/ / A papier-mâché pumpkin with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and helpful tips

A papier mache pumpkin with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and helpful tips

Празднование Хеллоуина происходит в канун Дня all saints in English speaking countries. The history of this fun celebration has ancient Celtic roots. Approximately from the 16th century, housekeeping began to beg for sweets.

This interesting tradition has been preserved to ours.days On the night of October 31, children and adults wear costumes of different characters, horror stories look especially funny, go to their homes, knock on doors and beg for candy and other sweets, as well as money, and in return they promise not to misbehave. Previously, it was necessary to perform a number.

Halloween symbol

Главным символом этого праздника считается "Jack's lamp". Previously, it was made from turnips, but the pumpkin was cheaper, and the poor people switched to making vessels for pumpkin candles. People believed that if you cut a scary grinned face out of a pumpkin, and put it on the window sill, then all evil spirits will bypass the house.

papier mache pumpkin

Now many make such a pumpkin frompapier mache. With this technique, you can come up with any shape, give it individual features, fantasize. This has become an interesting hobby of many hand-made masters.

What is papier-mache?

To celebrate Halloween, making a papier-mâché gourd is easy. You need to prepare unwanted paper, it may be old newspapers or notebooks used up by students.

You also need to pre-brew the paste.They make it as follows: take a tablespoon of wheat flour, slowly add one glass of cold water in a thin stream, while you need to constantly stir. Then put on a slow fire and, continuing to stir, bring to thicken. It should be borne in mind that when cooled, the paste becomes even harder.

What can be used for the basics?

To create a papier mache pumpkin, you need to havebasis of. This form, which is subsequently pasted over with strips and pieces of paper. Many experienced craftsmen use an inflated balloon. To make the figure of a pumpkin look ribbed and look like a real one, the ball is tied up tightly with a rope, creating sectors such as the pictures below.

papier mache pumpkin with your own hands

After completion of work and complete drying, the ball is simply punched with a needle, and its remnants, along with the rope, are pulled through the hole.

How to glue the ball?

Когда основа для тыквы из папье-маше готова, proceed to pasting. Doing any crafts, you need to know one condition for successful removal of work from the foundation. The first layer is not smeared with glue. The base or pieces of paper moistened with water, and wet leaves stick to the figure themselves. If, for example, a cup is made, then it is better to smear it with vegetable oil, then dried papier-mâché will be removed from the base more easily.

The second layer of paper should be applied already on the paste.Covered with a piece of the ball (not all at once, as the paste dries quickly) and lined with pieces of paper. The work must be done carefully so that there are no unglued places left.

how to make papier mache pumpkin

To understand exactly what you aremissed, there is one tricky way. You need to pick up different types of paper for pasting. For example, the first layer of papier-mâché pumpkin on Halloween is made from a newspaper, and the second layer - from a notebook into a cell. Then - again the newspaper. So immediately when pasting it is clear, all places are covered or there are gaps. Thus, at least 5 coats are applied. If the shape should be rigid, then layers are added.

Helpful Tips

1. Remember that the multi-layered wet model of papier-mâché pumpkin made by you for Halloween will dry for at least a week. It is better to do the handicraft in advance in order to be in time for the celebration.

2Many for going home for collecting sweets are made baskets for children. To do this, in the resulting pumpkin make their way to the sides of the hole. You can make a pen out of a cloth or use wire, and for convenience, wrap it with something soft in the middle.

papier mache pumpkin for halloween

3When papier-mâché dries out completely, you can begin to cut a funny or scary face. For this, it is pre-drawn with a simple pencil or marker. These are the eyes, the holes for the nose and the most important detail of all the “Jack’s lamps” - the grin of sharp teeth. Then along the contour with a knife or sharp scissors, all this is cut.

four.If the figure of a pumpkin is intended as a lamp on the window sill, then cut out a round hole at the bottom for a candle. If it is a bag for sweets, then the figure is cut the other way around. Hole with handles on top, and already goes on a funny grimace.

5. You can still wear such a mask on the child's head. All that's left to do is make a black satin cape, and the costume for the celebration of Halloween is ready.

Now you know how to make a pumpkin (papier-mâché) with your own hands, it remains to paint the figure.

Coloring pumpkin

После того как полностью высохнет форма, pasted over with paper, the ball is deflated and pulled into the hole made. Then the billet is turned over with a hole up or down, depending on the purpose of the pumpkin. Gouache paints are suitable for coloring, you will also need a brush.

First, the whole pumpkin is colored orange. Then you can draw a green stalk on top and even a leaf.

how to make a pumpkin papier mache do it yourself

The main parts and cut areas are painted black for a frightening effect. The finished figure can be coated with acrylic varnish.

But it's better not to put a candle in a paper pumpkin, soas it is fire hazard. Such a decorative product can only serve as a decoration of the interior of the room, a mask or a bag. The lamp is still desirable to make of this pumpkin. It will not light from the candle and will not lead to tragic consequences.

Now you know how to make a papier-mâché gourd. It is easy and fun. And to make a product will help you fantasy. Good luck!

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