/ / Figures from the balls - amazing things with your own hands

Figures from balls - amazing things with their own hands

Today, twisting (the ability to create shapes fromballs) is one of the most fascinating and interesting activities for both children and adults. This is the only kind of art in its kind, where any person has mastered the ability to work with the air. It is air, enclosed in the shell of a balloon made of natural latex, capable of taking the most amazing and diverse forms.

Figures from the balls

Creating the figures of balloons with your own hands,you can get almost any products or crafts that will become the most original and unique gift at the celebration of both the youngest child and the adult. Gifts that will always bring joy and smiles are flowers and bouquets of them, famous book or cartoon characters, figures of various animals, insects, birds or fish, as well as hats, crowns, bracelets, pistols, swords, airplanes, ships and cars. The main thing is the master's fantasy and the desire to create a real work of art!

Figures from balloons own hands

Figures from balls are used not only as agifts on holidays. It can be an exclusive decoration of the solemn hall, bright decorations or even costumes for fun entertainments and competitions. In the scenario of most children's holidays today include a show to create a variety of crafts from balloons. Interestingly, this is not only an entertaining sense. Twisting is also known for perfectly developing the intellectual and creative abilities of children (imagination, fine motor skills of handles and globally constructive thinking).

How to make figures from balloons
History of twisting (the ability to create shapes fromballs) goes into the distant past. The first in this case were the Egyptians in 2600 BC. There are rock carvings on which you can see figures of various animals made from specially processed and inflated camel intestines. The Aztecs, residents of Mexico, also found an excellent use of this art. In sacrifice to their sun god, they brought animal figures (donkey and dogs) made from the inflated cats of cats, fixed with vegetable threads.
Products from balloons

The art of creating figures from balls has undergonethe second birth after the invention of rubber in the XIX century. Balls made of latex (the juice of the Brazilian hevea tree) were very convenient to handle: the hardness of the rubber and the small size allowed to create real works! But their color was only white, and the shape was round. A variety of colors and all kinds of shapes acquired balloons in the middle of the twentieth century. There were very long, thin and strong balls, from which it was possible to twist any figure.

Today many people want to learn how to make shapes fromballoons. After all, at first glance, the manipulation of twister masters is very simple and simple. But here there are rules. It is necessary to clearly understand which figure you want to make, how many bends there will be, respectively, how much air is required to be pumped into the ball. The methodology of the process of twisting the figure has its value: the sequence of bends, the direction of movement and the number of turns. If there is a desire to create real masterpieces, then all these nuances should be learned.

But still the ability to create figures from the airballs is an occupation not only for professionals. It's a way to have fun, get lots of positive emotions and unforgettable memories together with family, children or friends!

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