/ / Modern payment systems: user reviews and rating of the best

Modern payment systems: user reviews and rating of the best

Money in the form to which we are accustomed -banknotes or coins - this is only their small part. With the advent of innovative communication technologies and high-level software, a large number of transactions with cash have passed into the mode of non-cash settlements. This was reflected both in the activities of the world financial centers, and in the daily lives of ordinary people.

payment systems reviews
Modern payment systems reviews receivedifferent. Those that have long established themselves in the financial market have been used for a long time and are so convenient and simple that they are almost invisible. This, first of all, international payment systems - credit and debit cards.

Real money in the "invisible" mode: bank payment systems

The most famous and popular in our countrypayment systems - Visa or Master Card. In fact, there are a lot more of them, but these have become very popular in the world and have become leaders in their field. After registration of a simple plastic card with their logo in the corner, each consumer can pay for goods or services using it. In addition, in special terminals you can withdraw cash.

Other payment systems reviews are also good. This is Dinner Club, American Express, etc. They are more used in Europe and America.

payment systems on the Internet
Virtual money - electronic wallets and settlement systems

Different from classic cashless systemsmoney transfer, the way of e-commerce has appeared with the development of Internet business and online stores. To simplify the process of paying for goods and services in the virtual world, payment systems were created on the Internet, which calculate both in real monetary units and in their counterparts.

Such payment systems did not receive feedback immediatelygood. Problems with some of them periodically arose from many users. In addition, the exchange of real money for conditional units was not credible. But over time, this method of conducting financial transactions was appreciated, and among a huge number of payment systems, the leading companies in the international arena and within the country were distinguished. Here are the most popular and famous ones:

international payment systems

  • PayPal is one of the best systems in this field,has appeared for a long time and is popular in all countries of the world. It can be calculated in euros or dollars, it is easy and convenient to use it for international operations. But for residents of our country there are certain restrictions.
  • Liberty Reserve. More common in America and Europe. It should be noted that these two payment systems give feedback from Western citizens only positive. With them, Russians work very little.
  • Webmoney.The most famous and serious system of electronic payments on the territory of Russia and the countries of the former CIS. Using its electronic wallets is convenient and easy, it has won great trust among Russian-speaking Internet users.
  • Yandex money. The system created on the basis of the search engine has a lot of customers and is very popular in Russia.

There are a lot of similar electronic systems,some develop quite dynamically, while others disappear with time. Soon the money will almost completely pass into the "invisible" zone, and cash will be a rarity.

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