/ User Guide. How to find out the number of Webmoney purse?

User's manual. How to find out the number of Webmoney purse?

With the development of the Internet there was a wholeelectronic payment system. People earn and spend such virtual money without even getting up from their desk. One of the most popular services is Webmoney. This is mainly due to the fact that such a wallet is easy to obtain. In addition, its interface is intuitive even to the beginner. However, sometimes users have questions about working with it, for example, how to find out the number of the Webmoney purse.

How to find out the Webmoney purse number
It is worth noting that this can only be askedquite inexperienced in this respect user. For those who use electronic payments for a long time, most often this is not a problem. Often they even know the number of electronic wallet Webmoney by heart. But for the first time, when confronted with this service, many even confuse WMID, WMR and WMZ. Therefore, it is necessary to first understand this terminology.

Basic concepts

When registering with the service, each useris assigned its personal identification number Webmoney (or WMID). It consists only of numbers, and they are always twelve. It is needed in order to distinguish one user from another. You can use it to enter your personal account. And it must be remembered, and it is better to write it down. However, if WMID is lost, it can be restored using email or mobile phone.

Webmoney electronic wallet number

And only after registration the user is givenopportunity to get your wallet, and not one. It can be ruble (WMR), dollar (WMZ) and other less popular currencies. These numbers usually begin with the appropriate letter and also contain 12 digits. Thus, a ruble electronic wallet will have the form R ***********, where * are numbers. Others look the same. That they are used for the calculation of the Internet. And where to find the number of Webmoney wallet, go to your personal account? And it will also depend on what version of the system the user uses.

Webmoney Keeper Mini

For its customers, the service offers two versions.for managing electronic money. These are Webmoney Keeper Mini and Webmoney Keeper Classic. Initially, all, of course, enjoy the first. It allows you to make payments on the Internet and track the balance on your wallets without installing the application on your computer. And in this system it is not always obvious how to find out the number of the Webmoney wallet. Especially if there is not a single wallet.

To create it, you need on the main pagethe user select the "Wallets" tab. And already in this section, click on the big button with the blue plus. Having entered all the necessary data, the user will receive the number of his first Webmoney wallet, most often it is WMR or WMZ. For those living in Russia, it is desirable to have both. This is very convenient in the calculations. It is important to understand that the question of how to find out the Webmoney wallet number does not interest those who remember their WMID. You just need to go and see. But what if both numbers are lost?

Webmoney Keeper Classic

where to find the number of Webmoney wallet

Of course, it is advisable to install a fullthe working version of the system is Webmoney Keeper Classic. Attached is a very important file with keys. It must be stored separately from the program itself. Then in the event of a computer breakdown or loss of all identification data, it will be possible to restore access to your Webmoney wallets. With this application you can already see the number of your wallet at any convenient time.

But as to know the Webmoney wallet number sometimesRequired with the complete loss of all other features, service support is ready to help in this case. However, when you contact them, you will have to submit the maximum amount of information: from the phone number and your e-mail "and before the copy of your passport data. But, of course, it is better not to lose the wallet number.

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