/ / Alexander Galitsky - a successful venture investor

Alexander Galitsky - a successful venture investor

Galitsky Alexander - a venture investor,the founder of the Almaz Capital Partners Foundation. Member of the Supervisory Board of PGP Inc. and Parallels. For more than seventeen years, he has been head of ELVIS +. In 1998, the publication "Wall Street Journal" included it in the top 10 of the "hottest" firms in Central Europe. This article will present a brief biography of the investor.

Beginning of work

Galitsky Alexander Vladimirovich was born in Zhytomyr region (Ukraine) in 1955. Successfully graduated from Moscow University of Electronic Engineering, and later became a candidate of technical sciences.

aleander galician

Before 1992

At that time, Alexander Galitsky worked in an NGOELAS, engaged in satellite radio electronic systems. At first the young man was the chief designer of the direction. Then Alexander led the work on creating on-board computing facilities within the framework of the program "Salute-90". In 1991 he founded his own company ELVIS +.

As general manager and presidentcenter ELAS Galitsky was responsible for the development and installation of software for spacecraft and satellites. Also, Alexander Vladimirovich oversaw the development of data transmission systems and computer systems for the defense industry. Galitsky was the youngest director of two national programs: the creation of low-orbit data transmission systems and the production of on-board computers. They became a worthy response of the USSR to the strategic defense initiative of America.


At the end of this year, Alexander Galitsky signedcontract with San Microsystems on joint development of technologies. The American company was impressed with the invention, which allows data transfer with a speed of 2 Mb / s between two satellites. A year later, Sun Microsystems acquired 10% of ELVIS + for $ 1,000,000.

Alexander Galitsky drew more than thirtymillion venture investments in one more own company under the name "TrustWorx". For the Russian enterprise, this is still considered a unique achievement.

Alexander became a pioneer in the developmentdrivers for network software and wireless Wi-Fi-systems. In his firm "ELVIS +" he worked on new projects on this technology. And with the company "Sun Microsystems" actively introduced the produced FW / VPN products to the world market.

 Galitsky alexander vladimirovich


This year, Alexander Galitsky founded a fund"Diamond Capital Partners", which was invested about 80 million dollars (of which 60 had only two firms - "Cisco" and "Asset Management"). The fund invested both in companies operating in global markets, and in Russian enterprises with a "proven business model." Among the supported firms "Parallels" Sergei Belousov, the publisher and developer of games "Alawar Interactive" and "Apollo Project" (social networks and communities).

In 2009, the Halytsky Foundation invested in Yandex.And a year later to the company "Quick" (mobile video). In 2011, Almaz Capital Partners sold it to Skype for $ 150 million. Investments in "Quick", according to Alexander, more than paid back all the investments of his fund.

Personal life

The hero of this article is married and has two children.

venture investor

In his spare time, Alexander windsurfing, mountain skiing, photography. He also likes to read books and listen to music. He speaks two languages ​​- English and Ukrainian.

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