/ / How to choose an elegant dress for pregnant women?

How to choose an elegant dress for pregnant women?

Every woman in the waiting period of the baby is beautiful:the skin looks smooth and matte, the figure acquires smooth curves, the movements become feminine, and the eyes shine. An elegant dress for pregnant women, which will give the image lightness, will help to emphasize the natural beauty and tenderness.

elegant dress for pregnant women

Features dresses for waiting for a miracle

Tastes and preferences of every pregnant womanvery individual. Some people are very happy with the changes in the figure and try to emphasize as much as possible the roundness that has appeared. Others - on the contrary, in every way hide the tummy under spacious robes and feel free to put on a tight or short thing.

Fashion for pregnant women is a very conceptrelative, because each figure changes in its own way, it is difficult to predict the size and proportions of changes: some only note the growth of the tummy, while others have hips, shoulders, and the chest grows noticeably.

Choosing an elegant dress for pregnant women, you can note a few basic nuances, given that the choice will be more successful:

  • Comfortable length.There is a category of girls who remain faithful mini even being in position. Still, an elegant dress for the future mother looks much more profitable in a long version, either ankle-length or in length, covering her knees.
  • Уместная отделка.Very often, elegant dresses are full of lots of sequins, lace and bows. It is better for a pregnant woman to avoid such decoration - it will make the overall look too cumbersome and heavy. Enough will be an elegant belt, a small bow or a modest rim.
  • The correct cut.Pregnancy, of course, beautifies women, many of them manage not to gain weight too much and wear clothes for a long time from a normal “non-pregnant” life. But when a woman with an impressive tummy puts on an elegant dress for pregnant women not in size or an ordinary dress that puffs up on her stomach - it looks out of place. Therefore, the cut of the dress should correspond to the duration of pregnancy, so that the outfit will sit well.

elegant dress for pregnant women do it yourself

Greek style

The leader among elegant dresses for the futureMummies can rightly be considered dresses in the Greek style. They are distinguished by a high waistline, a large number of draperies and delicate cut lines. Also in such models very often there is a belt, which is located immediately under the breast.

These outfits look great on slender girls and future moms with impressive tummies.

An elegant dress for pregnant women in the Greek style is most often chosen for exits in the summer: models assume open shoulders and neckline.

A great feature of dresses of this kind is that they will suit any expectant mom, regardless of her age and features of the figure.

But especially pay attention to the Greek dressIt is worth expectant mothers who have a very big belly, there is obesity or swelling. The peculiarity of the cut of the dress will help to hide all temporary problems with the appearance, and the tenderness and femininity of the baby’s expectations can only be emphasized.

Trapezium or letter A

Another very popular type of dress for future mothers are dresses, the cut of which is made in the shape of a trapezoid, and also as an option - the letter A looks like a silhouette.

Такие платья постепенно расширяются книзу, leaving enough space for a growing tummy. But more often such models are suitable for slender girls who are waiting for a small baby or expectant mothers for a short time.

elegant dresses for pregnant women for the new year

Dresses can be of different lengths, but in elegantThe best option is the length to the ankle or to the knee. They can be made of various materials, with long or short sleeves, and therefore, stopping on a trapezoid cut, you can choose elegant dresses for pregnant women for any season. For the New Year, dresses can be sewn from shiny heavy fabrics and decorated with rhinestones, Swarovski stones and sequins; in the warm season - preference is given to a light staple, chiffon, knitwear and minimal finishing.

Where to get it?

Going to a solemn event, a woman in a position especially carefully approaches the choice of dress. I want to look perfect, despite the rounded shape. The choice is quite small.

Currently, fashion designers offerline of outfits for future mothers. There are also specialized brands for pregnant women, clothing which takes into account all the features of this category.

When choosing a dress it is worth remembering that designerthings are quite expensive, and wearing a bought outfit after the birth of a baby is unlikely to succeed. There is an alternative - to buy clothes in online stores or in boutiques of democratic brands. But the probability of a successful purchase is significantly reduced.

Modern future moms can take advantageAnother affordable option and make elegant dresses for pregnant women with their own hands. In this case, the individual features of the figure and the whims of the decoration will be fulfilled one hundred percent.

How to sew an elegant dress?

For a woman in a position that decided to make an elegant dress with her own hands, there are a few tips.

First of all, you need to decide on the silhouette: we listed the most popular ones above, but the space for individual fantasy is always open.

Pattern dress elegant maternity
Much attention needs to be paid to the choice of fabric - itshould be as natural as possible (or have a natural lining), and also not sit down after washing - reducing the size of the dress for a growing tummy would be inappropriate.

Select the pattern of the dress you like:the main thing is to choose a silhouette and model and redraw it. She will not look different than the dress pattern elegant. For pregnant women, the most important is a good cut, and solemnity can be added to the dress with the help of trim, accessories and decorations.

Particularly carefully when sewing is to treat the place for the tummy - if you plan to wear a dress for a long time, then you should take into account the possible increase in volume.

Беременная женщина в нарядном платье, которое ей Goes, it is doubly beautiful. She not only radiates inner light, tenderness and harmony, but also herself feels beautiful, and from this shines even more!

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