/ / How to sew an envelope for a newborn do it yourself

How to sew an envelope for a newborn do it yourself

If soon you expect to be bornbaby, then it is time to think about the dress clothes for discharge from the hospital. For this purpose, an envelope for a newborn, perfectly sewn and decorated with decorative details, is perfect. A little imagination, patience and basic sewing skills will be quite enough.

Для начала необходимо решить, для чего будет This item is intended. It will be required only for a solemn meeting from the maternity hospital, or you will begin to use it for daily walks. A big role is played by the season and climatic conditions of your area at the time of the birth of the baby. If you are discharged in summer, then sew an envelope for a newborn with your own hands, using openwork and lightweight fabrics (satin, sewing, lace fabric). At birth in the winter, make sure to warm the product with padding polyester or fur. And if in your area often enough precipitation in the form of sleet and rain fall, then take care of the water-repellent fabric for the top.

Consider a variant of this product, whichcloses with a detachable zipper from one edge. The envelope pattern for the newborn is very simple. To build it, we use only two values: the envelope length will be 130 centimeters, and its width will be 80. Take a paper sheet and draw a rectangle on it with dimensions of 130x40 centimeters. Now divide it into three parts, starting at the top. For pads enough 30 centimeters. On the mattress and top blanket will go 50 centimeters. In the middle part (to the mattress), on the right side, we draw another rectangle 50x40 centimeters. This will be the topmost decorative item. Leave the pillow with right angles or make a semicircle, if desired.

Envelope for a newborn do it yourselfSew from satin and cotton sewing, with lace trim, satin ribbon of the desired color and with padding from synthetic padding. Cut out one detail from satin, sewing and padding polyester. Sewing and synthetic winterizer are knit and stitched in random order. Apply lace to the front side of the sewing, leveling the cuts, and fasten, laying beautiful folds, along the pad and the side part. Now we fold the front side inside the part from satin and sewing. We connect them along the contour, departing from the edge of one centimeter, leaving open a small area.

Turning the envelope on the front side andwe sew an unclosed piece manually. We spread the finished base on the table by sewing up. We have turned the letter "T" turned on its side. Fold up the bottom blanket. Top close side detail. We sew a detachable zipper on the side of the envelope. With it, we will fix the side part.

It remains only to decorate the envelope fora newborn with your own hands. For this we use satin ribbons, lace embroidery or beautiful decal. Beautifully looks ribbon missed diagonally and tied at the top and bottom in lush bows. In this case, free corners are decorated with decorative elements of lace or embroidery.

If you prefer the option with bowsin the middle, when designing a pattern, provide not one large side detail, but two smaller ones. In this case, you will first cover the baby with a lower blanket, and then you will smell the side details and fix them with the help of satin ribbons, tying three bows at the same distance from each other. In this embodiment, the decorative lace is sewn around the entire contour of the envelope, except for the bottom blanket. Using a white satin for sewing, decorate it with red or blue ribbon. If you prefer a colored envelope, then use white ribbons for decoration. A sewn envelope on an extract with your own hands will be the first gift for a baby from a loving mother.

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