/ / How to make money on Avito. Can I make money on Avito?

How to make money on Avito. Can I make money on Avito?

Most recently classified ads for sale or purchasethese or other things were placed in various regional newspapers and leaflets like “From hand to hand” and the like, which were published in huge circulation on a regular basis, contained information about the item being sold with photos, features, prices, and so on. Everyone who wanted to buy, say, a camera, took such a newspaper, opened the “Technique” section and chose what he needed.

Times have changed, and today, instead ofwait for the next issue of the newspaper, just open the site and track the most attractive offers in real time. Convenient, fast and affordable - this is how one can characterize modern bulletin boards, in particular the Avito resource, which can surely be called the largest in Russia.

how to make money on Avito

What is Avito?

Avito website - millions of ads from hundredsthousands of users across the country. Every day there are sold and bought a lot of a variety of products (both new and used) from a variety of categories. The resource has become so popular that not only individuals, but also companies that want to promote their products and services came to it.

make money on Avito without sales

Of course, in a place where constantlylarge quantities of goods are exchanged, everyone has the opportunity to think of a way to make money. At Avito, everyone can create an ad, indicate the characteristics in it, add a photo, indicate the price and contacts. After that, it remains only to wait for calls to begin.

How to buy and trade on the site?

Since Avito is a bulletin board,The first thing that comes to mind is the question: “How to make money on Avito through trading?” Do you need anything special for this? Can I start earning this way? ”And so on.

how much Avito earns

In fact, anyone can start trading here.whatever As already noted, you can create ads here for free (though for an additional fee the company offers a package of exclusive services, such as raising an ad, highlighting it and others). With such opportunities, everyone is able to highlight his ad a little and thus attract the attention of a larger number of potential buyers.

Actually, if everyone can trade here, thenand the answer to the question of whether it is possible to make money on Avito looks obvious. It is enough to find out what product and for how much will be bought here, and you, in fact, created your own business!

Earn by selling

Consider how to make money on Avito, onpretty simple example. Take some product (for example, covers for "iPhone" - a very popular category) and evaluate its market. By viewing the advertisements of your potential competitors (users selling the same product), you can evaluate the price level. Say, it is about the range from 200 to 3000 rubles apiece.

how to make money on Avito

Next, we are looking for opportunities to attract customers and,thus, “wedge” into this trading scheme. For example, as an option, you can try to attract people at the expense of a lower price, some tricky advertising move (for example, to hold some kind of action like “2 for the price of 1”) or bonuses (“buy a case - get a film as a gift”).

After that, how to make money with Avito,obviously: looking for suppliers of products with lower prices (it could be some kind of wholesale warehouses with accessories, Chinese suppliers-manufacturers, cheaper online stores, and so on), buy a trial batch (say, 50 pieces for the price of small wholesale), create ads. In order to understand which ads are more successful, we suggest creating several pieces with different characteristics, descriptions and, of course, bonuses. Everything! It remains, taking into account how trade goes, to lower or raise the price, to look for new suppliers with more favorable conditions, to expand the range and so on.

In addition to the covers, which, in truth, are a very "hackneyed" topic in online trading, you can try yourself in any other field. Just show your imagination!

Earn by buying

Another way to earn moneyAvito is a purchase. The process, it may be said, is the reverse of what was described above. The scheme of earnings is, in fact, the ability to buy a product on a bulletin board cheaper, and sell it somewhere else at a higher price.

is it possible to earn on Avito?

For example, owners of smallonline stores. Create your own shop, develop a range of products, pay attention to its promotion (in search engines, advertising networks or anywhere else), and then start trading!

With Avito, you can buy a batchlet's say, the same covers, from a wholesale supplier at a price of 200 rubles per piece, after which, having created beautiful photos and descriptions for each of them, start selling in your online store for 300-400 rubles.

Again, buying profitably, you can earnon Avito without sales on the bulletin board itself, provided that you know how to run your store. The same applies, for example, not to online shops, but to ordinary kiosks and real stores. However, in this case, you must not forget about the legal procedure for the declaration of the origin of goods. The easiest way would be, of course, to buy on Avito from private security companies or companies, not private individuals.

Earnings without sales

how to make money on Avito

For those who do not want to deal with tradeof course, there are, of course, other possibilities of such a popular site as Avito. Imagine: you have the opportunity to publish information for a huge number of users who make purchases and sales on the Internet. This is a unique chance, and in fact, many people use it differently, ranging from the provision of additional services for the promotion of ads, their publication on other boards and ending with banal spam and fraud.

The advantages of all these methods (ifconsider them as a source of income, regardless of the degree of legality) consist in an extraordinary approach. Judge for yourself: people at Avito are accustomed to being written by those who wish to buy their goods. Accordingly, if you write them with an offer (for example) to promote their ad and for an additional fee to attract more interested visitors, it will be unexpected, and the person will think. Banal spam and fraud, however, do not work along the same lines - as a rule, they are too obvious. Yes, and we do not advise them to do, because this is a criminal activity.

Popular ways to make money

As specific examples of howto earn on Avito without using trade, we can cite the following: help with placing the user's ad on other boards and increasing the chances of selling a product (for example, for 200 rubles to publish a similar ad on 50 boards), parsing content to place it on the site (“ Avito ”is updated every day on hundreds of thousands of pages, and if you collect this content, you can upload it to your own site, and then earn money on it), advertise your site in the ad in some tricky way (for example, you publish information about Even your phone for a ridiculous price, users write you, then you answer them using the links of the resource).

The schemes of how to make money on Avito can be much more, the main thing is to think out your own way and try it out in practice.

Tips for finding earning schemes

To find ways to make money, think howthe site itself is arranged, what actions the user is allowed to perform, how easy it is to force people to do this or that action in your favor (pay money for a paid service, go to the site, and so on). It is possible that in order to find a scheme for how to make money on Avito, you will have to think from the point of view of human psychology.

how to make money with Avito

Protect your business

When learn to make money on this boardads, think about the stealthiness of your scheme. The fact is that if a wide circle of people learn about it, the scheme is likely to cease to be relevant. And the bulletin board itself and its administration should not be taken into account: if the method of earnings is not prohibited by the rules of the resource, taking into account how much Avito earns within its main activity, the site will not copy your scheme. Other users are easy. So try to make the money making method as less obvious as possible.

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