/ / Table puppet theater do-it-yourself: patterns and description

Table puppet theater do-it-yourself: patterns and description

Even in technical breakthrough times whenA lot of children are fond of electronic games, interest in the puppet theater is not lost. This cute and fun activity is interesting for both young children of preschool age and schoolchildren. After all, dolls are interesting characters that can tell a variety of tales, fascinating stories and fairy tales. And it is very attracted the attention of children. The so-called cheerful den is always in fashion.

What is puppet theater for?

Such a simple game set is often usedfor the intellectual development of young children, as well as used in the organization of useful home leisure of the child. This is a hobby that allows children’s fantasy to open up as such, to define its facets of creative abilities.

To organize at home interestingentertainment, no need to run to the store and look for something like that. Do-it-yourself puppet theater is easy, especially if you apply all the examples below.

What tools and materials are needed for creativity?

To make home puppet theater your ownhands, need scissors small and large (separately for paper and fabric), such material for handicrafts as foamiran multi-colored, thread, needle, sewing machine, glue gun, utility tools in the form of brushes, rags of dense monochromatic multi-colored material, cardboard empty boxes different sizes, plastic pipes and corners for the connection, a pencil or a marker for drawing patterns, a ruler, a set of multi-colored paper sheets of different density. Here, in general, is the whole elementary set that may be needed in order to carry out the samples given here.

If you still think to make a kidpuppet theater with your own hands is difficult, proceed to further study of the material of this article, and you will understand that there are no easier tasks for parents. It turns out that we are missing a lot of things in life, and when a child grows up, we find great ideas that could be very useful in raising and developing a baby in the first years of life.

Doing your own house puppet theater is betterto do together, it is interesting not only for the child, but also for the parents, especially fun and exciting after the fruitful work to use its result. Fantasy helps to create a variety of characters.

Project of a puppet theater screen

Work begins on the implementation of a game set with the design of the basics. The so-called screen can be made in several ways. The simplest are shown in the photo below.

do-it-yourself puppet theater
Here is an original table puppet theateryou can do it yourself if you use plastic pipes, ordinary shoeboxes, or sew an original flip-flop book made of thick foamiran.

A sewed mini-curtain can serve as a screen for a creative game set, which can easily hang onto a bead and fasten to the door with velcro.

These are very simple ideas to help you.get such an amazingly interesting and useful game for children, like a puppet theater. A screen with his own hands is made simple for him, but will serve not only as a basis, but also as an ornament, therefore dense, beautiful material - crimplin, velvet, velor is taken to make it.

Dolls made of cardboard and colored paper

After the production of the screen, they proceed directly to the creation of the characters themselves. These can be animals or heroes of fairy tales and fables. These samples can fill your puppet theater.

puppet theater do-it-yourself dolls
With their own hands, patterns of this kind are easily cut out of cardboard with scissors. They are decorated with the application of pasting from colored paper, suede and drawing with markers or markers.

The two circles at the bottom of the figure are cut in order to create a comfortable hole for the fingers, which can hold the character like scissors. Such dolls are very practical if they are made of thick cardboard.

Theatrical characters from Foamirana

Создавать удивительно интересные поделки для children can be from the most simple improvised means. If you have seriously conceived to make a puppet theater with your own hands, the patterns of the simplest plan offered here will help you to bring your ideas to life.

Such cute little animals can be sewn from any dense material, as well as from plastic suede - foamiran.

puppet theater
Very cute can make puppet theaterwith your own hands, the patterns of the patterns are sewn to the size of the palm. Here the mitten method is observed, which resembles kitchen gloves, which can be easily done even for a beginner in this business. The characters do not have legs, only the upper legs, which are controlled by the thumb and little finger. Such dolls are more convenient to use in the first sample of the screen - from plastic pipes.

The photo shows a variant of application patterns,which can be both sewn by hand, on a typewriter, and glued. Of course, the safer option is that it is stitched with threads. Below is a sample of a lion cub made from individual parts, as well as another application idea.

DIY home theater puppet theater
Sew a puppet theater with your own hands - get a sea of ​​positive and please your little household. Such variants of the characters of the den will be a joy to the kids at the first acquaintance with the animal world.

Crochet dolls

There are a lot of options for creating a game set.Not only you can sew a puppet theater with your own hands, but also knit from beautiful multi-colored threads. An example can be taken from such a simple simple sample.

sew a puppet theater do it yourself
And you can knit not only a finger character, but also gloves. And you can also make crochet patterns of the parts listed above, and then sew them.

Game den set

You can do this with your own hands. Dolls here are made of miniature patterns of fingertips.

make a puppet theater do it yourself
In the second sample for such an applicationsuture method fits perfectly thin drape. For decoration muzzles used ordinary beads. Neat products are obtained by stitching parts on a typewriter.

But the first option is manual work. And it also looks good.

Origami and interesting den

A fun activity - making puppet theater with your ownby hands. Dolls can be varied, they can be made from ordinary colored paper using the origami method. Here is an interesting sample of characters can be made according to the scheme below.

children's puppet theater do it yourself
Following the order of folding the sheet, you can create a simple little face of any animal character, it can be finished with a ballpoint pen, paints, felt-tip pens or markers.

And another interesting option to create toys

We greatly underestimate the different elements of life,of which, it turns out, it turns out a magnificent puppet theater. Screen with your own hands made of plastic pipes, who would have thought! But puppet characters can be made of brushes to clean them. It turns out such a merry sample of miniature fairy tale characters.

table puppet theater do it yourself
The brush is wound on the finger of the one who willcontrol the dolls, after which the ears, handles are formed, the muzzle is glued from the prepared cotton pom-pom, as well as the eyes, which can be used as factory blanks or ordinary beads.

Fascinating spiral dolls will delight any child. In the store, these toys are certainly not for sale.

A few tips for beginners

So, do-it-yourself puppet theater, patterns andA description of the samples of which are given in this article can be made by everyone. The main thing is to have a desire to develop creative inclinations in their children and not to miss a very valuable time in education - the preschool age, when the child needs special attention.

Kids need a fabulous fabulous atmosphereconstantly. They learn specific behavior from fairy tale characters. The richer the repertoire of the puppet theater, the better. So dwell on the creativity of animals alone is not worth it.

In order for the puppet theater to serveas long as possible, in its manufacture it is worthwhile to use only new materials - paper, cloth, patches of foamiran. Keep such a game set must be separate from all toys to prevent damage. After all, the decor of the screen and many of the details on the dolls themselves require special care.

Ready-made theater sets are used forrole-playing games in which the whole character of the baby opens. He should be directly involved in voicing a character. After all, a passive viewer is not for children. Therefore, when making puppet theater, always listen to the wishes of the child.

Unusually simple ideas can bring in the house.comfort, fun and enthusiastic interest of its inhabitants. Often, the puppet theater is going to the whole friendly family, especially on holiday weekends. So use the collected material and improve it on your own. All the ideas proposed here do not require for their implementation very heavy financial expenses and a lot of free time. In just a couple of hours you can create a theatrical screen and a few smart and cute finger-operated dolls.

A puppet theater is not a ready-made toy, you have to work hard to create it, but to discover all its secrets it’s worth a little to try yourself, to dream.

If you do not know how to captivate a child todaythe era of many modern toys, which to a greater extent are not of particular use, immediately proceed to the creation of such an original creation.

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