/ / Modular origami: what is it?

Modular origami: what is it?

With origami, everyone is familiar, at least by hearsay - this isthe art of folding a variety of figures using paper. As an example, you can easily lead a paper boat, airplane or flower, which we can do since childhood. Modular origami is a three-dimensional origami that emerged in China as one of the philosophical manifestations and art of folding paper. In those days, when diverse currents were born in China, different types of art were also appearing, which representatives of the directions were engaged in. Modular origami differs in that in it each product consists of a set of similar modules, which are small figures created according to the principles of traditional origami. These modules may differ in size, which should be stipulated in the description of the work.

Now everyone can master thisuneasy art. Thanks to the modular technique, everyone has the opportunity to create three-dimensional figures of various styles. Modular origami allows you to make original souvenirs, unusual paper toys and even Christmas decorations. It is noteworthy that individual elements do not need to be glued together, they need to be inserted one into one. Due to the emerging frictional force, the entire structure is maintained. This kind of needlework is equally relevant for both adults and children, and in addition, it is great for family creativity.

Modular origami puts before you only onean important condition is assiduity. Even for crafting small sizes, you will need a huge number of modules, counted by hundreds, and sometimes thousands. After creating a set of modules, the most pleasant stage of the work comes - the formation of a three-dimensional shape. This stage will surely please you and your child, since after him the result of all the work done becomes visible.

For work usually there is a set oftriangular modules. To their crafts, masters usually create very simple and understandable schemes, explaining each step to create a masterpiece in this technique. To begin with, you can master simple crafts, such as a conventional ball or fruit. Children really like the space for imagination, which opens thanks to this occupation. If you teach your child this kind of creativity, then for him will open an incredible world, the subjects from which he will proudly demonstrate, and you will no longer be bothered by the question, than to occupy it. When you master the reading of the schemes and the basic principles of modular origami, it will be already easy for you to read the diagram even from Chinese and Japanese magazines, and there are a lot of such on the Internet.

Modular origami: how to make a module

It is not at all difficult to make a separate module, soas now on the Internet you can find a huge number of schemes modular origami. There are whole clubs dedicated to this ancient art. Of course, the first step to mastering this lesson is to create one separate module. There is nothing complicated, and there are enough lessons on this matter, so you should not have any difficulties. There may be several types of modules, each of which is designed for certain purposes.

Small modular origami: materials and tools

Of course, as for any other occupation, in thisThere are specific materials that are most suitable for this lesson. The most suitable paper for this is office paper - not too smooth and dense enough, so the modules perfectly hold and do not slip. And colored office paper is not only painted on both sides, it does not yet whiten on the folds. You can take the usual square stickers for notes, they are great for this lesson. If you use stickers with an adhesive edge, then you need to fold it with the glue inside. There is also a special paper for origami, which is called Kami. Usually it is already cut into sheets of a certain shape, the size of which can be different. In a set of such paper there can be sheets of different colors. You can also use ordinary colored paper for children's creativity. You must first check that it does not tear on the folds. Usually, for modular origami, you need a lot of paper of the same color, and there are not enough of them in such sets, but there you can find black or brown sheets that are difficult to get somewhere else. You can also use glossy magazine paper. In the assembled product, you can get quite impressive combinations, which will be difficult to repeat with monophonic paper. Such an object you can not only fit into your interior, but also present it as a gift to someone close to you.

Try it, it's really amazing.

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