/ How to Knit a Bastwatch Crochet: Multiple Options

How to Knit a Bastwatch Crochet: Multiple Options

Даже такая простая, но столь необходимая в The everyday thing, like a loofah, can change the design of the home. Especially in the event that this object is made by own hands and to its manufacture the foreman has put creative imagination and skill, has made it with heat and love. On how to knit a bast crochet, this article will tell.

how to knit a bast crochet

Washcloths flat

Вариантов того, как вязать мочалку крючком, there is a great variety. The simplest are flat figures with ropes or hinges for hands. They are easy to manufacture, having the easiest habit of knitting crochet. The material can be ordinary yarn for knitting, propylene or polyethylene yarn. But you can use the usual old pantyhose. They need to be cut in a spiral by a solid strip 1 cm wide and slightly stretched - a twisted thick thread will turn out. How to knit a sponge crocheted out of a thread made of old pantyhose? Just like from ordinary yarn, only the hook should be taken larger. You can make a loofah in the form of a lion's head, using a circular mating. First, you will get a muzzle that is tied with ordinary viscous (made of another soft material, the eyes and a spout are sewn after), and then everything is tied up with an "elongated loop" pattern in five or six rows - this mimics the mane. And you can connect an openwork viscous rectangle, which should be pulled off from one end, passing through the holes in the string - you get a sort of luxurious "bow".

crochet crochet for beginners


If the house has a baby, it will be interesting to knowon how to knit a sponge crochet in the form of a cute soft toy. As an image, you can take any option. After manufacturing the toy should be filled with slices of foam rubber or sintepon, and then sew the hole. If we knit a sponge crochet (for beginners we will clarify that it is easier to make a flat washcloth, and then decorate it with applique) in a tone it can also make a bath mat using the previously selected plot.

how to start a loofah knit

Washcloth with elongated loops

But the most common pattern forThe manufacture of this attribute of the bathroom is a knit crochet called "elongated loop". It is this option that creates the volume and softness of the washcloth. But before you begin to knit a loofah, you need to practice tying out the elongated loops. This is done quite simply. The first row will serve as an ordinary chain of air loops. Then on it the first row is fastened with a usual column without a crochet. But when knitting the second row, you need (before entering the hook) to skirt the working thread, either a pencil or a case from a medical thermometer, or your own finger of the left hand (provided that the master is a right-hander). Then the usual column is executed. And again we wrap the thread with a pencil or a finger - make a loop, fix it with a column. When five or six loops are accumulated on a pencil or case, it is removed, releasing them. After the series is fastened, it is necessary to fasten the pattern by tying one or two rows without loops. If the master uses several colors of yarn during the manufacturing process, he can get a striped loofah - it will look fun and cute!

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