/ / Raw material - what is it? Definition

Raw material - what is it? Definition

"Ah, if they knew from what rubbish ..." Not only poems are born, but also designer things for interior decoration, many would be surprised.

What is not a shame to throw, but you can put it into practice

To create original ornaments andfunctional objects are used not only to purchase expensive accessories and other accessories, but also junk material. These are the items that a person used in everyday life, and then throws away as unnecessary. This includes used cardboard packaging, plastic and glass bottles, egg cells, tires that have served their time and parts from various failed mechanisms. All that is not a shame to throw out, can in skilled hands turn into an original object that can become an ornament of the interior or a gift for an expensive person.

The art of creating beauty from garbage

The world is brewing an ecological disaster because of theThe fact that the amount of garbage dropped sharply increased. Huge dumps not only disfigure the appearance of suburbs, but also create a threatening ecological situation. Artists from all over the world create their creations in the fashionable trash art technique ("trash" in English - "garbage"). This is an opportunity for people who are not indifferent and enthusiastic around the world to reuse junk material. This flow is gaining momentum every year.

junk material is

Original decorations for the street

In the design of the dacha or infield, you canwith a lot of use of junk material. This and the old tires, from which you can make and multi-tiered flower beds, and bright sculptures. They are also used for making street furniture, which is not afraid of weather vagaries. Old buckets and broken dishes can serve as a material for street lights and pots for flowers.

The ubiquitous plastic bottles are indispensablematerial for the design of beds and flower beds. With their help, you can not only decorate the site and outline the boundaries of landings, but even apply them as a device for irrigation when it is not possible to often visit the suburban area. And glass bottles are not only a basis for hand-made articles, but also a cheap building material from which craftsmen build gazebos and other structures.

handicrafts from waste material for children
In the able hands, even the caps of the bottlesbecome a material for creativity. A boring fence from the mesh netting or a blank wall of the house turns into art objects after being decorated with a mosaic of colored bottle caps.

Designer interior decorations

Can be widely used in the manufacture of"spill" crafts throwing material. This provides an opportunity to give scope to fantasy. For example, glass bottles of interesting shape, which are now so much on sale, can find a second life, if one of them is to produce such a thing in the household as a vase. Of the waste material, you can make lamps, pots for indoor flowers, panels and paintings.

photo of a waste material
The course can go not only plastic or glass,but eggshells, old newspapers and magazines, shells from nuts. For example, pistachios can become the basis for stylish jewelry or a wreath. You can also make jewelery from lightning from old things and keys from broken locks. A photo of the junk material turned into masterpieces can be found in our article.

manufacturing of handicrafts from waste material
Eggshell can also become a sourceinspiration. Its fragments can be pasted onto a cardboard base and then painted with colors or glued to napkins in a decoupage technique. This applique from the cast-off material looks elegant and noble, like an old mosaic or a cracked oil painting.

The new life of the newspapers read

Yesterday's newspapers, read at dinner, canbecome the basis for crafts. The technique of making papier-mâché has been known for a long time, but thanks to modern new ideas, it has expanded. Modern masters combine it with other types of needlework, for example, with decoupage, and you get amazing things. And how many people are fascinated by weaving from newspaper tubes! The craftsmen make both original baskets, and pots, and boxes for small things. And some even manage to make wicker furniture and vases.

Crafts with children

The junk material is an excellent basis forchildren's creativity. Kids are happy to come up with new opportunities to use seemingly unnecessary items. Children's imagination allows you to turn a few plastic cups into the characters of your favorite fairy tale.

applique from a waste material
Crafts from the material for childrencreativity should be selected taking into account the characteristics of children's development. Usually they use plastic bottles and lids from them, disposable dishes, sleeves from toilet paper and paper towels, buttons, shells from nuts and much more. Babies should easily work with materials: cut them, pierce, glue and perform other manipulations.

junk material is
Of the cardboard boxes left after purchasefurniture, you can make a real kitchen for a small hostess. And for the boy - to make a car on which he will travel around the apartment. Yes, there is little that loving parents can think up for their children. The joint manufacture of such handicrafts is very close, and new ideas come during work. Adults perform complex stages, and the baby can be entrusted with decorative finishing.

You can make a house from an unnecessary cardboard orshop, cutting windows and doors. A small box can be used to make a doll house. Inside it can be pasted with the remains of wallpaper, cut out curtains from the scraps of fabric. Furniture is also made from everything that is at hand. Making crafts from waste material is an exciting activity that helps adults to return to their childhood, and children will learn how to create new things with their own hands.

New Year decoration

New Year is a holiday everyone expects from a small oneto great. By this day, prepare in advance, dressing up a Christmas tree and an apartment, making gifts. And on the eve of this holiday, throwaway material will never be useful. Old catalogs and magazines can be used to make garlands and lanterns. From burned bulbs are obtained original Christmas toys, which no one else has. Plastic cups can become the basis for toys, if they are painted with bright colors and add shine.

waste vase
Working with non-recurring material teaches both adults and children not only to create and develop, but also to find non-standard solutions. He teaches thrift and love of the environment.

Before sending any item,out of order, in the trash, it is worth looking at him closely. Or maybe this is not a waste material at all, but the basis of a future masterpiece. It is always possible to throw away something that is no longer needed, but to give a second life is already an art.

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