/ / How to weave bracelet from elastic bands - "French braid"

How to weave bracelet from elastic bands - "French braid"

Weaving bracelets from multi-colored elastic bands(Rainbow loom) - a new fashion for girls. All you need is a special slingshot or a lathe, a hook, lots of bright, colored rubber bands and imagination.

french braid bracelet

Types of weaving bracelets from rubber bands

No matter how funny and funny it might seem,the final result can always surprise, if you take a hobby with your soul and zeal. Even from "non-serious" material, you can create a fashionable and eye-catching adornment.

Where to start braiding bracelets?

The first step in mastering a hobby ispurchase of necessary tools: a hook, a machine, fasteners and rubber bands of different colors. The main item on the list is rubber. Without the other, you can do without. This type of work will be economical, but not very convenient.

how to weave bracelets of rubber bands French braid

Look at the amazing example of the power of human thought! The following photos show the process of creating a fishtail bracelet. Surely the master will create a beautiful blue product.

how to weave bracelets of rubber bands French braid

Beginners should not buy a large machinefor weaving. Such an instrument will be needed by an experienced and enthusiastic master. The machine is necessary for the manufacture of complex bracelets, large or non-standard work. For example, to create a fun palm tree.

french braid bracelet

Also it is necessary to be reserved by creative aspiration andpatience. Work on bracelets can lead to a dead end even experienced craftsmen. The main thing in making jewelry - to understand the principle of weaving, and not learn the scheme by heart. Then the combination of any colors in the work will become a simple and easy task.

What kind of weaving to choose a beginner?

The simplest kind of weaving bracelets is a bracelet made of rubber bands "The French Spit". For convenience, you need to buy a small machine or slingshot.

Why is a bracelet made of rubber bands called "French braid" called? Because he looks like a well-known hairstyle. It should be noted that weaving "fish tail" is a kind of weaving "French scythe".

french braid bracelet

Bracelet made of rubber bands "French braid" is popular with many people. The most effective product looks in a two-color version. Bracelets "Fish tail" is better to do monochrome.

Scheme of a bracelet from elastic bands "French Spit"

Beginners should pay attention to the protozoabracelets. It's easier to understand how to weave bracelets from the rubber bands "French Scythe" than to study the complex schemes of the bracelet "Kaleidoscope". The order of actions will be considered on the braiding of the bracelet from the rubber bands "French Scythe" on the slingshot.

Step 1. Lay out everything you need to work on your desktop. Namely:

  • rings of two colors;
  • lock;
  • hook;
  • slingshot.

On an example the most contrast colors are chosen: orange and black. In fact, you should spend time choosing the harmoniously blended colors of the product.

bracelet of elastic bands

Step 2. On the slingshot put on the first rubber band in the form of a figure-eight. In the future, it will become a "loop" for fixing the fastener.

bracelet of elastic bands

Step 3. The following rings are put on the slingshot without twisting. During the work, all the elastic bands should be fastened in the order of the alternating colors.

bracelet of elastic bands

Step 4. You need to make a "loop" for the fastener. To do this, the "eight" with the help of a hook pounces on the two following elastics from one and the second bar of the slingshot.

bracelet of elastic bands

Step 6. You need to put on another rubber band. It is necessary to hook the crochet and throw the middle elastic on the left to the upper elastic band. Agree, these are quite simple actions.

bracelet of elastic bands

Then the lower right rubber band should be hooked and again thrown on the upper rubber band. Of course, this is a painstaking job, but in the end you will get an unusual decoration.

bracelet of elastic bands

Put on a new rubber band in black. In the finished work, half of the bracelet will be orange, and half - black. Nevertheless, the product will be in harmony with clothes of any color.

bracelet of elastic bands

Step 7. Follow Step 6 in the direction from right to left. The weave is repeated until the bracelet reaches the required length.

It’s much easier to figure out how to weave bracelets fromgum "French braid" than remembering the pattern of weaving. Following the scheme, you can always be distracted and confused in the sequence of changing colors of elastics and the direction of weaving.

On the slingshot is always worn three rubber bands.You need to start from the side where the colors of the rubber bands alternate. If at the beginning of step 6 the sequence orange - black - orange was the same for both sides of the slingshot, then at the end of the step the sequence on the left will be orange - orange - black, and right: black - orange - black. Therefore, step 7 is worth starting at the right side of the slingshot with the central orange gum and finish the bottom orange on the left.

The "final" step. Braiding the bracelet with a second "loop" to fasten the fastener. To do this, the extreme rubber should be thrown on one side of the slingshot.

bracelet of elastic bands

The lock is inserted into both "loops" and completes the bracelet. As accessories, you can use not only plastic hooks, but also made of metal alloys.

bracelet of elastic bands

Unexplained popularity of rubber

It is worth noting that the hobby we are considering has spread all over the world with unprecedented speed. The age of people who are fond of Raindow loom varies from 6 to 99 years.

french braid bracelet

Boys and girls of all ages love madlyweave bracelets. As it turned out, their parents like this job no less. What crazy things of rubber bands do not create adults! For example, rubber orchids in a pot.

french braid bracelet

Some create slippers from color rings, a watch strap and even a dream catcher. People with creative thinking make whole pictures that perfectly fit into the interior of any home.

french braid bracelet

But the primacy in the competition for the originality of the use of rubber bands is rightfully earned by Jimmy Kimmel! Who is this person? Why did the fans of this unusual hobby pay attention to him?

french braid bracelet

Jimmy Kimmel is a famous leading humoristshow. He appeared on TV on a suit from Rainbow Loom, which aroused the audience's interest. Attire "Suit of the Loom" was made by children from around the world.

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