/ / Pinkhasov George. Biography and creative way of the photo artist

Pinkhasov George. Biography and creative way of the photo artist

Pinkhas Georgiy - the photographer of the present,Born in Moscow and becoming the only Russian invited to work at the international agency Magnum Photos. Pinchas - the owner of prestigious international awards, behind the master - the organization of solo exhibitions, the release of photo albums, work in well-known foreign publications.

The beginning of the creative path

Пинхасов родился в 1952 году, увлечение Photo art came back in the early years. Apparently, this played a role - after graduation he entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. Without completing his studies, George enters the army, after which he begins work at the Mosfilm Studios as a photographer.

pinhas georgy

1978 was marked for Pinkhasov entry intoUnion of graphic artists in Moscow. Here were exhibited his first creative works in the genre of still life and portrait. Among them, such as "Melon" and "Glass of Tea", made in the technique of sepia.

Very soon Pinchasov George was able to receive statusindependent photo artist. This circumstance gave freedom, the opportunity to travel and show their work not only in the USSR, but also outside the country.

Meeting with Tarkovsky and the transition to reportage photos

While working at Mosfilm fate bringsPinkhasov with director Andrei Tarkovsky. Thanks to friends, some photo tests of George were in the hands of a famous director. Tarkovsky invites the photographer to collaborate on the film "Stalker" in 1979. Pinkhasov accepts the offer and makes a report about the film. Thus, Tarkovsky seemed to have pushed George to move to work with reportage photography.

Andrei Tarkovsky. Photo - George Pinhasov

Tarkovsky and Pinhasov communicate a lot, discussfilmmaking and photographic arts. Despite the fact that the director really likes the pictures of George, he somehow notices that for him the ideal of reportage photography is the work of Henri Cartier-Brisson. This phrase made the young Pinkhasov think and venture on the first experiments of invading the lives of strangers with a camera in their hands.

Georgiy Pinhasov photographer

Work in the Soviet Union reportage photographerit was very difficult. First, the people themselves were suspicious and wary of a man with a camera in his hands. Secondly, the police could simply light up unwanted shots. Nevertheless, Georgy Pinhasov continued to shoot, his legacy - thousands of colorful photographs, clearly conveying the era of the USSR.

Pinhasov George

Pinkhas himself George in an interview saidthat thanks to Tarkovsky, he saw the world with different eyes, and most importantly, what he learned from the director, is a humane attitude towards man. The photographer speaks with admiration about meetings with great people - Cartier Bresson, Nadezhda Mandelstam, their simplicity and love of knowledge. He believes that their unwillingness to rise above others set an example for him in his creative work and life.

Magnum Photo Agency

In 1985, Pinkhas George marriesFrench and leaves to live in Paris. In 1988, he submits his portfolio to the agency Magnum, however, not counting on success. However, the master was accepted, and one of the founders of Magnum Photos, Cartier Bresson, spoke of him as a very talented photo artist.

Become a full member of the Pinhasov agencysmog in a few years. The procedure for admission to this cooperative is complex and multistage. Today, Magnum unites a little more than 60 photographers who, like Pinhasov, in their work seek to document the world around them. Photographers of the cult agency present their work to newspapers, television, galleries and museums from around the world.

Georgiy Pinhasov, photographer

Collaboration with international publications

In the work of Pinkhas, she values ​​freedom while watchinghis photos many have a feeling of uniqueness of the most simple and ordinary things. Masters attract the individual characteristics of people and objects, the smallest details that can be instantly snatched from the darkness by light.

Pinhasov, photographer, Moscow

The photographer takes a lot for the most famous international publications. Among them:

  • International popular science magazine Geo.
  • Journal of contemporary art Actuel.
  • The largest daily American newspaper New York Times.

Pinkhas himself said that one ofPrerequisites work in international publications served as a trip to Chernobyl. It was the order of the New York Times in the 90s, but it was not possible to remove what was needed. The photographer and his partner, an American journalist, were not allowed into those places where they wanted to go. Then he began to shoot, everything that happened around him. The result was a terrific material showing real reality. After this successful report, a lot of orders were received with trips around the world: Kenya, Brazil, Vietnam, and China.

Moscow photographer

Pinchasov photo albums

Creativity Pinkhasova repeatedly notedprestigious awards. In 1993, this talented photographer was awarded the World Press Photo international prize. Moscow, Paris, Geneva, Tallinn - this is a list of cities where its exhibitions took place.

The master released several photo books, the most famous:

  • 1998 - Sightwalk ("A look at the go").
  • 2006 - Nordmeer (“North Sea”).

The first was the result of a trip to Japan, where he filmed Tokyo. The second album was born after traveling in the Arctic.

Georgiy Pinhasov photographer biography

Photographer Pinkhasov is considered a work genius withlight, and he himself often says that he loves clarity in everything. Summing up all the statements of the master from various media interviews, one can say that George Pinhasov is a photographer whose biography is not in the tone of nationality. According to him, this is just personal data. When they ask him which city is his home city, the photographer answers: “Moscow - Paris”.

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