/ What is an excerpt? In which cases is this function used and is it necessary in the camera?

What is an excerpt? In which cases is this function used and is it necessary in the camera?

Quality photos can not be obtained onautomatic mode with standard settings. Of course, they can be beautiful and interesting for a certain circle of people, but it is difficult to call their artistic work.

Such a function, like shutter speed in a camera, is required for shooting moving objects, for obtaining clarity, sharpness or, conversely, blurring certain elements (for example, water flow).

So, what is an excerpt? From a technical point of view, this is the time period for which light rays pass through the lens opening, reaching the photosensitive element.

From a scientific point of view, we explained what exposure is. And now we will consider in more detail what it is like and how to achieve the desired effect.

what is exposure

Calculate this parameter in seconds:1 / 30sec, 1 / 60sec. Often the camera displays only the denominator, so do not be afraid. In compact cameras, the row is displayed in this way: 1,1 / 2, ¼, 1/8 and so on.

In any apparatus for photographing, there is such a function as the exposure priority. This means that the aperture is automatically selected for the selected value.

Short exposure

long exposure

Now you know what exposure is.Let's consider in what cases the above values ​​are used? Immediately indicate that the short exposure is intended for shooting animals, racing, sports, so that the moving object in the photo does not look "blurry". The faster the object moves, the less the parameter is set. But remember that in this case you will need good lighting, since less light enters the shutter. The diaphragm will help to correct the situation, the degree of which we increase in proportion to the reduction of exposure.

Long exposure

This is used in low lightand to get special effects. But here it is necessary to use a tripod, otherwise the blur will be on the entire photo. If you set high photosensitivity, then expect that in the dark, the photo will inevitably have "noise". It can be corrected in the "Photoshop" program, but the quality of this decreases.

exposure priority

The amount of exposure is of particular importance forshooting a water regardless of whether it's a fountain or a river. A shutter that is too fast can create a frozen surface effect, and too long a lack of sharpness. So, for slow rivers and streams the degree from 1/30 to 1 / 125с is suitable. In windy weather, set the parameter from 1/125 to 1/250. Rapid flows should be removed at rates of about 1 / 1000s.

If you have a high-quality mirror orprofessional camera, you can shoot the night sky of the starry sky with an exposure of up to several hours. So you get not only an interesting photo, but also a trajectory of the Earth's motion. Do not forget about photosensitivity, otherwise the noise can be just unbearable.

Underwater photography uses short exposures, no more than 1 / 30s, as you constantly move, which means that it is very likely to get a blurry image.

Now it became clear to you that such an endurance and inin which cases it is applied. If desired, interesting effects can be obtained even on advanced compact cameras, and if we talk about professional equipment, then masterpieces are provided here. Take into account the features of your camera, as well as the shooting conditions, because even sunny or cloudy weather drastically changes the result.

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