/ / How to sew a fairy costume of Dinh-Din with your own hands?

How to sew a fairy costume of Dinh-Din with your own hands?

A wonderful fairy tale about Peter Pen J.Matthew Barry and her mischievous characters equally like boys and girls. Therefore, your daughter is sure to be pleased with the offer to put on a New Year's costume fairy costume Ding-Ding. It's quite easy to make it with your own hands, especially if you have a great desire to please your child.

fairy ding ding suit

What is required for this

To sew a fairy costume of Dinh-Dinh, except for the sewing machine, you need to have at hand:

  • closed children's swimsuit or any T-shirt and panties of her daughter, which fit her (they will be used instead of a pattern);
  • paper and pencil;
  • chalk;
  • scissors;
  • a sufficient number of different pins, including English pins.

You also need:

  • well stretchable fabric, best stretch velvet of any shade of green;
  • thread in tone;
  • decorative gum (can be white);
  • a rigid grid of white or pale green for sewing a lush skirt;
  • usual wide elastic band.

If you do not want to buy ready-made "butterfly wings", which are sold in toy stores, then for their manufacture you need to acquire:

  • sufficiently rigid, but easily bent wire;
  • cardboard;
  • white nylon stockings or golf;
  • glue.

fairy ding ding suit for girls

Fairy costume Dinh-Dinh own hands: master class (option 1)

Sewing a dress of a little fun fairy-friend Peter Pen is made in the following order:

  • Children's swimsuit (or panties and a T-shirt) is folded in half and put on a large sheet of paper. Circle along the contour and get a pattern for the back and forward.
  • Cut both parts from the main fabric, taking into account allowances for seams (about 1.5 cm).
  • Connect them with pins (can be swept away) and stitched in the groin and at the sides.
  • Process holes for the feet. It is best to do this by simply bending the edges inside and sewing with a machine zigzag stitch.
  • In the same way, the armhole and the upper cut are treated, which must be straight for both the transfer and for the back.
  • For the sleeve-wings cut out the oval (a littleflattened circle) 40 cm long. Cut off 5 cm from each edge. Divide the part in half. Bend from the cut 1 cm and stitch on the typewriter. In the resulting kulisku insert an elastic band about 15 cm long and prisborivayut sleeve. Semicircular edge is treated with an overlock or zigzag.
  • Attach the sleeves to the base with pins and sew.

New Year costume fairy Ding-Ding: sew a skirt

This important element of the outfit is made as follows:

  • measure the waist circumference, multiply by 2 and cut a strip of fabric of such width and the required length;
  • Cut out triangles from this strip without violating its integrity;
  • spend only one side seam;
  • they gather the skirt in regular folds;
  • fasten them, sewing up elastic band to the upper edge of the skirt (better decorative).


When the skirt and the base-swimsuit are ready, it remains to make this main detail, which will turn just a beautiful outfit into a fairy-tale New Year costume of Ding-Din fairy.

To make wings, like a butterfly, you need:

  • take two pieces of wire;
  • bend the base from them (separately for each winglet);
  • pull on a white golfcloth or stocking;
  • fix the nylon with a few stitches or thread the thread and tie the knot;
  • crop excess;
  • fasten the wings with pieces of cardboard and glue so that a jumper forms between them;
  • glue a pair of rubber bands for her hands;
  • cover with cloth.

fairy costume dinh dinh photo


The fairy costume of Ding-Ding will become even more beautiful,if you complement it with a lush bottom skirt. Sew it can be very easy. To do this, you just need to attach a hard cloth-grid (the length is the same or slightly larger than the main skirt).

As for shoes, any greenshoes that need to be decorated with fluffy pompons. They can also be done on their own. It is enough to take a bright green yarn, cut out a "bagel" from a cardboard with a small hole inside and tightly wrap around in a circle. Then the edges of the outer circle are cut off, and in the center, the pieces of yarn are gathered into a tight knot. By the way, pompoms can be completely replaced by green feathers, if they are rather magnificent.

At the last stage of the work, you can connect to the creation of a carnival costume for the daughter and the pope, who is certainly perfectly capable of making a magic wand with ribbons.

Option 2

Choosing a carnival dress for the daughter forNew Year's matinee, pay attention to the fairy costume of Dinh-Dinh, whose photo is shown below. Its tailoring is not particularly difficult, especially if you have a green T-shirt with a sleeveless top with a large cutout. In this case, you do not have to spend much time on sewing a bathing suit. So, let's get started.

Sew the top

To do this, cut out of green fabric (for example,sateen) small leaves, truncated where the cutting should have been. Sew together in two and twist, ironed. A cutout T-shirt draped in front. Sewing the leaves over the folds, twisting their blunt ends.

If the T-shirt is too spacious, you can make new side seams, departing from the old to the side from the center on both sides of the desired number of centimeters.

costume fairy ding ding do it yourself


Like the previous costume of the fairy Ding-Ding, this outfitalso layered. You will need to sew the petticoat from the net first, and then cut 12 leaves from the fabric truncated from the cuttings. The width of each such part in the upper part is calculated as:

  • measure the waist circumference of the child;
  • add 20 cm;
  • divided by three.

All items sew in two and turn.Connect and fix the ends of every three, getting two skirts of leaves. Put them on each other so that all the leaves are visible. Sew together on top. Make a drawstring and thread the gum. Bottom wear a fluffy petticoat made of white mesh. If desired, complement the outfit with a belt and wings, which are made as described above.

Now you know how to do it yourself.beautiful costume fairy Ding-Ding for girls. Regardless of which option you choose, your daughter will look like a real little fairy in her.

new year fairy costume ding ding

Of course, you have to spend time and effort on making it, but the little girl will remember forever how you cut the petals together from the fabric or make fabulous wings.

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