/ / Bra, pattern: taking measurements, building the foundation

Bra, pattern: taking measurements, building the foundation

If you learn to sew regular bras yourhands, you can create original and exclusive models for yourself and even for sale. After all, whatever one may say, but this little thing is absolutely necessary for every girl. Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than the variety of underwear, because it is our secret weapon.

It is said that all women feel at timesmore attractive if they are wearing beautiful lingerie. In this article, we will talk about how to sew a bra without stones with your own hands and at home, how to take measurements from the model, and also consider all the details of building the foundation. Let's start.

Bra: pattern pattern with underwire

We will create a pattern for a new bra on our own. For this we need a large sheet of paper, a ruler, compasses, a pencil and the model itself.

Дадим модели отдохнуть, она понадобится нам only when we measure the cup for a new bra, taking measurements for a bit later. In the meantime, let's develop the pattern itself, then to fit it in size.

Where to begin?

Let's start with the manufacture of the bowl unit.To compile this block, we use the size for bowl 4 (the size chart will be shown just below), and then we will adjust it to fit our forms. We take a sheet of blank paper, most likely, the usual A4 will work, unless it is a big bra pattern, then you can take a piece of paper and more. Turn it to a horizontal position.

Working with pencil and compass

Closer to the bottom edge and parallel to him spendline at 12.85 cm. Now take the compass and put its tip at the starting point of the line. The span of the compass (radius of the future circle) - 8.72 cm, draw a circle. Now put the tip at the end of the line and draw a circle with the same radius. At the top, at the intersection of two circles, put a point so that if you draw two lines down (to the initial line), you get a triangle.

bra pattern

Next, add to the newly formedtriangle two more. Again, put the compass to the starting point of the first line and draw a circle of 9.4 cm. Next, transfer the compass to the upper point of the triangle and draw a circle of 10.26 cm, as shown in the figure. On the other hand, we do the same, but the lines will be 10.8 cm and at 9.24 cm.

bra pattern 2

Over the top we draw two more triangles with circles of 11.5 cm and 10.45 cm.

bra pattern 3

Now put the compass to the starting point of the line.10.45 cm. We make a circle of 7.13 cm. Next - to the end point of this line, we make a circle of 11.57 cm. From the end point of the line of 9.24 cm, we draw a circle with a radius of 11.57 cm and 13.6 see Understanding how it will look is quite difficult, so pay attention to the picture.

patterns big bra

Round the lines of the pattern

Once again, check all measurements well, because, likeit is said, measure a hundred times, cut once. Now we will need to carefully "round off" some lines of the outline: two at 8.72 cm, two at 11.8 cm and 10.8 cm from the outside, and where there was a line at 7.13 - from the inside. Further, the figures will clearly see what is required of you.

Делайте плавные и красивые линии, не торопитесь.As a result, you should get about this pattern, the basis of the bra, the cup itself. Also look at the wrong options for the pattern, if your base is more like the other two patterns, it is better to redo it immediately, before cutting into fabric.

pattern basis

How to make a pattern for yourself?

The resulting pattern bra, do it yourselfcreated, fitted to a cup size 4. If this is not your size - it needs to be expanded. Take a close look at the next drawing. The lines that come from the middle of the cup are numbered from the highest point (number 1) and further clockwise. The length of each line must correspond to the size. All necessary measurements are shown in the table below. Just look at the line number and find the one that matches your size. Be attentive to line number 3 and 6. Subsequently, they form one horizontal line.

bra pattern do it yourself

Customize the pattern in size

We need a well-fitting bra, pattern and taking measurements - a very important moment in our business. The model should be tailored according to the following table.

Cup sizeChest measurementsLine 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Line 5Line 6

Как вы заметили, в мерках груди приведен диапазон "From" and "to". “From” is the upper chest line. A "do" - the bottom. It is necessary to take measurements, mentally drawing a horizontal line in the middle of the chest. If you move a centimeter a little higher, you get the top line, respectively, if you make a downward shift - the bottom one.

Next, take our pattern on the cup 4 sizes andcut it out of paper. Put on a new sheet, circle. Let's extend all the lines on the new sheet and make them the right size. Now, moving the basis of the pattern on the cup 4, we draw a new template already on our size.

It turned out a new pattern. The base is ready. Now you need to build bra wings.

Bra wings

Now you need to measure the chest bottom. Use wire or flexible ruler. It will be necessary not only to make measurements, but also to find the desired shape.

taking measurements

Now transfer this form to paper.Remember that the length of this line should coincide with the bottom line of the cup. Now add a few centimeters from the right side. Draw another line down as shown. The bottom line of the bra belt can be slightly bent.

Now we need to do the back. Take back measurements and, in accordance with them, open up the “back” of the shape you want, it can be just two strips.

Когда мы сошьем все эти части между собой, get a wonderful bra. The pattern is quite simple and clear. Difficulties will not arise if you do everything correctly, step by step. If you figure it out, the pattern of the bra without stones will work out the first time.

Model pitted

Pattern lace bra, bralet, asIt is also called, consists of only a few details. Even an aspiring needlewoman can sew it. All that is actually needed to carve out for such a braletta is a cup. This is done by the following pattern, which also needs to be adjusted to fit your size.

strapless bra pattern

When the lace bra pattern will beready, it must be cut. Now you need to take a roll of lace, its width should be about 20 cm. Put the two parts of the pattern with a large straight cut to the side of the lace and fasten with pins. You can circle a special pencil or a small piece of chalk or soap, if the lace is dark. And you can simply cut along the contour, and only then unhook the pins.

Note that if you did not take into account your patternallowances for stitches should leave some space on each side. Now you need to sew the two formed parts. This should be done on the side of a large cut, but not where the side of the lace is, but on the other side. You can first sweep the two parts of the product, and only then stitch it on a typewriter. In general, the pattern of a bra without stones allows you to even sew it with your hands, if you know how to do it. We got one cup of future bralet. Now we will do the second one in the same way.

Sew all parts of bralet

You can use a narrower bra beltStriped lace or cut it off wide. It should be the size of the entire girth under the bust, plus a couple of centimeters for the seams and the fastener. Now it remains to sew the cup to the belt and attach the straps. By the way, the fastener and the straps themselves can be bought ready-made in the departments of accessories or shops for sewing.

The basis of braletta can be taken not only widelace, but also other various materials, it is enough just to cut triangular bowls, they can be made whole, from one piece of fabric and not stitching anything, and simply sheathe the lace of a suitable color. So we got a light and sexy bra, pattern - there is no place to be easier!

lace bra pattern

This bralet looks great undertranslucent summer T-shirt or T-shirt, you can wear under a sweater or dress. Ostlichie from bras with bones, he does not create even the slightest feeling of discomfort, wear it easily enough, you just will not notice it. Decorate such a thing can be completely different. On the shelves of stores it is easy to find a variety of rhinestones, beads or ribbons that can be sewn on top of our product. And from the remnants of lace that will go on the bra, you can build bows and sew them on top. By the way, sewing panties for this set is also very easy.

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