/ How to sew a skirt in a fold yourself?

How to sew a skirt in a fold yourself?

The skirt in the fold does not lose its popularity for many years. She is a mandatory attribute in the wardrobe of a woman of any age and profession, from the young

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school girls to the wise ladies of life experience in years. The presence of a fold skirt in your wardrobe allows you to invent new images, combining it with a suitable top and a variety of accessories.

Такую юбку уместно надеть в любой ситуации, starting from the office, ending with a romantic walk in the park. This type of clothing is suitable for all women, regardless of shape and height. Simulating the length of the product and the width of the folds, you can create skirt styles for full women, who hide all the shortcomings of the figure.

The figure of each woman is individual, thereforeIt's not easy to find the right model in stores, which you will like. Running unsuccessfully around all the shops of the city, either of us eventually ask ourselves the question of how to sew a skirt in the fold itself? Is it possible to create such a model at home? Of course, yes. Sewing such a product at home is not only possible, but extremely simple. Spending

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the minimum amount of time, you will receive an exclusive skirt tailored specifically for your figure according to the standards that you have removed.

Before proceeding to the very process of sewing,it is necessary to build a pattern of the future product. It is constructed in the same way for any figure. Patterns of skirts for fat women do not require any additional measurements. We need to know the girth of the waist and hips, and then calculate the depth of folds. To do this, from the number of centimeters of the width of our entire fabric, we need to take away the value of the measurement of the hip circumference, and then divide the resulting number by the desired number of folds - so we get the depth of one. However, it should be remembered that the total length of the fabric should be at least three times as much as the hips, otherwise the appearance of the product will be unsightly.

In how to sew a skirt into a fold, there is nothing complicated. As a material for the future product is better to choose woolen or silk

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the cloth. The fact is that on cotton fabrics it will be difficult to hold a jaw.

To make it easier and more understandable for you, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to sew a skirt into a fold.

First of all, take measurements that includelength of the skirt, girth of the waist and hips. The width of the entire tissue, as we have already said, should be equal to three values ​​of the girth of the hips, plus a couple of centimeters. In addition, you need to add a few centimeters to the seams, the processing of the edge and the hem of the bottom.

Then, on the underside of the fabric,line of hips, from the top itself the height plus one centimeter for pritachivanija a belt is postponed. Further, folds are noted, and their depth and width are taken into account. Then everything must be swept away, the folds ironed.

Then the panels are cleaved at the lateral seams and soak off. Seam allowances must be swept out. Now you can sweep the future belt and arrange a fitting skirt.

In the back part, lightning is stuck, the edges of it need to be stitched. After that, the belt is already sewn on.

Thus, you will learn how to sew a skirt into a crease, and make sure it's very simple.

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