/ / How to file a tax return via the Internet: ways

How to file a tax return via the Internet: ways to

Recently, more and more servicesis provided via the Internet. Especially popular is the sending of documents, including a tax return, via the Internet to various government services. What features does this procedure have? How to file a tax return via the Internet? Can they refuse a favor?

how to file a tax return via the Internet

The main advantages and disadvantages of remote filing of a declaration

Advantages of remote filing of a tax return are much greater than shortcomings.

The main disadvantage is periodic failures and errors inaccounting programs, as a result of which reports do not reach the Federal Tax Service in time. However, such situations arise rarely when declarations are submitted in deadlines. A full transition to electronic document circulation will not happen soon, because for carrying out checks, paper carriers are required.

The advantages of this method are:

  • saving time (no need to visit the FTS);
  • ease of registration of the service (it is enough to register on the site once in order to receive the service in the future);
  • a small number of errors when processing information in the FTS (the data is copied, and not manually entered).

It is important to note that it is possible to file a tax return through the Internet of any kind.

What is needed?

Legal entities and IP for filing a declaration on the Internet will need:

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP;
  • certificate from Rosstat with the activity code;
  • a certificate on the setting up of an IP or legal entity in the tax service and on a government account;
  • INN;
  • passport;
  • other papers confirming registration of a legal entity or entrepreneur.

How to file a tax return via the Internet to an individual? You will need a passport, TIN and SNILS.

file your tax return online

What do you need to send documents over the Internet?

Before filing a tax return throughInternet, you will need a preliminary conclusion of the contract with the operator of the Federal Tax Service, which will subsequently carry out electronic transmission of documents. The cost of this service starts from 1.5 thousand rubles per year. In addition, you must have an electronic signature, which is necessary to identify the applicant. It is executed at one of the authorized services of the Ministry of Communications at the current place of registration (directly at the tax inspectorate or at the MFC).

How to submit a declaration via the Internet: ways

Physical and legal entities can submit reports to the tax office on the Internet as follows:

  1. Through the FTS website in your account.
  2. On the portal of public services.

submit a declaration via the Internet methods

FTS website

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation,all legal entities must be registered on the FTS website, that is, they must have a personal account where the information necessary for the supervisory authority is stored. You can log in to your account in the following ways:

  1. With pre-designed digital signature.
  2. By entering the name of the taxpayer and the code from the registration card (issued by the tax office).

And individuals can register on the FTS website. For this you need to enter the full name, TIN and SNILS.

How to file a tax return via the Interneton the site of the tax inspection? To do this, you need to go to the section on working with declarations and reports. The declaration is filled in according to the template of the established form. After filling in all fields of the document, you can send it. After the on-site verification of the document, a corresponding notification will appear in your personal account.

how to file your tax return online

Government services portal

Submission of declarations of any kind maycarried out through the "Gosuslugi.ru". To use the service, you need to register on this site and create a username and password. Next, you need to download and install software called "Taxpayer". This software has several significant advantages, such as:

  • the ability to create in electronic form various documents;
  • automated filing of declarations;
  • saving previously created and completed documents.

How to send a tax return via the Internet through this program? After installing the software, applicants should regularly monitor the release of updates. The algorithm for filing the declaration is as follows:

  1. We select the necessary form of the declaration, we enter all information. The completed declaration can be saved on the computer.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities indicate the branch code FNM, where the declaration will be sent.
  3. We make an application, attach a reporting document to it. The taxpayer needs to save or write down her number.
  4. We carry out sending the report. After that, the applicant needs to track the status of the processing of the application in his account on Gosuslugi.ru.
  5. After receiving confirmation from the FTS about the receipt of the declaration, its paper carrier can be certified by the seal of the organization (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) and the signature of the authorized person.

После этого заявителям необходимо предварительно make an appointment with the FTS. Before the visit, you should make sure you have all the necessary seals and signatures. So that later there will be no problems with the tax inspectorate regarding corrections and errors in the declaration, taxpayers are advised to submit the document at least one day before the deadline.

how to file an income statement online

Can refuse to accept the document?

It is quite easy to file a tax return via the Internet, but will there be any problems with its acceptance? Denied admission reporting documents may in the following situations:

  • lack of electronic digital signature;
  • lack of information about the person responsible for filling out the declaration;
  • the presence of errors in the document;
  • reporting through non-certified services;
  • the inability to identify the taxpayer by electronic signature.

How to file your income statement onlineor any other reporting document to the tax office? This service is available on the website of the Federal Tax Service and the portal Gosuslugi.ru. Legal entities and individuals can submit a declaration.

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