/ / Masters of blogs: the correct banner size for "Youtube"

Masters of blogs: the correct size of the banner on "Youtube"

Beginners bloggers face manytechnical problems: how to design the channel, what size should be a banner on "Youtube", how to make a quality trailer and much more. This article describes the main points that you should know.

banner size on YouTube

Today, "Youtube" has become an integral part of ourlife. Every day people come to him. Viewers themselves bloggers spend a lot of time on "Youtube" and know that there are the most diverse content. Beginners yutubery try to bring something new and unique in their own videos to attract attention and increase audience. The design of the channel significantly affects the growth of popularity. Therefore, you need at least to know what size the banner should be on "Youtube". Of course, we must not forget about the quality of the content itself.

The size of the banner on "Youtube"

This is basic information that is easyis located in the service centers of Youtube. But details with these dimensions are not always clear. What is the size of the banner on "Youtube"? The recommended size of the site is 2560 by 1440 pixels. But, filling in for the channel the graphic document, many beginners face that on the banners the part of the image is visible only. And visually the usual caps of channels do not look like sounded sizes.

The fact is that actual figures differ fromdeclared. So what size do you need a banner for "Youtube"? In fact, on the channel page in the header, only the area in 1546 to 423 pixels in the center is displayed. In this area, you need to arrange basic information. This is the minimum display area that is visible on mobile devices. The size of the banner on "Youtube", which is visible on the tablets - 1855 per 423pixels. On the computer monitors, only a narrow band of 2560 pixels at 423 pixels is visible. 2560 at 1440 - this is the size of the banner on "Youtube", which is displayed on widescreen TVs. It needs to be considered, I insert a picture. The size of the banner on "Youtube" should not be more than two megabytes. The format is any graphic, but jpg is preferable for the system.

Banner value for the channel

This is the "face" of your channel, this is what the firstIt catches the eye when the viewer enters it. Boring design leads to the fact that even in the Rivers with interesting videos are slightly added new subscribers. The channel should be stored in memory and attract attention. Banner is the best and simplest means of achieving this goal. A dull channel very quickly leaves the memory of the viewer. So give it enough time.

what is the size of the banner on YouTube

How to make a quality banner

This question interests all who want topopularity on "Youtube". Of course, you can ask in "Google" or on the forums. But often the advice that it manages to meet is absolutely useless. For example, some articles recommend simply refer to the pictures "Google" and download beautiful wallpaper on your desktop. Of course, you can use this advice if you want to mix with the army of faceless channels. This solution is no better than a standard gray banner.

what size should be a banner on YouTube

If you want the channel to be unique, do notbe too lazy to work on it. Make a banner with your own hands in Photoshop or in another graphics editor. Of course, you can take the base from the Internet, but you need to process the image so that it looks unique and completely consistent with the themes of your channel. Add your photo or avatar, write the name. Show your creative nature. If you can make a unique chip in the banner, then you will significantly increase the interest.

Other ways to attract attention

If you are going to seriously engage in blogging,then you just need to acquire an interesting channel trailer. This is even more important than a banner. After all, this is an accurate display of all your content. From the trailer, you can easily understand what is noticeable about your channel, what it can offer and whether it makes any sense to spend time on it. It should be short, informative, show what you offer, be interesting and enticing. You can take a look at the trailers of popular channels to understand what to focus on.

what size do you need a banner on YouTube

What a trailer should be

As it was said, the trailer is the most importantcomponent to increase the popularity of the channel. It will be seen by absolutely all guests who are somehow interested. And it depends only on you whether it will be a second impulse that will turn into nothing, or become a full interest, which will force a person to stay with you on the channel and look forward to new releases.

What are the qualities of a trailer?The most interesting and enticing insert in the first 15 seconds. The viewer should not get bored and turn off the roller. Be sure to describe your content. The viewer must understand what he subscribes to and whether it is necessary for him. Your task is to convince what is really needed. Encourage the guest to subscribe to your channel and explain why it is worth doing. Do not make a trailer for longer than a minute and a half. Statistics show that more people do not look.

Put the time in the quality content of the trailer,but not in its form. The video should be interesting and informative for future subscribers. If you have the opportunity of professional shooting - excellent! Take advantage of it. But if there is no such possibility, do not worry. Just shoot an interesting trailer.

In no case do not take someone else's videos. This is unprofessional and will only discourage the desire to subscribe to such a "master".

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