/ / Casio cameras: a review of the best models and comparing them with competitors

Casio cameras: a review of the best models and comparing them with competitors

For a long time the market of photographic equipment filled digitalcameras. They are compact and mirrored. Each class combines both positive moments and negative ones. Quite often, disadvantages arise just against the background of advantages. For example, compact Casio (cameras) can be carried everywhere with you, just by putting it in your pocket, but a small case does not allow you to make high-quality internal components, which is why compact images cannot be called worthy, comparing them with those that are capable of making large and heavy gadgets. Naturally, SLR cameras are better in terms of image quality and performance. But at the same time they can not quickly do a lot of shots, while compacts do an excellent job with this task.

Casio Cameras

Drawing attention to this shortcoming, the company"Casio" has released a SLR camera, the shooting speed of which is capable of reaching 60 frames per second. EXILIM Pro EX-F1 just hit the market, but its cost is large enough, so not every photographer is able to purchase such equipment for themselves. But the same company has a great alternative - the Casio Exilim EX-FH20 camera.

Key Features of the FH20

Considering the features of the camera modelwell-known company, is worth first of all note the resolution of the matrix, it is quite pleasant and is 9.1 megapixels. The lens has a twenty-fold zoom, which allows you to shoot objects at a decent distance. If you look for a compact camera with a high burst rate, then with this model it is up to 40 frames per second. The camera is equipped with a three-inch LCD screen and is capable of video shooting.

EX-FH20 Review

При тестировании фотоаппарата выявлено, что image quality at low sensitivity is quite good. All parts are visible well, no digital noise is visible. Compared to other compact cameras, this model is capable of making high-quality images even when ISO 400 is set. But if sensitivity is made higher, problems start, noise appears, and the embedded system starts to reduce the sharpness of the photo, eroding poor-quality fragments.

casio cameras

But even with ISO 800 you can still work, but ifto increase it to 1600, it’s better not to exhibit a photo in print without additional modifications. Since this is a compact camera, you should not expect any clear pictures at high sensitivity indices. Although compared with competitors Casio cameras give quite good results.

Advantages and disadvantages of Pro EX-F1

The main advantage of this mirror modelThe camera is the presence of manual settings settings shooting. Also, an optical stabilizer is built into the gadget, which has a positive effect on the original image quality. The camera enlarges the picture 12 times. Naturally, you should pay attention to the function of serial shooting.

casio cameras

It can do up to 60 frames per second ifimage size 6 megapixels. You can also connect an external flash to it, which is very good when working in a studio. Among the shortcomings, the lack of shooting at a wide angle, the inability to turn the monitor and the poor quality of the electronic video finder are most striking. If these disadvantages do not confuse and do not scare the price, then the camera is ideal for shooting high-quality images.

Pro EX-F1 Review

The ergonomics of the camera is very good, everythingdone comfortably and wisely. When setting up high-speed modes, you can set the parameters quite flexibly. The functionality of the camera is at a high level, and its unique possibility of high-speed shooting is so amazing and unusual that you simply do not pay attention to other functions.

casio exilim camera

As for the quality of the resulting images,indicators are quite decent, video, by the way, is also at a high level. The price, of course, is not low, but given the unique characteristics of this model, it is quite justified. Of course, this model is inferior to many professional devices, but the combination of ultra-fast serial shooting and modern functions and settings still distinguishes the Casio Exilim Pro EX-F1 from the total number of cameras.

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It is worth noting that it was created for specificgoals, that is, for shooting dynamic scenes, where every moment counts. But to acquire Casio, a camera, the instruction of which provides for good characteristics of instant shooting, is useless for portraits and landscapes, because then its main functions will be unused, and accordingly, the investment will not be justified.

Comparison with competitors

Compare Casio Exilim Pro EX-F1 with others.models or competing manufacturers is simply impossible, because its functionality is completely unique. At the moment there is no such camera on the market that could be called a direct competitor of the model in question. That is why, if you look for a camera with similar functions, it is the Casio EX-F1 that can be the ideal choice, since other models simply do not reach its level.


No less popular in the market of photographic equipment and moreOne model from the Japanese manufacturer - Casio EX-ZR700. This camera gained its popularity due to the new processor. For a compact camera, the three speed characteristics were completely unusual. In addition, attention is drawn to the versatility of the camera, because it is designed for all kinds of shooting options. These Casio digital cameras are equipped with a wide-angle shooting mode of 25 millimeters, with a powerful zoom capable of enlarging the picture up to 18 times. At the same time, everyone has a decent aperture to 5.9.

digital casio cameras

It is also worth paying attention to the presence of twoprocessors that allow the camera to work quite quickly, it turns on in 1.4 seconds, autofocus is activated in 0.18 seconds, and high-speed shooting allows you to take a picture every 0.26 seconds. In addition to the technical characteristics that are good enough for such a camera, there are also many effects. It is possible to take shots with a focus on the rear and front objects, and you can also stitch pictures to get one, better quality. This feature is very helpful when you need to take a photo in a poorly lit room. Therefore, many people choose Casio cameras for personal use.

Design EX-ZR700

This model can not be called special in terms ofdesign, it is very similar to thousands of the same compact cameras. During its creation, the manufacturer focused on technical indicators and software.

casio camera instruction

The model is rectangular, the upper part of the bodyconsists of glossy plastic. The projections for the convenience of made relief, matte. The front side is metal, while the back of the case is plastic. Although the model is small, the lenses are still installed good.


The cost of the Casio EX-ZR700 is low ifcompare with similar models from other manufacturers. The camera is compact enough, while equipped with a good lens. The versatility of the model is astounding. Thanks to the optics and internal details, night shots are quite clear and attractive. The battery keeps charging for a long time. In addition, you can install removable cards up to 2 terabytes. The only disadvantage of this model is the size of the matrix, although it is quite acceptable for the cost of the camera. In general, Casio cameras have many advantages, and each model is designed for different types of shooting, so when choosing a camera, you should definitely pay attention to the products of this company.

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