/ / Twine goat: master class. New Year's twine crafts

Goat from a twine: master class. New Year's twine crafts

Twine is a great material to create.interesting crafts. It is easy to work with him, he is very malleable and pleasant. Various folk amulets in the form of dolls and animals are made from it. A special place among them is a goat made of twine. A master class on its creation will be discussed below.

What it is?

These figures are formed by winding andsticking of the base material. Separately, you can sew any clothes for ready-made characters, decorate them with beads, sequins, buttons and other accessories.

The goat has long been considered a talisman of young girls.It symbolizes the well-being in the house, is the family breadwinner. Often a pair of goats are made to it. Our ancestors identified him with courage, an abundance of vitality, the emergence of large offspring and a high level of fertility.

twine goat master class

Crafts made of twine - Christmas decorations andsouvenirs that can be given to loved ones as a talisman. It will take you no more than an hour to create one such figure. But this process will bring a lot of pleasure and joy, and the result of your efforts will not deteriorate over the years. Consider the most common technique of manufacturing this charm.

What is needed for this?

First, prepare materials and tools that will be useful in the work:

- a coil of twine rope;

- glue gun;

- beautiful braid;

- satin ribbon;

- plain and woolen red color;

- a needle;

- Accessories (for example, sequins and beads);

- fabric for making clothes;

- scissors;

- small artificial fruits and a cap from the shampoo for the basket, which will keep your Christmas goat.

Where to begin?

new year goat

Wind the main rope around the base.This can be a rectangular piece of cardboard or a small book. Remove the ring and cut it on one side. The resulting bundle drag in the middle of the red wool thread.

Attach a separate piece in the same place.twine. Then fold the workpiece in half and, stepping back a little from the bend, wrap it across the just tied fragment of twine. The top of this composition will be the face of our animal.

The whole goat is formed with the hands as follows.in a way. Divide the threads, hanging freely, into even halves and proceed to the creation of separate parts of the body. Also, cut 24 identical strips from the rope.

We work on the details

Weave one pigtail of 12 threads and two more -each of six. The first part is used to create the hands of the figurine, and the rest you use to form the ears and horns. Thus, you get a real goat from the string. A master class to achieve this goal is advised to perform the following steps.

Fold one of the little eight braids andfasten it with a thread in the middle so that it holds the shape. You got ears. Insert them together with the second thin braid (it will be horns) in the bundle prepared earlier.

goat do it yourself

Wrap a part of the workpiece under them a pair of turnstwine, thread the finished handles into it and fasten them. Goat with his own hands is almost ready. Now you need to put it on the upper part cut off from the bottle and start making the skirt.

We are engaged in decorating

Take a small piece of cloth and walk alongits edge is the easiest stitch. Pull the ends of the thread to the pattern pulled together and formed a cone. Sheathe the bottom edge of the product with braid, decorate it with beads, applique or any other decorative elements. Put the finished skirt on the figure and secure the thread at the waist.

Your new year goat should have eyes.They can be made from small cardboard circles: draw colored pupils with a marker on a white background, cut out the blank and glue. Also, ceramic clay is excellent as a material, from which you can make any shapes. Alternatively, sew two beads or buttons.

goat scheme

Tie on your beautiful neat hornsbows of thin satin ribbons. If you want, you can fasten it on your head or put a scarf from a square flap of fabric on your shoulders that blends well with the color of the skirt.

At this stage, the goat is finally formed fromtwine. The master class recommends supplementing its image with a beautiful basket with vegetables or fruits. To make this accessory, use a small cap from under the shampoo or perfume. Also for this case, suitable for half of the package "kinder surprise."

Grease the base with superglue and tightly coat it with a string. Wait until the walls are dry, put the contents of the basket inside and stick it to the figure's handles.

Making a goat

Можете также изготовить козлика в пару для своей little animals. It must be made of braids of different thickness. So, for the body you will need 25 cuts, for the hands - two dozen, on the ears and horns - 6, respectively.

Braid all these groups of ropes separatelyexcept the body. Fast rewind their edges. Trim the edges with scissors to make them look neat and cut off all the excess. Now go to work on the face. Attach a few strings to the central part of the remaining bundle (this will be a beard) and rewind them with a red thread (mouth).

twine crafts

Then go to the formation of the head.Fold the blank in half and smooth it out. Without affecting the loosely hanging strands of the beard, tie the main bundle at the top. Now bend the pigtail for the ears with the figure eight and insert it between the strands. These will be ears. Thread the future horns too.

Соберите образовавшуюся композицию воедино, smooth and correct its elements so that you have a head. Secure the structure by wrapping the area under it with a string. Apply it in a layer about a centimeter or two wide (you will have a neck) and, without cutting the thread, proceed to the next step. Insert a pigtail into the body (a goat diagram will tell you how to do it correctly) and continue to wrap to form a body.

Final touches

new crafts from twine
New crafts from twine should not be onlybeautiful as well resilient. To make legs for a goat, at the end of work with the body, braid the remaining threads at the bottom into two pigtails. Tighten them and completely wrap. To make the animal more dense, you can add several layers of rope cover to its body or even place a little padding polyester under it.

Sew a patchwork suit for the toy.As the material fit beautiful handkerchiefs. Decorate clothes. Make a craft stand or attach loops to them so that you can hang them somewhere.

Now you have a beautiful goat and a goat fromtwine. A master class on how to create them will help you to make wonderful New Year decorations or amulets for close people who were born under the sign of this animal. Such a talisman will bring them a lot of joy, prosperity, happy changes and give vitality. This amulet will become the keeper of home and well-being in any home.

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