/ / Gothic: Russian variant of spelling

Gothic font: Russian spelling

In this article we will talk about the mysterious Gothicfont. It is enveloped in antiquity and mysticism. Using the skillful hands of designers, you can create stunning effects on paper. Originality and non-standardism distinguish among others the Gothic font. The Russian version is a symbol of the national subculture.

The concept of font

Typography can not be separated from the design of a printed publication or an Internet project. In order to convey the idea to the reader, it is enough simply to use the necessary font. What is this, in general, this?

The word "font" is translated from German asthe verb "to write". This is a single stylistic and compositional system, consisting of a graphic drawing of the inscriptions of all existing letters and signs. It is inherent in a certain size and peculiar contour. Under the font also means typographical letters, created for typing texts.

gothic russian for photoshop

The history of the appearance of the Gothic font

Можно быстро пробежаться по былым временам.Gothic font was invented in the XI century. Since the time of the creation of the letter and the origin of printing, the masters began to type in the texts of the Gutenberg Bible. The name was proposed in the XV century by Italians, who perceived this font as "barbarous", inherent in the people is ready. Goose feathers were cut off diagonally and drawn by them contours of letters. The parchment was not cheap, so the symbols were very tight.

Variations: Gothic Russian font, description

У каждой версии написания букв есть своя история.The gloomy era of the Middle Ages left a mark on the Gothic font. The Russian pattern of the symbolic design resembles the architecture of fantastic medieval cathedrals with their narrow staircases and vertical towers. A special role is played by religious mythological symbols (various crosses, orders, cold weapons), expressed in the drawing of the letters themselves. With the Gothic architecture, the literature is familiar to everyone. In music, there are often such concepts as death, loneliness and sadness. The principle of the Gothic worldview: die, smiling.

Gothic Russian

Who is the Gothic font for?

If anyone is inclined to philosophy is ready, alltime tends to the greater (in any creative spheres of life), seeks indescribable beauty in a world in which it does not exist, then such an alphabet is simply created for it. A variation of the Gothic font Russian is offered by many site owners. If music, style, clothes and make-up help someone to bring in banal days a little emotions and feelings, then such a mark of letters will help change the boring life at the table in the printing house.

Using Gothic Font in Web Design

При создании сайта в подобном стиле немало money is spent on the promotion of the resource. Designers can save on the project template and find free unique fonts. Creators offer a variety of collections, consisting of terrible and mystical letters with stains. Among them you can find a suitable Gothic font. Russian alphabet strikingly looks on any picture in Photoshop and a text document.

Gothic Russian alphabet

Searching for a collection will take very little time.For the decoration of pictures Russian companies often order a Russian Gothic font for photoshop. When making a choice, you should pay attention to the fact that the file offered by the owner of the resource was compatible with Adobe Photoshop. Russian fonts are often in the same category with Latin characters, so you need to look for a separate subcategory.

Installation on the computer

In order to install one of the samples,click on the picture with letters, and then on the appeared download link. The saved file must be copied to the C / Windows / Fonts folder. To install the font on modern operating systems, simply open the downloaded file and click on the "install" button at the top.

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