Our country has always been famous for craftsmen and craftsmen.all trades. From the usual materials they created real objects of art, as well as things for home use. Today, such crafts are mostly forgotten, and those that remain work for the tourism industry. Crafts are the main souvenirs that travelers take home to all corners of the globe.
На Руси издавна были популярны изделия из бересты.What is bark? In fact, this is the outer part, the top layer of birch bark. Its outer side, as a rule, is white, a little grayish. But it also occurs in a pinkish-brown hue. The inner layers of this material range from yellow to brown.
What is birch bark made of?Any schoolboy will easily answer this question. First of all, it is traditional footwear of peasants - sandals. And also - baskets, boxes, dishes, various utensils, details of weapons. In addition, in Kievan Rus, it was used as a paper for writing: the famous birch bark letters date back to the eleventh - fifteenth century.
So, what is birch bark, figured out.But why was she so popular with the people? Because it is a fairly light, plastic and affordable material that holds heat well and lets air through. In processing it is simple and unpretentious, but also perfectly protects from damp and cold. Therefore, not only shoes were made of it, but fishing boats were sheathed with them. In special containers of birch bark stored bulk products, and even milk.
Многим интересно не только что такое береста, но and how to decorate items from it. This material was widely used not only in Russia, so every region, every nation had its own traditions of decorating products. Printed and openwork carving, simple carving, embossing, painting, scraping were popular at all times, and multilayer weaving also looks original.
Birch bark is natural, environmentally friendly.material that can be mined in the forest. However, there are certain rules for its collection: it is possible to cut the bark from the tree only in springtime, when the plant wakes up from hibernation and the juice starts to move in it. In our latitudes, this is typical of May – June, respectively, and then it is necessary to go to the forest.
What is bark?This is a warm type of wood, which not only is not cold to the touch, but also has a positive energy. Many people claim that they calm down, tune in to the positive after they hold their products in their hands. The rim of birch bark normalizes pressure, relieves fatigue. And its appearance is always unique, since it was made and decorated by hand.
Previously, each person was able to make products frombirch bark with his own hands. Today, this ancient, but very simple craft can be learned if there is such a desire. Of course, you need a certain skill, patience and an experienced teacher, and the first product can hardly be called a masterpiece. But the process of work itself will give you great pleasure, bring your thoughts to order, bring you back to the roots. And over time, the skill will increase, and friends will be asked to make traditional Russian crafts for them.