/ / Why register a site in Google Analytics?

Why register a site in Google Analytics?

At the present time, your own site is no longerluxury, and a necessary tool for business promotion. True, owners often track only the statistics of visits to their resources, lightly ignoring all the rest of the information. For the effective operation of the site, it is necessary to clearly identify which pages are of the greatest interest, and where visitors do not even look, where the most transitions occur, etc.

For this, a very useful tool was developed - Google Analytics. This free service allows you to maintain a systematic statistics of the attendance of the resource, receiving the most detailed information.

Who should use Google Analytics?

- To business leaders: to find out what promotion activitiesgoods and services on the site brought the maximum effect, identify common trends and patterns of attendance, identify the most valuable customer segments.

- Internet marketers: to get information, where do they come fromvisitors and how long they spend the site, which keywords most attract potential customers, what types of advertising bring the maximum effect.

- To the developers of the site: to understand why people leave the resource, which pages they last the longest, what searches are used to find the site.

Reports Google Analytics can be configured as the frequency of receipt (once a day, a week, a month, etc.), and on the parameters of the analyst. The main sections that are included in the report are the following:

- traffic sources;

- visitors;

- goals;

- content.

Let's take a closer look at what information the Google Analytics counter offers.

1. Visitors: количество посетителей, страна и город их how many new and how many repeat visits, the average number of pageviews of individual pages and the entire resource as a whole, the length of stay on this site, the intensity of work with individual pages, the bounce rate, which browser, operating system and default language are installed by the visitor. The last point is very important for the correct language selection of advertisements.

If desired, you can compare these data with similar information about the sites of competitors.

2. Sources of traffic: volumes of direct traffic (visitors who have enteredto a site by direct input of an address or by a bookmark), sites from which referrals to this resource were made, search engines (how many people visited the site based on search results). A lot of analytical information is given by statistics and characteristics of key words on which visitors found this resource. You can find out the information for each word separately - how many people, from what city they came to the site, and a lot of other useful information.

3. Content: длительность просмотра страниц, количество refusals, the number of exits from the pages. This information will allow you to optimize the content of the site, find out what information seems most interesting to visitors, and what pages need to be altered or completely deleted.

4. Objectives. In this context, these are pages thatopen to visitors after performing certain actions - registration, purchase of goods, ordering services, etc. Therefore, the number of worked "goals" directly shows the effectiveness of the site, how it corresponds to the set business objectives. Google Analytics in this case will count the number of transitions for each banner or link, which will give full information about which of them are the most effective, and which can be completely removed from the site.

Comparing the target counter and the total number of visitors will allow you to calculate the conversion of the resource, which is one of the most important information about its operation.

To connect this wonderful countervisits to the site, you need to put on the pages that you want to track, a special HTML-code. It will be assigned to the site after registration in the Google Analytics system. To do this, you need to create your account in Google - a mailbox on Gmail and continue to follow the instructions.

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