/ / Pattern of children's vest without calculations and drawings

Children's vest pattern without calculations and drawings

What kind of mother did not have to make an ambulancehand suit on the matinee for your child? Sewing ears to the cap or a ponytail to the panties, many are thinking about sewing something out of unnecessary things, but due to lack of experience and knowledge, the idea is abandoned and the ideas remain unrealized. And in vain! It's easy to sew a fashionable thing. It is worth starting with the simplest garment - with a sleeveless jacket, for example.

Building a Pattern

For sewing a pattern of children's vest is needed.To build it is very simple. You should take a suitable size T-shirt, turn it inside out, spread it out on paper and wrap the shoulder and side borders, and armhole lines. Now we need to work through the sketch and make two separate templates: one for the front, and the other for the back. Here, it is necessary to take into account that the cutout for the hands and neck is slightly deeper in the canvas. To get the workpiece out symmetrically, you can use a little trick: fold the paper in half. This will allow you to build the same sections along the armhole, shoulder, and sides.

children's vest pattern

Shaping style

The next step is modeling.This means that it's time to designate the neckline, the location of the fastener and pockets. As a rule, the cut of the shelves is done in the middle, however, this is not necessary. It can easily be shifted to the side or done obliquely.

The pattern of a children's vest can be with a dashon the back - this will allow you to draw a fitted silhouette. But it is best to chart them at the first fitting, when the thing is directly on the child. It is absolutely not necessary to measure the figure of the baby and painstakingly calculate the centimeters of the darts for the blank from the paper.

Если в планах сшить не одну жилетку, тогда на You can transfer the dart after patterning the fabric blank. The design of a children's vest without tucks is considered universal. It can be used for sewing absolutely any waistcoat, both classical and sports type.

Pattern of children's vests for a boy

The choice of material and cutting

Pattern children's vests for girls is differentonly the location of the buttons and eyelets, if the model provides for them. Naturally, if the little beauty still has zero breast size and does not require additional model lines. For the product of kids, the choice of the texture of the material and color decides everything. The vest for the boy can be made of cotton, suits or velvet. But girls have a much larger choice: velor, velvet, brocade, plush, satin, fur or lace.

Фактура полотна определяет припуски на обработку.Therefore, when cutting it is important to consider the thickness and "flowability" of the material. For the suit it is better to leave an indent of 0.7-1 cm, and for clump-resistant cuts, it will be enough to 0.5 cm. If the product is on the lining, then the "non-flowing" cuts can be avoided by processing on the overlock. But the edges of the elements of "loose" fabric are recommended to be processed, otherwise in the process of wearing and washing the vest will quickly become useless.

The same template is used to cut the lining.as for the main canvas. There should be an allowance of at least 0.7 cm, since this material is often very loose. It is better to process cuts with overlock or glue spider web.

Pattern Children's vests for girls

Style design

Want a sporty sleeveless zipper,warmed padding for your baby? No problem! For its manufacture will require a raincoat fabric, lining and a piece of padding polyester. The pattern of a children's vest for a boy, drawn with the help of a T-shirt, should be slightly increased. In addition to the allowances, 0.7 cm in the armholes, 1 cm on the sides and the line of the shoulders recede along the contour of the template. Such models are often made with a long back and a smooth transition to higher shelves. Therefore, measure the desired length and make out hem. Next, cut the back and front of the materials and insulation.

Usually sinteponovye vests do quilted.To do this, on the top of a raincoat fabric, markup is made, and a heater is pinned to the wrong side. It remains only to lay the seams - and the quilting is ready. Collect parts, starting from the shoulders. The collar is made from a band of raincoat fabric. It is folded in half and duplicated by a padding polyester.

In the case of an unlined model, everything is muchsimpler. Details before assembly process on the overlock. Immediately combine the side and shoulder sections, and then turn the material inside out and iron. It remains to lay the lines, departing from the edge of the bend of 0.5 cm. In the unlined style, it is important to make correct allowances when cutting, about 1 cm each.

The pattern of a children's vest from fur is all the same universal paper preparation. For a fur garment, it is slightly increased along the contour, as for a sleeveless jacket on a padding polyester, and parts are assembled.

Pattern of children's fur vests

You can bear the idea of ​​sewing fashionable clothes for a child for a long time, or you can just start working and soon enjoy the result with pride!

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