/ / How to make a bomb for the bathroom

How to make a bomb for the bathroom

For fans, a hand-made answer to the question:"How to make a bath bomb?" - obvious. To do this, you need the right ingredients and a special form. You can buy components for making bombs in the store or using an order via the Internet. Made at home using well-known components, they will give a lot of positive emotions when taking a bath.

how to make a bomb
It should be noted that at first the process of theirmanufacturing can get out of control, and the quality of the finished product is poor. The bomb can crumble in the hands, not sizzle in water. But over time, adapting yourself, you can easily get a product of excellent quality.

Talking about how to make a bomb, shouldvoice all the components that will be needed in its manufacture. These are sea salt, citric acid, baking soda, base oils, dyes (optional), fragrances. You should also prepare dishes for mixing, a spoon and gloves. For color bombs, soda or sea salt should be painted in the right color in advance. If the goal is to create a white product, this procedure can be neglected. Base oils are selected depending on preference. For example, shea butter moisturizes the skin well, and apricot kernel oil easily copes with irritation and inflammation.

do-it-yourself bombs

Anyone can make bombs with their own hands.human. Their main difference from the store purchases is that they add the ingredients (perfume or oil) that you need. They harden after a few hours, and in the manufacture of them in the morning by the evening you can pamper yourself with a relaxing bath. Allowed to add rose petals, calendula flowers, mint leaves. Perfumes are allowed to be replaced with essential oils to enhance the effect and aroma.

Classic bombs for the bath is made as follows:

- 2 parts baking soda mixed with one partcitric acid. This means that, for example, 5 tablespoons of the second are added to 10 tablespoons of the first ingredient. Mix components, grind with a blender or coffee grinder.

- Добавить к полученной смеси 1 часть наполнителя (for example, milk powder) and 0.25 parts of the base oil, as well as a few drops of perfume. All mix, grind, fill the molds, heavily tamping mass, leave the product for 10-12 hours.

Remove the finished bomb, smooth the junction, removing all unnecessary.

To understand how to make a bomb,it is advisable to attend master classes or ask advice from those who have been practicing such an activity for a long time. After talking with such people, you often learn a lot of little tricks. For example, most often in recipes it is said that one part of the oil should be used for one part of salt and citric acid. In reality, bombs made in this way tend to crumble. Experienced craftswomen say that you should try to add less base oil, at least half. Then the moisture is less, and the product retains its shape and properties. Changes to the recipes are made empirically, so the question: "How to make a bomb so that it does not fall apart?" - it is advisable to ask experienced people. Another one of the small nuances - filling both halves of the form at once and tamping the mixture. If you first fill one half, and then perform such manipulations with the other, there is a risk that the finished product will split into just two parts exactly at the junction.

If you plan to make such a thing in order to give a friend or relative, you should take care of the packaging of the finished product.

how to make a bomb out of paper
If you make a paper bomb and place a ball or a heart in it to take a bath, you will get very original. Your ingenuity will surely be appreciated.

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