/ / Wedding albums with own hands. How to arrange a wedding album with your own hands

Wedding albums with own hands. How to arrange a wedding album with your own hands

Each girl wants to have a unique andan original wedding album, which would have kept pictures of the most important day of her life for many years. As you know, photos from everyday life we ​​put into standard albums, which you can buy at any store. But the pictures from the wedding celebration you want to decorate in a special way, so that the festive mood will last for several decades. So why not create an album yourself? After all, in this case you will get the opportunity to realize all your creative ideas and get exactly what you want! About how to arrange a wedding album with your own hands, we'll tell in our article. Sincerely we hope that our advice will help you make the memories of the holiday brighter.

We create wedding albums with our own hands: design ideas

We offer you three options for creating a book of photographs.

wedding albums with own hands

Standard way

If you do not want to spend a lot of time onhandicraft, then this option is for you. After all, it's not a secret that wedding albums do not necessarily have to be done by their own hands, since they can be bought almost everywhere. However, such a standard collection of images can be designed in a creative and original way. To do this, you should create a special arrangement of photos, add wishes from your guests, and decorate a couple of pages with any special elements (for example, a dried branch from a wedding bouquet).

how to make a wedding album


Сегодня в продаже можно встретить заготовки для create a book of photos with your own hands. As a rule, they are albums of different formats with blank cover, sheets of cardboard and strong binding. Also in some billets there is a possibility to adjust the number of pages depending on how many pictures you want to place. Having a similar basis, you get a great opportunity for creativity.


Real craftswomen make weddingdo-it-yourself albums literally from and to. This method is very popular and involves creating a blank for a book of photographs, as well as its design not only with pictures, but also with thematic drawings, newspaper and magazine clippings, recordings, memorable trifles, etc. , such as glue, sharp scissors, threads, colored paper and cardboard with different textures and drawings, colored pencils, markers, crayons, paints, various decorative elements (beads, laces, ribbons, rhinestones, flowers, glitter ki, stickers, cards, confetti, and so on. d.), as well as everything else that will tell you your imagination.

how to make a wedding album

There are some very successful and popular ones.scrapbooking techniques. One of them can surely be called embroidery. You can beautifully embroider the names of the newlyweds, or some appropriate picture on the topic. Also a very good element is the presence of notes. So, you can put comments to the pictures or place on one of the pages of the album a short funny story about what happened to the young ones on the wedding day or on the eve of it. You can write notes either by hand or create them on a computer using various fonts and letter sizes.

Another popular element of scrapbookingis framing. At the same time, extra background and details are removed from the photos, which allows you to focus on the main subject. However, it is important not to overdo it. After all, the cut parts over time can take on new sentimental or historical significance, which will make you regret their removal.

How to make a wedding album with your own hands step by step

As a master class, we offer you a method of making a book of wedding photos with a soft cover.

wedding album do it yourself

To work we need:fabric, thick folder with rings, thread, foam rubber one or two centimeters wide, glue "Moment" or glue gun, double-sided tape, thick paper or cardboard. It is desirable to choose fabric and other decorative elements in accordance with the design of the wedding celebration itself. In this case, your album will be a great addition to the holiday and will emphasize your sense of style.

If the folder has been gathering dust in the closet for a long time, thenshould be cleaned from dust. Cut a rectangle out of foam rubber, the dimensions of which coincide with the crust of the folder, to which we glue the workpiece with the help of a glue gun.

make a wedding album with your own hands

Следующий шаг заключается в придании общего вида an album. So, from a well-pre-ironed fabric, cut a rectangle. On one side, its length should be equal to the height of the folder plus 8 centimeters, and on the other, two sides of the crust plus the width of the binding and plus another 8 centimeters. In order not to engage in calculations, you can simply open the folder and circle it on the fabric, adding eight centimeters from both sides.

After all measurements are completed, anda rectangle of fabric is cut out, we proceed to wrapping our future album with it. For this purpose it is best to use double-sided tape. Be sure to keep in mind that the material must be tight enough to prevent future folds, significantly spoiling the appearance. After that, we cut two rectangles out of thick paper or cardboard, the size of which is slightly smaller than the crust. Glue them on the inside of the folder to make invisible the junction of the fabric with the cover.

After the main work is done, you cango to the most interesting, namely the decoration of the book of photographs. You can decorate it with everything that your fantasy tells you: with rhinestones, beads, bows, dry flowers, etc. The decor can be either made in the color scheme of the album cover, or contrasted with it. However, do not rush immediately tightly stick decorations. At first, just attach them with a needle and thread and see how the composition looks.


As you can see, do-it-yourself wedding albumsmake under the power of almost everyone. Having spent a little time and effort, you will receive a photo book that will delight you and your loved ones for many more years.

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