/ / Sew a bag with your own hands: simple savings or something more?

Sew a bag with your own hands: simple savings or something more?

Returning to the topic of accessories, it is impossible to get aroundside of such a recognized ladies' fetish like bags. We girls treat them with special trepidation, and, give us the will, and better money, and we would get each bag along each bag, and preferably two. And not only for outfits, but simply because they are so ... so ... In general, the situation with bags is even sadder than with shoes: shoes have a wide range of practical applications, wear out faster, and therefore the need to acquire a new pair of shoes occurs much more often. For many of us, handbags remain a luxury rather than a prime necessity - we love and buy quality items, and they tend to stay in excellent condition for a long time, not allowing their owners the moral right to spend another bunch of money on an optional purchase.

Но мы бы не были женщинами, если бы не могли find a solution in any situation. For example, why not try to sew a bag with your own hands? It is difficult at first glance, but in fact it is no more difficult than stitching, for example, a dress or pants: after all, the patterns of the bag with their own hands are pretty simple in their majority, and the style and mood are not at all implausible by any bag. the complexity of the decoration, and the elements of decor and accessories. So, in order to sew a bag with your own hands, the first thing you need to carefully consider its design, decorative and functional solutions and in accordance with his idea to find a suitable pattern. You can, of course, and vice versa, first choose a pattern, and then consider options for its design, but most of us buy bags based on their style and materials, and only then pay attention to the design features - and what's the difference, sew a bag with your own hands or buy? After all, the result is one thing - a new thing that we should like to be madly in love with.

So, we generally present whatWe want to achieve the result: we need a comfortable, practical, but most importantly, a beautiful bag. No matter how weak we feel for the skin, we can only make bags with leather for those who have specialized sewing machines. Otherwise, you should not try - to sew a bag with your own hands from leather without resorting to a sewing machine is impossible: you get a terrible aura. So, we have a small choice - sports and summer bags: they are usually sewn from fabric. The summer bag is especially attractive: after all, it is time for an active life outside the home, because in fine weather it is very difficult to force yourself to be within four walls - the more reason to demonstrate a new thing. In addition, it is the onset of the warm season that makes us wait for changes and fresh impressions, be bold in our fantasies, and acquire new experience, and in addition to it and a new handbag correspond to this mood in the best way. In addition, do-it-yourself handbag patterns for the summer season are distinguished by their simplicity of construction and simple execution - an ideal option for the first experience. For summer bags, it is best to use dense fabrics of artificial origin - they are the most durable to wear. Naturally, summer is the time for bright colors, so we prefer the most cheerful colors. Do not forget about the accessories: for example, for bright beach bags with an expressive floral pattern, accessories made of warm natural materials are great, wood and bamboo are especially popular.

And here, the idea to sew a bag seized us entirely:we already imagine a new little thing in all details, looked at more than one site in search of the necessary accessories, went around all the shops in the city, looking at fabrics and noticing which one would fit for sewing handbags, and at the same time to that dress in the pea. It all fits, then it's time to start. We download a suitable pattern, we buy everything we need and proceed to the process of creativity, although, if in a good way, it began a long time ago, because when we only fantasized about the new thing, we were already working, simply not at the material level. But after all, our future handbag was born just then, and now we just help it to be realized. There is quite a bit of patience and accuracy - and we are ready to meet the new summer season fully armed: we have an exclusive thing, a copy of which we definitely will not meet somewhere in the summer cafe or, by the night, say, in our own office. And what a banal purchase of a new bag for ordinary money will be able to compare with this unforgettable creative process, even more so, which led to such a magnificent result?

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