/ How to make nails from paper? Several variants

How to make nails from paper? Several variants

Nails are of different lengths, varnished, differentform, but they are real. Many girls like to do handicrafts. Possessing some skills, with my mother's help it is quite possible to make nails of paper with my own hands. There are different manufacturing options. In this article we consider the technique of origami from paper. Nails from simple sheets can turn out different: long, short or overhead.

how to make nails from paper

brief information

Оригами - техника для детей любого возраста и even adults. She is so enthralled that anyone, even the most restless child, will be interested in her. After all, with the help of this technique you can quickly make your favorite toy and play with it. Origami is known all over the world and is used by it in various angles. With this technique, if you have a minimum set of tools and materials, you can make not only toys, but also other items, original handicrafts, etc. How to make nails from paper? Later in the article, small master classes will be given.


To develop curiosity, fantasy andMom's independence can tell their daughters how to make nails of paper with their own hands. It is necessary to prepare the necessary material and help the child in the process. Girls absorb such lessons quickly. But I must say that such an occupation can be interesting to boys. If you still consider how they like to imitate your favorite fairy-tale heroes, then the desire to learn how to make nails made of paper is fully justified.

how to make paper nails for girls


Baby's desire to learn how to make nails outpaper, will intensify, if before that he had already seen them with someone or reviewed some favorite children's film with a monster who had huge claws, or a princess with neat and well-groomed hands. Depending on the desired form of crafts, the method of production is chosen. If you want to have very long nails, they are simply joined together with glue. The material will serve as a normal sheet of medium density (for example, tetrad). You can take white, and you can color. Children who like to play vampires also make black nails. However, this is a matter of taste and short-term preferences.


Below is a description of how to make nails out of paper:

  1. Sheet is taken.
  2. On the left corner is folded diagonally.
  3. Then do the same with the right side.
  4. Once again from the same angle the sheet is folded diagonally.
  5. From the right side, the figure bends over in half and begins to resemble a house.
  6. The angle from the bottom left is bent.
  7. The same is done on the right.
  8. The result is a diamond that you need to fold in half.
  9. Now the task is to shape the nail, for which an angle of 30 ° is bent in a circle. This is done 3 times in a row.
  10. The last corner is wrapped and inserted inside, fixed.
  11. The nail is given a volumetric appearance and is already made directly pocket for the desired finger.
    how to make nails out of paper with your own hands

Another way

Consider another option of how to make paper nails. For girls it will be a very exciting experience. For the manufacture of false nails may be needed:

- multicolored paper;

- the pencils;

- manicure set;

- simple scissors;

- nail polish, preferably transparent.


With the help of manicure set are preparedfingernails: trimmed, filed, remove the remnants of old varnish, if there is one. Then, on a paper of good quality, each individual nail is drawn, even with a margin in size, so that later it would not hurt if it turns out to be less than necessary. Drawn layouts are very neatly cut. Fingernails are coated with clear varnish. If necessary, it can then be easily removed. The long-awaited moment has arrived: prepared paper nails, one by one, are superimposed on the prepared girlish hands. Within 15 seconds they need to hold, pressed to the surface of the fingers. Here's how to make paper nails. For girls, this is not only an exciting experience, but also a source of pride. You can show your work to a friend or mother.

paper origami nails


This is quite an original way of howmake nails out of paper. On the colored sheets are circled by hand 2 times each with sufficient allowance: on the side and around the fingers. It must be remembered that after the parts are glued together, there will need to squeeze the hand, while the form should not break. The resulting workpiece must be cut carefully. With the help of glue we connect the parts. Optionally, you can make a cuff, prepared in advance by the size of the hand above the palm, so that the glove would look like a real one. After complete production, the craft is decorated as desired: stick colored parts, all sorts of applications, you can use a geometric composition, you can use vegetable. Someone might want to paint their paper product. At this point everyone includes his imagination and wit. You can add jewelry from beads or stick the finished drawing. Whatever option is chosen, the main thing is that it is chosen independently, to your liking. This is so quietly, actually playing, you can lead the child to the development of how to make nails out of paper.

paper nails with their own hands


Origami is the kind of art thatperforms in the upbringing of the child several tasks at once. In particular, such a technique develops taste, independence, accuracy, perseverance, attentiveness, ingenuity, memory. In addition, strengthens the fingers, develops fine motor skills. Yes, and any paperwork allows children of all ages to develop a creative approach to business, a desire to look for something new in real life. That is why it is so important to teach a child to create paper crafts.

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