/ / We make holiday attributes with our own hands. How to inflate helium balls at home?

We make holiday attributes with our own hands. How to inflate helium balls at home?

Today it is difficult to imagine a holiday withouthelium balloons. They decorate the banquet hall, they are held with various competitions, they are also attributes of children's entertainment at the celebration. And how beautiful is the rite of launching balls into the sky by newlyweds on their wedding day or by graduates at a school evening. What is the secret of the popularity of these bright rubber attributes? The fact that they are light, perfectly fly, and most importantly - do not fall to the ground. And it's all thanks to helium - an easy special gas. In order to decorate the holiday with such attributes, you can contact companies specializing in organizing events. They will easily issue balls for you, inflated with helium. The price of one copy will be about 4-5 rubles. Few people know that you can inflate rubber bubbles yourself. To do this, simple and affordable means are used. How to inflate helium balls at home and how can I replace it? This topic is described in detail in the article.

how to inflate helium balls at home

Rules for inflating balls with helium

In order to inflate a rubber bubble,need a balloon with this material. The ball is put on the tube, which is attached to the balloon. The fingers of one hand hold the tail of the bubble, the second hand gently open the valve on the unit. When the ball reaches the required size, the flow of helium is blocked by closing the tap. The tie is tied with a knot and a thread or ribbon is attached to it. Now do you know how to inflate helium balls at home? If you manage to get a special tank, then you will do it without problems.

how to inflate balls of the house as helium
But you can inflate balls with the effect of helium without this material. How? Let's talk about this later.

Method number 1

To perform the procedure for inflating the balls, prepare the following materials:

  • plastic bottle;
  • glass;
  • watering can funnel;
  • balloon;
  • soda food - 1 small spoon;
  • distilled water;
  • lemon juice;
  • table vinegar - 3 large spoons;
  • Scotch.

How to inflate balls at home like helium?Follow the following recommendations and everything will turn out. Fill the bottle with water a quarter and dilute the soda in it. In a glass stir vinegar and lemon juice. Pour this liquid through the funnel into the bottle. Very quickly put a ball on the neck of the plastic container and fix it with adhesive tape. As a result of the chemical reaction that occurs during the interaction of soda and acid, carbon dioxide is produced, which creates pressure and inflates the ball. Then remove the adhesive tape and quickly tie the rubber bubble with a thread. Now hold it tight so that it does not fly away.

balls inflated with helium at home
Method No. 2

How to inflate the balls "helium" at home?In this you can help stone salt, aluminum foil, copper vitriol and water. This procedure should be carried out away from children, because hazardous materials are used in the work. In a glass bottle, pour in salt (about 80 grams) and copper sulphate. Throw a small piece of foil. Now fill the container with water (400 grams). The reaction starts immediately. To not burn your hands, put the bottle in a pan with cold water. Very quickly put the ball on the neck. It inflates in a matter of seconds. During the time during which the reaction occurs, you can inflate two or three rubber bubbles. It is good, if you have an assistant who would tie the balls ready, while you are pumping the next one.

We hope that information on how to inflate helium balls at home is useful, and you will try these methods during the organization of the next holiday.

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