/ Play Star Wars. DIY costume

Play Star Wars. DIY costume

Soon it will be 40 years since it came onscreens the first film of the space saga "Star Wars". As in those now distant years, each new episode of this epic contributes to the replenishment of the ranks of its fans. That is why many boys and girls, gathering for a New Year's party, prefer to wear masquerade dresses of attack aircraft, Jedi, robots. In demand and other costumes.

"Star Wars" for children is a kindmodern fairy tale, so do not be indignant that your son of ten years old does not want to portray Pinocchio or a pirate, as you were in his years. It is better to read how to make a costume for one of the characters in the space saga about Luke Skywalker and Princess Lee. This is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance, especially if you use unwanted clothes and have sewing skills.

Кроме того, изготовив костюмы героев «Звездных Wars ”, you can organize for children a fun game in nature. For example, they will gladly arrange the “Clone War” during a trip for the whole class outside the city.

star wars costume

Star Wars clone costume: what's needed

Today, many boys are just crazy aboutimage stormtroopers. As you know, most of them were clones, so they both look the same. To create the costume of such a space soldier, you will need:

  • two small white canisters;
  • their caps.
  • black duct tape;
  • white spray paint;
  • brush;
  • some black paint;
  • a usual elastic band for clothes;
  • white leggings;
  • black turtleneck and tights;
  • white solid high boots with velcro;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • sharp knife;
  • white sleeveless T-shirt;
  • any glue for plastic;
  • wide corset in white.

star wars attack suit

How to dress up in a clone costume

The main element of such a dress is a mask. Its basis can be made from two canisters with a cut off bottom. Then:

  • On both sides of the neck of one of them, the caps should be glued, and the other should have a large hole in the upper part;
  • cut off the bottom of the canisters and fasten them perpendicularly to each other, cutting a notch for the neck;
  • paint white;
  • decorate with black paint and electrical tape;
  • secure the gum.

When the mask is ready, it remains to glue outwhite cardboard pieces of "armor". Then you need to wear black leggings and a white T-shirt over a turtleneck. The image is complemented with white leggings, a wide corset belt and massive boots. The result is a star wars (or clone) attack suit.

costume star wars do it yourself

Princess Leia Dress

Does your daughter love Star Wars?The costume of Princess Lea will be quite simple to make. For this you need to sew a white long dress with a high collar and wide sleeves. If you are not confident in your abilities as a dressmaker, then you can wear a turtleneck girl and a white skirt, which is easy to make from an old sheet. Next you need a belt with silver fragments. It can be made by wrapping the leather belt with pieces of foil, placing them at some distance from each other.

To dress you need to choose high white boots and make the appropriate hairstyle:

  • divide the hair into a parted part;
  • collect hair in two tails, one above each ear;
  • roll in tight bundles;
  • lay in the form of pretzels;
  • secure with studs.

Darth Vader costume: what is required

To appear in front of your friends in the guise of this central character in the Star Wars movie saga, you'll need:

  • old newspaper;
  • 1 cup of flour;
  • a bowl;
  • several empty boxes of porridge;
  • pan;
  • adhesive tape;
  • glue gun;
  • Plastic container;
  • black spray paint;
  • varnish.

Star Wars Clone Costume

Work on a hat

For Halloween or Star Wars, Darth Vader's costume is the most! Attire will be created with the manufacture of the helmet:

  • to 1 tbsp. flour, constantly stirring, gradually add 5 times more water;
  • boil for 3 minutes and remove from heat;
  • an ordinary balloon is inflated so that it becomes a little larger than the head of the one who is going to wear a helmet;
  • put it in a bucket to keep it still;
  • strips of newspapers are moistened in a flour mixture and pasted over the ball with it;
  • after the first layer dries, put another one on top of it;
  • cut out of cardboard circles, triangles and visor;
  • fix the figures on the ball with scotch tape;
  • paste another newspaper layer on top;
  • cut eye sockets and holes for the nose;
  • remove the lower part and trim the ball;
  • paint the helmet with spray paint and after drying apply varnish;
  • glued in the sockets of the lens.

Space Star Wars epic: Darth Vader costume

In addition to the helmet, you will need clothes in black:pants, blouse or shirt with long sleeves, pants and socks. If you intend to wear lining on the bottom to create a semblance of muscles, then the pants should be a couple of sizes larger than necessary.

Next, you need to buy or ask your friends for black boots and gloves for a motorcycle, which are perfectly suited for creating the image of the protagonist of the Star Wars movie saga.

Костюм Дарта Вейдера нужно также дополнить luminous sword. If the outfit is designed for a child, then the weapon is better to make a bright-colored cylindrical foam rubber billet and wrap the handle with a thick metal foil.

You can also make a real luminous weapon, using a flashlight, which is embedded in a powerful laser diode.

In addition, the image can be supplemented with a black wide raincoat.

star wars costumes for children

Luke Scauyoker's Costume

If your child likes this particular hero,making an outfit like his is not as difficult for a matinee as it may seem. To play Star Wars, Skywalker's costume can be altered from unnecessary clothing. It is enough to wear a judo kimono, light gray or white trousers and a leather belt. Calf should be wrapped to the knees with light brown stripes of fabric and complement the image of a glowing sword.

You can also complement the outfit with an old bathrobe with a coffee-colored hood or sew it yourself, carving out wide sleeves.

Now you know how that oranother "space" costume ("Star Wars"). It’s not so difficult to make outfits of your favorite characters with your own hands, so don’t deny your child or yourself the pleasure to surprise friends during a fun party on the occasion of the New Year or Halloween.

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