/ What is the focal length?

What is the focal length?

Among photographers, both professionals andfans, very popular expression "focal length." And many people who are far from photography often hear it and even use it, only they understand the meaning of this phrase is not always correct.

It is a common misconception that the focal length is the distance to the subject. The professionals amuse this interpretation, but neophytes often put it in an awkward position.

In fact, the focal length is one of thethe most important characteristics of the camera itself. It determines the angle of view and the optimal (but not true!) Distance to the subject. The significance of this characteristic can not be overemphasized, because it is responsible for the clarity of the image.

Someone may ask:but how do photographers equally well shoot objects both near and far, if the focal length is so important? In fact, this distance is not something unchanged. As a rule, at the same distance it is very easy to change - depending on the needs of the photographer. The most important thing is to be able to choose the optimal value for shooting each specific object. But this is not a problem - in our time, progress has gone so far that the focal length changes automatically.

As already mentioned above, it is this distance that determines the viewing angle. Depending on the value of this angle, all lenses are divided into three types: normal, wide-angle and telephoto lenses.

For normal lenses, the focal length of the lensvaries from 40 to 50 millimeters, and their viewing angle is as close as possible to the angle of view of a person. The photos taken with this lens are the most natural. Looking at them, you can experience the so-called "effect of presence."

Wide-angle lenses have a focal lengthexceeds 35 millimeters, and the viewing angle is much larger than the angle of view of a person. With their help it is very convenient to shoot the interior of tight rooms and landscapes. However, it should be borne in mind that although the large viewing angle will cover more than the human eye, space, objects in the background of the photograph will be significantly distorted.

Telephoto lenses have an even larger focal lengththe distance is over 60 millimeters. Their distinctive feature is the approach effect, which allows to make excellent portrait shots. Also such lenses are indispensable when there is a need to close a close-up object at a considerable distance. But the depth of the landscape and its naturalness the telephoto lens can not convey.

So, from the above text it is easy to understand,which focal length is best used for filming those or other subjects. However, it does not hurt to clarify that for portrait photos the optimal focal length will be from 60 to 135 millimeters, for shooting people in full growth - from 35 to 60 millimeters. For landscapes and interior - no more than 35 millimeters. For large objects located at a significant distance - not less than 135 millimeters, and for distant small objects - not less than 30 millimeters.

But as an inexperienced photographer to determine the focaldistance of the camera? It's very simple. You just need to find the markings on his lens. Here it is important to pay attention to whether the lens has a fixed value (only one number is indicated) or their (values) several. In the event that the marking indicates the presence of several values, the user can easily change the focal length of his camera.

Now a beginner photographer only needs to startsuccessfully apply the knowledge obtained from this article in practice, and it does not matter if at first the photographs will turn out to be unnatural and blurred. Practice and practice again - that's it, the key to success!

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