-ke it can be found.

Other rating

But this is not all that the organization has prepared.National rating agency NPF evaluates in many respects. In general, the list of leaders is made with respect to the amount of pension savings. But there are other components of the rating.

The National Pension Fund occupies the 10th place among the pension funds for pension reserves, and 14 by the volume of capital. In similar positions the company has been holding since 2014.

It can be concluded that the firm does not have the worst performance. Therefore, we should not exclude it from pension funds, in which it is planned to invest to form a pension in the future.


An important factor is such an indicator,as profitableness. Many potential investors pay attention to it. After all, it is not enough for some that pension savings will be safe and sound. I want to multiply them a little more. And the more, the better.

National NPF has a good profitability, ifbelieve statistics. It is about 13.21% per year. But the customers say the opposite. Some investors note that the National Pension Fund is not suitable for increasing the pension. The real profitability here is about 5-8%. Therefore, counting on a significant increase in savings is clearly not worth it.

national npf reviews

Because of such differences, the National Pension Fundreceives mixed reviews from customers. Some say they are happy with the increase in future pensions, and some people call the organization deceivers and scammers. In fact, the discrepancy between the real situation and statistics is easily explained by inflation. One can only say with certainty that NPF "National" offers not the highest profitability. But the organization does not deceive its clients. Pension savings really increase. Though not as fast as we would like.


Another important indicator is reliability.It is sometimes called the level of trust or trust. National rating agency rating APF called "First National" in this area gives a high. To date, reliability is estimated by the A ++ evaluation.

According to statistics, above the indicators of the trust is notexist. This means that the National APF will not be sharply closed, it will not be taken away from the license, it is possible to entrust pension savings to corporations and not be afraid for them.

But many people are alienated from leadershipthe position of the fund in the list of NPFs in the country. A reliable, stable organization with a good profitability, but for some reason it is far from the leading places. Why? What features of cooperation can be distinguished from the fund? How satisfied or dissatisfied are visitors?

npf the first national pension fund

About service

National NPF reviews do not get the bestfor the quality of customer service. More precisely, it does not suit everyone. Quite often clients say that employees do not pay attention to their work. No professionalism. In the company's branches there are constant queues, and sometimes there is confusion with documents. Sometimes there are even opinions about illegal transfer of funds to the National Pension Fund from state pension funds. The organization refers to statements written personally by the depositor, but in fact the person did not sign any such papers. Such reviews are not rare. They are very common. Because of this, the credibility of the organization falls.

Nevertheless, do not forget that all thesestatements are not confirmed by anything. The "first national" APF is not the worst organization. Some opinions emphasize the attentiveness of employees and their polite attitude towards visitors. Yes, the speed of service leaves much to be desired, but such claims can be met even with ideal funds.

It is impossible to say with certainty how goodNational APF serves clients. The organization copes with its work, fulfills all the promised functions. But no one is immune from rudeness and unprofessional cadres. This must be remembered.


What conclusions can be drawn from allThe foregoing? The National Pension Fund is a non-governmental pension fund that is not particularly prominent. It offers standard services for insurance of pension savings and the formation of their funded part.

national rating agency npf

Reviews the organization receives ambiguous.National NPFs are not scammers, but some negative aspects of service slip through cooperation. Sometimes here delays are paid, someone does not like the conditions, someone complains about the employees of the offices. All these are standard complaints of NPF clients. Consider the National Fund to form contributions, but only if there is no suitable proposal among the leaders of the NPFs.

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