/ / Hand-made - what is it? Hand Made Ideas

Hand-made - what is it? Hand Made Ideas

Increasingly among the usual products foundOriginal items with a hand-made mark. What is it, and why do these items have a higher price? Angularism “hand-made” (hand made) which is firmly in our lexicon is translated as “made by hand”. That is, these are handmade items that have nothing to do with mass production.

Handmade products gained popularity not so long ago, despite the fact that the handmade tradition has always been very strong in our country. What has changed?

Hand Made What is it?

Evolution: from handicraft to hand-made

In Soviet society, manual work was set aside.a rather unsightly place for a nice hobby, not a serious attempt by housewives to realize their creative beginnings. The ability to sew, knit, embroider was encouraged, but all this was perceived only as a means of economically creating your own wardrobe. In the West, on the contrary, the ability to create original things with their own hands was attributed to creativity, many venerable designers created what they now call "hand-made." What is it, and how modest needlework has grown to a vast creative direction?

The heyday of industrial production temporarilydulled people's desire to create things on their own. Products of mass production seemed more attractive, but the monotony quickly bored. Artists with artistic taste competed with stamping and were unable to produce enough products to meet demand. In the end, the hand-made one stood out in a separate creative direction - it turned out that not only clothes or wooden crafts could be made with one's own hands, but also decorations, dishes, accessories, household utensils.

 Handmade for home

Hobby or business?

Многие задаются вопросом о том, как же perceive such activities as hand-made - for home and personal consumption, or as a business idea? Perhaps the activity in this direction can be regarded as the artist's work. You can draw for yourself, and you can sell your paintings, there will always be demand.

As an example, we give thisA common problem, as the search for gifts on various occasions. Commodity abundance and great opportunities have led to the fact that it has become extremely difficult to choose a suitable gift for a person who has everything. Originality and exclusivity come to the fore, hand-made gifts acquire special value. Demanded craftsmen emphasize buyers that they do not replicate their products, thus guaranteeing the absolute uniqueness of each individual thing.


Competition in the handicrafts market

Extensive demand and emerging fashion for handicraftsthe work led to the fact that many people have the illusion of so-called easy money. The availability of raw materials and tools contributes to this misconception - handicraft products have become a promising business area. A huge number of shops sell beads, napkins for decoupage, threads, metal and plastic accessories.

However, such accessibility has generated a largethe amount of hand-made is frankly of poor quality. You can buy ready-made beads and string them on a string, give the jewelry a flowery name, but this will not turn the resulting product into a valuable product of creativity, therefore, the cost will be low. With seemingly abundant masters, there is always a category of craftsmen to whom there will be a queue. These are people with great artistic taste, creative thinking and talent to create extraordinary things. High competition is observed only in low and medium price categories.

Hand Made Master

How to adjust sales?

If the hand-made master is going to earnmoney in your creativity, you need to somehow declare yourself. There are several ways to make sales. Almost anything is sold through the Internet, and what is more valuable - buyers can be from any country. However, to build sales through the World Wide Web, you need to figure out how buyers find the product, otherwise the work will be more like trying to win the lottery.

Exhibitions are a good way to make money.Handmade - there come buyers wanting to find something extravagant. Those who know how to create, but are unable to sell, will come to the rescue of stores accepting handmade products for a commission.

Handmade exhibitions

Search for an original idea for needlework

An important part of success is the idea - uniqueness.becoming one of the main tools to help in the competition. As an example, such a difficult art as lampwork. Working with glass in a burner flame is not as common as using ready-made beads. Here, more manual work is needed, and creating absolutely identical products will fail. Masters add various inclusions to glass, experiment with the technique of execution, and the result is an absolutely unique creation.

Если кратко давать ответ на вопрос «Хенд-мейд — what is it? ”, then we can see that it is the original idea, embodied by the master, that defines the type of art under consideration. The combination of creative ideas and high-quality execution allows you to require an impressive amount for the product.

Fair price determination

Those who define needlework exclusively asHand-made for home, do not think about the value of their creations. The main thing is that they bring joy in the manufacturing process, bring peace and balance to the soul. However, the fruitful master of the product first goes into the category of gifts for loved ones, and then there is an idea to sell them. Excessive modesty in calculating the price is as harmful as overconfidence.

Calculate the cost is quite simple.Spending on goods for needlework can be considered a rough cost price, you need to add to it the payment for labor, time spent. In no case can not devalue their work and creativity. This has a negative effect on the psyche.

Handmade gifts

Does hand-made have a future?

Due to the availability of various technologies andthe exchange of information on the web, the popularity of handicrafts is only increasing. People are imbued with the idea of ​​abandoning mass stamping in favor of original and environmentally friendly things - in most cases, handicraft does not require harmful chemical constituents. Now, many can enlighten their friends on the subject of hand-made - what it is, how to determine the level of skill and choose a real exclusive among a variety of handicrafts.

Of course, handmade products havethe future, hand-made is appreciated, it is loved by buyers, whether it be clothes, accessories, soap, dishes or decorative decorations for the interior. What was previously contemptuously called handicrafts, now acquires a special appeal, because hand-made products carry a piece of the creator's soul and delight with originality and freshness of ideas.

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