Forex today is almost everyone on the lips,and everyone has heard about it, but not everyone knows that this is exactly that. This is an abbreviation consisting of Foreign Exchange Operations, which means "canned currency transactions". Such operations constitute the greater part of the entire financial market. Securities have an income of 300 billion dollars, and Forex exceeds this figure three times. In 1973, the EU countries adopted a resolution on the rejection of a stable exchange rate, and after that a type of foreign exchange market was formed, which we see now.
Of course, the main leader on the market is the dollar,followed by a pound, euro, franc and yen. Forex is not the market that seems to be heard for the first time about it. It does not have a place for trading, as everything happens with the help of a phone or terminal. Work to produce the market around the clock and all week. At any time there is someone who wants to sell currency, and you need not to miss this moment, so this market works continuously. Details on earnings on forex read here:
Forex has one huge plus, becauseuse the principle of margin trading. The client is given a so-called shoulder, which in finance exceeds his own in 50 or even 100 times. This allows you to make transactions to not even very well-established customers. In the work of the market involved quite different offices, companies and firms. The price is set here based on the actions of large states. Factors affecting the development of the market are politicians and the economy.
Very many transactions turn out to be a bitloss-making and teiders, can receive only about 40% of the profit. Therefore, luck is very important here. Many participants act almost blindly or at random choosing sources for transactions. In this market, you can get rich only if the number of profitable trades is more than unprofitable. And from this it turns out that it is necessary to make deals very often in order to achieve the desired result. Before any transaction, the planned profit is displayed, then it is balanced with a possible loss. The ratio in this case becomes as 3: 1. The profit in any case should be higher than the loss, even potential.
Almost all teyders establish probabilisticfactor. For you, the definition of profit and loss should not be the most important, since they must be multiplied by the percentage probability factor. Thus, the provider can not only estimate the possible profit, but also translate this into a percentage.