The beauty of applied crafts lies precisely intheir practicality. Naturally, many skilled craftsmen who own a crochet or knitting need to learn super complicated patterns, reach the heights of knitting art that only the initiate can appreciate, and amuse themselves with making fun but useless trifles. However, when it comes time to prove to relatives the importance of their hobby, an excellent way out is to tie a cover to a stool with your own hands. This product does not pretend to be original, but, undoubtedly, will bring practical benefit.
The basis of our work is the chosen scheme.We begin to knit the crochet on the stool from the center, picking up several circular rows. This type of knitting is great for disposing of the remains of unnecessary yarn that inevitably accumulate in any knitter. The density of the sheathing web should be high, so it is worth using yarn with a thread thickness of at least 100 m / 100 g. Sometimes even more rough and bulk material can be used - about 50 m / 100 g. Of course, you can not find the remains of such yarn in the daytime with fire, so it's worth thinking about joining several thin threads into one thick thread. However, you need to ensure that the thickness of the thread does not change and was the same throughout knitting the whole product. The hook is selected for the yarn used: tool No. 6 should be used for raw materials with the specified parameters.
In order for this to happen, it is necessarystrictly adhere to the scheme. Only then can we talk about the successful completion of work and obtaining the desired result. Following the instructions, you will not only tie the cover yourself, but also will not disband it to correct the errors. If the pattern is not adhered to or the wrong choice of the scheme and yarn, such difficulties can arise:
In the protection of melange, you can recommend using more simple patterns, and better - a completely flat cloth.
Often stools are of a square shape,therefore, the knit cover should follow the same principle. Below are the variants of the schemes of openwork squares. They both contain a small number of rows and are suitable for knitting a sheath of very thick yarn or for decorating a small stool. If it is necessary to increase the fabric, the best way is to repeat the last row in accordance with the expansion principle. For this, the square scheme fits as well as possible. A cover on a crocheted stool can be made of any size due to the fact that the angles are clearly marked here, and it is almost impossible to get lost in the circuit.
A detailed description of such a simple scheme does not require, it's worth only stopping at some key points.
Scheme # 1. It starts with a set of six loops and their closure in a ring (this is the basic principle of starting knitting any circular canvas).
Increase the canvas can also provide an increase in the number of nakidov in the pillars, but it should be noted that while the cover will look more openwork.
Scheme number 2. It is slightly different.
Deciding on decorating a roundstools, you should choose the appropriate scheme. It can be just a circle made with a solid dense pattern, or something more complicated. A cover on a stool crocheted on the basis of a circular pattern can have any flower or ornament in the center. If the needlewoman has a fantasy, for this purpose she can adapt the scheme of any plant, animal or national print.
The resulting flat cloth should be continuedknit exactly, without adding, trying it on a stool from time to time. If the knitting of the covers on the stool involves placement under them of a soft lining of foam rubber, then the fitting should be carried out together with this part.
When the width of the canvas reaches such dimensions,which will allow to put a cover on a stool, knitting it is time to finish. To pull off the finished product on a stool it is possible with the help of an elastic band or any lace, passed between the loops of the last row. In this case, the functionality is successfully combined with the decorative.