/ / Three powerful decks with a fiery dragon for the game Royal Clash

Three powerful decks with the Flame Dragon for Royal Clash

Popular game Clash of Clans receivedA long-awaited sequel to the development of Supercell. The name of the new version of Clash Royale implies the play of words: "Collision of kings" or "Collision of decks". Royale translates as "representative of the royal family", there is also a reference to the term card game in poker Royale Flush, that is "royal suit".

From the title it is clear that Clash Royale isMultiplayer card game with strategy elements. You can install the program on iOS mobile devices through the AppStore app store or the Google Play Market for the Android operating system.

fiery dragon deck

Basic rules of the game

The meaning of the game is simple and uncomplicated.On the field are two fortresses of opponents. Each fortress has its defenders: a custom deck with a fiery dragon and its Clash universe characters. The goal of each round is to destroy the opponent's reinforcement first. Faster with the task of coping with a player whose deck is chosen taking into account the weaknesses of the enemy and the characteristics of their own soldiers. For each duel, no more than 3 minutes are allowed.

The difficulty lies not in acquiring and improving your own maps, but in thinking through the strategy of the battle, drawing up unique custom decks.

piano dragon dragon deck

Clash Collectible Cards

Clash Royale combat units are different.types of troops, spells, a variety of military vehicles and buildings from the previous version of the game Clash of Clans. Cards are opened as they progress through a certain number of arenas and receive bonuses for victories. Experience points earned in fights can be spent on increasing the level and improving the characteristics of the selected cards. For the calculation of the fighter on the playing field you need to spend a few elixirs.

One of the favorite characters of game fans isInferno Dragon. The Flame Dragon Clash Royale deck is the most powerful combination. In the description of the card itself, the following is indicated: "It shoots with a concentrated fiery ray. Damage increases with time. Wearing a helmet is the most important of all."

The flame dragon is an air force unit withgreat damage like earth - air. Character application requires the development of a special strategy. Card features must be taken into account when compiling Royal Pongs with a Fiery Dragon and blocking its disadvantages by adding other fighters to the squadron.

deck with fiery dragon clash

Characteristics of custom decks

As a rule, a deck contains up to 8 cards. The final version can be estimated by the following characteristics:

  • Arena level, on which the collection is possible;
  • the cost of landing troops on the battlefield;
  • average damage to the deck, which is applied to the royal tower and the army of the enemy;
  • average number of life cards in the deck.

To compile a strong deck, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each playing card.

piano dragon dragon deck

The most successful deck combinations

Consider the performance of the collection on the example of a deck with a fiery dragon.

Deck formed from Minion cards, SmallDragon, Skeleton Army, Witch, Princess, Fireball, Miner and Fiery Dragon, is estimated in the game for 1 crown. The combination of Flame and Little Dragon cards is a good strategic move, they perfectly compensate for each other’s shortcomings, ensuring high damage to a single target and a selected area. Minions are used to protect their own air units. The Fireball spell deals significant damage to the enemy’s royal tower and any other structure.

The princess has a huge radius of defeat andcan reach targets on the opposite end of the playing field. The Skeleton Army card always has advantages in combination with the Witch, which replenishes the army every 7 seconds with 3 units of newly raised warriors. The advantages of Shakhtar are in excellent health, the ability to land a unit anywhere in the field.

In this pack, in addition to the Princess, Smallthe dragon and the Minions, the Fiery Dragon, are combined with the Hellhound, the Ice Sorcerer, the Elixir Collector and the Megaminone. The elixir collector is a building that provides the player with additional potion units for disembarking expensive cards, such as the Hellhound, which attacks only buildings. The combination of normal and improved cards in the game is called a double combo - Minion and Megaminon, Little Dragon and Fiery Dragon. Ice sorcerer slows down the speed of movement of enemy troops.

In the third example, Mini P.E.C.C.A. cards appear.and spells Discharge, red Woodman and the Giant, Ice and Fiery spirits. Mini P.E.K.K.A. - Basic war games with high damage and low attack speed. The discharge has a large radius of destruction and is used against numerous armies. The giant has a large supply of health, it can be used as a shield for valuable units or a ram for buildings. A lumberjack is a truly legendary map, after the death of a unit, all troops that are nearby receive an acceleration charge. Ice and Fiery spirits die after the very first attack, but the cards are convenient at the speed and cost of their landing. Study the cards and enjoy the game!

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