/ / Lush carnation of napkin: a flower that will not wither

Magnificent carnation from a napkin: a flower which will not wither

Handmade carnation of napkin isa fairly simple decorative element that can act as a festive table decoration, room interior or children's fancy dress.

Such simple crafts are also well suited forconducting classes in children's creativity. Colored carnations (a master class of napkins includes literally several stages) are made by children of kindergarten and primary school teachers, as well as mothers at home, in order to develop fine motor skills of children's fingers.

how to make a clove of napkins

Below will be discussed the basic methods of making paper flowers that mimic carnations.

Necessary tools and materials

The first step is to prepare the mainmaterial of which the carnation will be made: thin paper. Best suited multi-layered napkins. In this case, you should choose monophonic material of different colors. It is not necessary to monitor the observance of accuracy in the selection of colors. However, the color close to the natural, only add a flower points.

If you could not find a suitable napkin, you can paint white. This fine work is best done with watercolors, they will allow you to get smooth color transitions.

A beautiful carnation from a napkin is obtained when the outlines of white petals are painted with purple or pink felt-tip pen. For the manufacture of stalks to prepare napkins green.

What else is needed:

  1. Sharp scissors.
  2. Stapler.
  3. Durable thread.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Wire or wooden skewers.

Depending on where the finished flowers will be placed, it is worth taking care of the basket, vase or wrapping paper.

How to make a clove of napkins: the easiest way

For such a clove need a few napkins: from two to six. Each of them must be folded "accordion" and reeled in the middle with a string, tape or tape.

clove making process

It is important not to damage the material (do not cut itthread). In order to get spectacular uneven edges of the carnation, one should cut off both ends of the resulting rectangle with scissors so that sharp teeth come out (as in the photo).

DIY Carnation Carnation

Then it remains only to separate all the layers of folded napkins.

carnation of napkin

Carnation with "torn" petals

If you tear off the edge of all the napkins with your fingersa narrow strip, and then folded them "accordion", tie up and straighten, then the pink of the napkin will have a completely different look. Her petals will be smoother, that is, not so sharp. In addition, this method allows you to perform all the work much faster.

Such a carnation from a napkin turns out to be very voluminous and fluffy. It can be glued to the gift box with tape or glue, as well as attached to a fishing line, thread or stalk.

torn carnations

Alternative production of cloves

The figure below shows the sequence of actions in which you can get a very beautiful and fluffy carnation.

carnations master class from napkins

We describe the algorithm in more detail:

  1. A few napkins (4-7) folded into four pieces and fasten in the center of the stapler.
  2. Make a template. They can serve as a round object (a glass, a jar) or a right circle cut out of thick cardboard.
  3. We attach the template to the napkins, outlines and cut along the contour.
  4. A carnation of napkins, made with your own hands,may have smooth or dissected edges. If you decide to stay on the version with smooth edges, they should be a little wrinkled. If you want to get a more lush and volumetric flower, you should make shallow cuts (two centimeters) along the entire contour.
  5. If the flower is glued to the surface, itsthe base should be wide and flat. If it is necessary to mount the stem from a piece of wire, you need to form a loop with long “tails”. In the center of the napkins make two holes and thread the "tails" into them, and then twist them.
  6. Then all the layers of carnation in turn raise and form a volumetric flower as shown in the photo.
  7. At the last stage, a skewer or strong wire is taken, wire “tails” are taped to its edge, and then they are wrapped together with a green napkin and the edge is sealed.

Such a carnation from napkins with their own hands can be decorated with leaves cut from green material.

How to make a composition

Carnations can be used as an independentdecor and in combination with other colors. Usually they are put on stalks and collected in bouquets. The more colors in the composition, the more attractive and fuller it is.

A classic set of wrapping paper and ribbons will suit the package. Can be combined with paper flowers containing candy in the heart.

Flowers look very interesting and extravagant,collected in a basket of wicker or paper tubes. In this case, the bottom is laid foam or floral sponge, which is decorated with green paper. The sharp edges of the stalks are fixed in this filler, and the empty space is filled with paper and fabric ruffles.

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