/ / Bookmark from felt for books by own hands

Bookmark from felt for books by own hands

Nowadays in shops for needleworkersyou can buy many modern bright and easy-to-use materials. One of the most pleasant is felt. His gentle structure was liked by the hand-made masters at once. When working with warm material, needlewomen relieve nervous tension, work with felt calms and relaxes. And the products are bright, colorful and picturesque.

What is felt?

Feather is the finest felt, which is made from the wool of sheep, fuzz or rabbit fur. From natural felt make hats, bags for bags, production pads for equipment.

bookmark of felt

But crafts are made of artificialanalogue. Its properties are the same. It is soft and has a delicate texture, it varies in thickness. From such felt make soft toys, sew dresses for dolls, shelves albums for photographs, produce bulk flowers and fruits. Felt can be pasted inside the caskets or treasure boxes. From it make beads, bracelets and hairpins. In this article, we'll look at how you can make bookmarks from felt for books.


1.Standard classic bookmarks are rectangular. A pattern is cut out from the felt base. It can be just the same type of image of berries or fruits, and you can create a storyline, for example, on a blue background of the night sky sew on top of the semicircle of the month, add a few stars. From the bottom of the bookmark of felt you can add a couple of colorful houses. The more small details in the work, the more colorful the finished product looks.

bookmarks from felt for books

2.Another option - a bookmark of felt for books, made by hand, with a ribbon. Here there are two details - the main one, which is inserted into the book, and an additional small size that will be placed on the ribbon and hanging from the outside of the book. As a small detail, you can use as any geometric figure, and objects, for example, a flower, a heart, an apple, etc.

3. A bookmark from felt on an elastic band.The main detail is made large and bulky. The picture is located on the cover of the book, and the rubber band, sewn on both sides of the product in a circle, keeps all the pages read together. This option is the most sparing for the book edition, since it absolutely does not deform it.

bookmarks from felt patterns

4.The last variant of the felt inserts is the corner, which is put on the edge of the page. Sew it from two rectangular triangles, leaving the hypotenuse not sewn. But such an option when you move the book and its vertical storage may fall out. This bookmark can only be used when the book is lying quietly on the nightstand and waiting for it to be read again.

Simple bookmarks

Felt is convenient in the work by the fact that its edges do not split.Products can be either stitched along the edge, or left untreated. Everything depends on the desire of the master and his imagination. The photo shows two tabs that resemble the standard versions. They are decorated quite simply, you can draw such berries and fruits yourself, even without a pattern.

self-embroidering of felt

In order not to be visible on the back side of the seams from sewing elements, a second layer of the same shape is made, and at the end of work they are sewn together on the sides.

Also, the bookmark of felt can be decorated with details, gluing them to the base. Of course, such a product can not be washed, but this option also has the right to life.

Bookmark with ribbon

To do this work, you need to purchase a feltnecessary colors, ribbon, thread, needle, stencil patterns. To make a bookmark from the felt pattern, you can use those that are designed for paper applications, analogues of fabric. Once the pattern patterns are ready, the contours of the parts are applied to the material.

book of felt for books

After that, the elements are cut out with scissorsbookmarks, stitches the main picture and a small detail that will be sewn to the ribbon. Then tape is attached to one and the other part. It remains only to cut the back sides of the bookmark and sew on its two parts.

Lion's Pattern

Consider manufacturing a bookmark from felt forbooks on the pattern of a lion. To work on this picture you need light orange or dark beige and brown felt. First, the pattern is transferred to a sheet of thick paper. Then each piece is cut with scissors. We lay out in turn a ready-made template on a sheet of felt and paint it with a simple pencil or crayon. Remains only to cut out details with sharp scissors. Cutting on a felt sheet is easy enough, as the material does not stretch and is thin.

bookmarks from felt for pattern books

Next, you need to correctly arrange all the detailsapplications and see how the finished product will look. If everything turned out right, you can start to fasten the details together. This can be done with threads, sewing parts. Take for work better embroidery thread, picking them up by color.

You can also make an application with glue.A ready-made composition can be ironed through a cotton cloth, but not very hot with an iron. Clay will take better and stay longer. But the glued product can not be washed with contamination.

You can also sew a ribbon or elastic band for comfortable use to the made bookmark from felt on a pattern.

Pattern of a girl

For the manufacture of such a figurine of feltYou will need several sheets of different colors - black, yellow, turquoise, pink, white. Each part is carefully transferred from the drawing to the material and cut out along the contour. Then you need to carefully sew all the details. Thin lines are made using thread stitches.

bookmark of felt

After the whole figure is done, you need to outline it to draw a pattern for the back side. Before sewing two parts together inside, you need to insert a ribbon or elastic.

Corner bookmarks

It is very easy to bookmark from two identicaltriangles. It should be an isosceles rectangular triangle. First they are drawn using a ruler and a pencil on a sheet of cardboard, making a template. Then transfer it to a sheet of felt and cut out the contours of the pattern.

bookmark of felt

On one of the triangles that will bebe considered an outside, apply any pattern. It can be simple flowers, glued or sewn around the edges of the figure. In the center, you can arrange a larger part. Then the edges of the triangles are stitched, leaving a hypotenuse free. Everything, a bookmark of felt, made by myself, ready!

Put such a bookmark on the bottom or topcorner of the page, it is better to take a lot at once, so as not to tear the tender leaf. Angle tabs can also be made in the form of animals, hearts, square envelopes, etc.

Bookmarks on an elastic band

The most convenient for the book option.You will need the felt needed for the color picture and a flat rubber band that stretches well. It should not be too dense, otherwise the tension will deform the pages of the book or the edge of the felt part will tear. The picture can be an image of a large animal or fruit.

bookmark of felt

They love to make masters flowers,using fringed details, petals that are sewn on only one side. Since the bookmark will not be inside the book, it can be made of any size and volume. This makes this version of the bookmarks more attractive for creative people.

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